Prada F/W 2007.08 Milan

I hate the materials, the shoes, the handbags and a lot of the colour combinations are hideous :yuk: Maybe I'd like some of the individual pieces. The only thing I like is the socks.
Gorgeous gorgeous shoes & bags! Love those kicky legwarmer stockings & the coats are fab. Thanks both brian & kevinnn for the pics.
Argh! God she's so useless... Everything is so experimental-intellectual wannabe. It's honestly hopeless from the beginning to the end.
I find it pretty ugly. Too fussy and hairy. It's like the muppet show, yegh.
I LOVE the footwear though

mellowdrama said:
If thick, shag-fuzzy knits and boxy shapes make the models look like a truck, I don't want to see what it'd look like on an average figure. To say something nice, the collection has great, bold colors. So when I want to look like a great, bold, fuzzy orange and black truck, I'll think of Prada.

Haha I agree 100%
Finally, something interesting (and "intelligent"...whatever that means in fashion...) from Prada after seasons of hideousness. Some nice, JilSander-esque tailoring too. Perfectly suited to the "Kill Frill" mood! :)
review from wwd
Prada Fall 2007 Collection
02/20 06:30pm
Maybe Miuccia Prada gets too much credit. Who else could get away with sending out hair shirts seemingly made from old faux-fur toilet seat cozies and mannish oversized coats with their sleeves yanked off, only to be thought a genius? Perhaps the more appropriate question is, who else would try?

In a city where deep fashion thoughts, or for that matter, cute, skippy fashion thoughts, are at a premium, Prada makes us think. And to be honest, even after considerable Rodin-channeling, the collection she showed on Tuesday still made for complicated rumination. Was there an eco statement in the endless fur that was really in disguise? Did the message somehow tie into the Rem Koolhaus installation with its Styrofoam block seats left over from men’s?

“Fake classic, that’s how I define the collection,” Prada said after the show. “I wanted to keep to simple shapes, and when you do that you need to work on the colors and fabrics.”

The silhouettes were simple indeed and at times fake simple, as with the mannish coats that looked so familiar coming but caught you by surprise going, thanks to the blouson-and-half-belt effect that settled across the posterior. There were boyfriend cardigans, shift and sack dresses and Plain Jane shell-and-skirt motifs. Everything was shown with two-toned ribbed knee socks that were actually footless, and often topped off with little knitted caps.

But mundane? Hardly. As the designer noted, low-key shapes call for major fabric intrigue and in that area Prada amazed. Incredible work went into her materials, as she will be the first to let you know. “There was a huge research. They’re superexpensive,” she said. They looked it: the mohair fur; boiled mohair knits with silk overlay; bonded wools and silks that were pulled away in spots to create puckering; madcap plastic fringe that looked like some kind of throw-away brazenly recycled.

As in her urban-crusader collection of a year ago, most of the fabrics were
plenty weighty. But while then Prada went all dark, here she opted for a broader palette of hues pilfered from her far-flung travels. There were pretty pairings of nude with blush pink; ombrés shaded from mulberry pink to orange or taupe to emerald green, and some caustic combos of orange and blue.
In fact, some of the more caustic combinations and minimalist shapes harkened back to the designer’s mid-Nineties work.

Yet nothing looked retro. Rather, this was a confounding manipulation of
classics — both her own and those in fashion’s public domain — into something that looked like nothing else. But then such is the genius of Prada, even when it’s too much genius to fully figure out.
I always have a hard time to understand if the critic like the collection or not after seeing a review, and same as this one. Can anyone tell me the wwd journalist like the show or not. I think he(she) like it, isn't it?
I feel like cleaning the floor with those coats. Really. But I do like everything else.
I love this collection as I always do for Prada, didnt expect so many similar elements as seen in the men's wear. The shoes and socks are perfect!
Wade7310 said:
review from wwd

I always have a hard time to understand if the critic like the collection or not after seeing a review, and same as this one. Can anyone tell me the wwd journalist like the show or not. I think he(she) like it, isn't it?

I think that nowadays most of the journalists are too afraid to tell people how exactly they feel :rolleyes: . Kathy Horyn did, and see what she've got.:ninja:
mellowdrama said:
If thick, shag-fuzzy knits and boxy shapes make the models look like a truck, I don't want to see what it'd look like on an average figure. To say something nice, the collection has great, bold colors. So when I want to look like a great, bold, fuzzy orange and black truck, I'll think of Prada.

I agree. I like the colors she used. Fall collections can sometimes get too monochromatic: gray, black, brown, charcoal, etc., but the the shag coats in orange and yellow look like muppets.

I also did not like the carmel leather pieces. They looked like vinyl.

I did like the long sequin skirts. Not the dresses, but the skirts. They would be a fun alternative to long dresses for formal wear.

This is for I know why that green glittery furrylicious shapeless shirt looked so good :woot:
I don't know, I do like some of the ideas but a lot of the choices of fabric are just horrible. I don't think that many of these clothes are going to be flattering for most people, there is a real danger of them looking frumpy.

But I :heart: the shoes!
Prada said after the show. “I wanted to keep to simple shapes, and when you do that you need to work on the colors and fabrics.”

I think that she did a way better job in FW04......
I think it's the combination of simple & strange that will make this wearable. Prada will make more commercial pieces that are wearable for anyone, which isn't always shown on the runway to the press & buyers. But then again, there is something fun ^ funky for the one who wants a little bit more...

I think it's one of her best "visionary" collections in the recent years... Lately shes been very pretentious that it seemed odd to see her so concerned with what people were thinking...
normally I can look through prada collections and see some of her quirkier things would somehow be able to be incorporated into by normal wardrobe.

Like the temple skirts from fall 04 or the jeweled coats from fall 05 or some of the satin tunics from last season. all that stuff could be combined with basics for an attractive unique look.

but these muppet fur coats and the skirts/sweatrers made of what looks like blanket material or felt or something? I would not want to wear these things, they don't look chic to me, and I woudn't be able to combine them with something else for a good look.

I'm sure there will be a lot of in store basic items, but the unique things are Too unique, and I can't see how anyone could actually wear them and not look like and idot in real life

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