Stella McCartney for H&M

No.. the trousers are way big, as most of the clothes were (like the tulip dress).

I tried on a 34 way too big, for me, and that's uasually my size.
pucci_mama said:
No.. the trousers are way big, as most of the clothes were (like the tulip dress).

I tried on a 34 way too big, for me, and that's uasually my size.

weird.. im not fat but im not model skinny,, im like normal size and the 34s were just way too small for me!!! even my anorexic stick skinny bf tried them on and he could not even move his legs. . and trust me he is skinnier than most of the starving female models. plus he doesnt have hips so.....

i think 36-38 would have been more my size. my waist is about 27-28... im 168cm/54kg

go figure
kept my beige trenchcoat in a SMALL and returned my brown one which was a medium...

i so wish i could find an X SMALL in brown :(
miss6o said:
weird.. im not fat but im not model skinny,, im like normal size and the 34s were just way too small for me!!! even my anorexic stick skinny bf tried them on and he could not even move his legs. . and trust me he is skinnier than most of the starving female models. plus he doesnt have hips so.....

i think 36-38 would have been more my size. my waist is about 27-28... im 168cm/54kg

go figure

that's funny, 'cause I'm usually 34/36 in jeans and the stella skinnies I tried in 36 were waaay to big for me. Someone returned them while I was at HM and I was sooo excited about getting them in 36, and really disappointed when I tried them on, they were really sagging!

And I'm exactly your size.. waist 27, 170 cm / 53 kg - almost like you....

seems like the sizes vary a lot, doesn't it?
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Sizes seem to vary everywhere don't they, I thought I'd better not risk it buying the jeans from ebay, so I invested in a pair of Baxters from Topshop instead. I'm usually a 29/30 waist but the 28's fitted me best in those :huh:
Amerie said:
Sizes seem to vary everywhere don't they, I thought I'd better not risk it buying the jeans from ebay, so I invested in a pair of Baxters from Topshop instead. I'm usually a 29/30 waist but the 28's fitted me best in those :huh:
Yeah that sounds like the best option...its so annoying when you get stuff and its the wrong size, so disappointing :( I bought some Levi's from a mail order catalogue here, and I'm usually a 29 but the 29 wouldn't zip up, at all. Then the 31 was too baggy. Luckily the 30 fits perfectly and I didn't have to pay for shipping or anything each time I sent them back ^_^ but you'd think Levi's would be the same size everywhere (and no I haven't put on weight)..
therese said:
that's funny, 'cause I'm usually 34/36 in jeans and the stella skinnies I tried in 36 were waaay to big for me. Someone returned them while I was at HM and I was sooo excited about getting them in 36, and really disappointed when I tried them on, they were really sagging!

And I'm exactly your size.. waist 27, 170 cm / 53 kg - almost like you....

seems like the sizes vary a lot, doesn't it?

yeah its strange!! i havent tried the 36 on so i dont know. seems like there is a huge gap between sizes 34 and 36!

i heard from someone that when she tried the jeans of her usual size the waist was big but on the legs they were im sure if i had tried the 36 on it would have probably been too big.. :(

sux cause the jeans were one of the nicest things in the collection..
miss6o said:
yeah its strange!! i havent tried the 36 on so i dont know. seems like there is a huge gap between sizes 34 and 36!

i heard from someone that when she tried the jeans of her usual size the waist was big but on the legs they were im sure if i had tried the 36 on it would have probably been too big.. :(

sux cause the jeans were one of the nicest things in the collection..

i found that the same was true with the brownish plaid skinny-leg trousers. i'm usually a 26 in jeans and the 36 was too big and the 34 was too small. both were tight in the calves, which i found odd, because i don't think my calves are gigantic. in any case, i returned both pairs.

speaking of returns, i was at the 34th and 7th store on friday and they had a bunch of stella returns on a rack together. mostly large sizes, but they had a few different items. no dresses or jumpsuits, though.
Stellas Hennes collection is so gorgeous, there was such a stampede for it in Hennes London, you wouldt believe!!!

I know I’m very late to this party, but I came across the collection by chance today and was pleasantly surprised ! Maybe because I had no expectations whatsoever but I really liked the color palette & some of the pieces…

I bought the green chiffon dress, tuxedo blazer and jeans…I hardly ever wear jeans let alone skinny fit, but must say these are very flattering (even to my curvy figure) It must be the freakish sizing because I usually have a very hard time finding pants that fit well !

One item I found very disappointing especially compared to the pics in this thread was the bow jacket. The bow detail is actually a pinned on and quite cheap looking imo (most bows were missing from the jackets btw!)

Most of the collection is still available in odd sizes in one store here in Amsterdam (there were tons of jumpsuits and trenchcoats left) and apparently in Rotterdam there are still some pieces available as well I was told...
heh, here the leftover trenches are missing their sashes.

i dont think this was a good strategy on h&m's part, they made the line so exclusive that costumers have been buying what they can and then holding on to it for months for end only to return it.
im a bit tired of the stella stuff already
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i still havent seen anybody wearing any around here, i think it all went to ebay:lol:

atleast i seem to be the only person with the trench so no clone problems as of yet;)
Last saturday I went to Munich and it looks like the sale of Stella's stuff already began, sales from 30-50%. Most of the stuff which was still left was 50% off.
I still like some of the things, but then I'd buy this kind of thing whether it had the name on it or not.

Here's a pic of the dress I bought in case anyones interested.... I love the colour and fabric.

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