UK Vogue January 2025 : Angelina Kendall by Mikael Jansson

Ok and? It's like calling someone American, Australian, Canadian, etc. it doesn't specify if they're white or non-white or indigenous or whatever. I mean, Brazilians can be white-as-hell. Is she Maori on her father's side? Is that what makes her non-white?
Sorry if that was confusing I meant it as in I think that she’s white. I edited my post before you responded and my reply made no sense now
Angelina is harder to light than some of her peers, her face isn't sharp enough for harsh lighting around the cheek to mouth area, but a half light makes her features more fluid and feline as Mikael does here. Studio portion of the shoot is nice, tangerine compliments her complexion really well. Don't like how ill-proportioned the styling is in some looks but i'm glad hats are back in Vogue and the hyper girly/non MJ 80's iteration. Angelina's not perfectly modelesque but got this fleshy Gia-ness about her and somehow that works for me. Her smile is really beautiful in motion too, hope some of these days we get a great smiling picture from her.
BV sarting the year off an a low note - not surprised

there's something very dated, unfinished, and throwaway about the whole spread. it's like they published all the test shots to appear quirky and different, while still failing to accomplish the basics.

it's like editor's nowadays need a bootcamp for fashion magazine editing
No subscription copy yet, but judging from the images uploaded in ebay listings, this issue has around 176 pages, and in the main editorial section, the cover shoot is followed by an interview with actor Drew Starkey, shot by Scott Trindle, then a reprint of the I&V 'dance' editorial from US Vogue, and then something called "We'll Always Have Paris".
No subscription copy yet, but judging from the images uploaded in ebay listings, this issue has around 176 pages, and in the main editorial section, the cover shoot is followed by an interview with actor Drew Starkey, shot by Scott Trindle, then a reprint of the I&V 'dance' editorial from US Vogue, and then something called "We'll Always Have Paris".
The “We’ll always have Paris” ed is actually a reprint from Vogue France Dec 24 issue, shot by Anthony Seklaoui styled by Alastair McKimm.
Scott Trindle
Styling: Edward Bowleg III
Hair: Chi Wong
Make-up: Crystabel Riley
Grooming: Fay De Bremaeker
Models/Celebrities: Rami Malek & Indira Varma

UK Vogue Digital Edition
Digital edition has 186 pages, and besides Angelo Pennetta's ed I've just posted, this is the whole fashion contents:

UK Vogue Digital Edition
Surprisingly- after flicking the whole issue- my favorite ed is actually Angelo Penneta’s one. Angelina’s ed is disjointed and the Dance reprint ed has way better layout and flow in Us Vogue.
What’s even more pathetic and hilarious than this Vogue devolving into a budget desktop-publishing student project, is that Angelina has the identical expression in every select LMFAO

Chioma's Vogue always reminds me of my sloppy ModelMayhem days... :sigh:
It's not entirely UK Vogue's fault, but I'm sick of the entire sight of what passes for fashion - low-effort shoots with horrific styling - and I'm beyond caring about the musical chairs of designers moving houses to churn out the same content, just under a different logo.

The cherry on the top is the ridiculous prices for sweatshop products. Any sense of 'luxury' left the building around the same time that social media really started taking off, and now everyone allows themselves to be led by teenage-level takes on every issue, for fear of being cancelled by people who can't put their phones down.

Now we also have AI, which is the average of everything it gathers as input, and soon enough, that input will be recursive levels of AI-generated content going into an AI generator, achieving never-before-seen levels of averageness.
Love the fashion editorial "She's Eclectic" by Pennetta. It is short but visually satisfying. In such styling, Heiner must be a head turner on the street.
Finally getting chance to sit down and go through my issue - that cover shoot is certainly not Mikael Janssen's finest moment, but reading the accompanying article about Angie makes me feel a little bit of that magic you get when a model is having her moment. I also appreciated the circular experience of seeing a very brief mention of tfs on a printed page of Vogue.

With the cover, I didn't really notice this until I had the print copy in my hands, but there's a giant black shadow taking up the right hand side of the shot, as if we're a pervert hiding behind a corner, trying to get a glimpse of the young woman we're stalking in the street and who is trying to get away from us. And in a way, if the story had fully committed to that scenario, it might have made it more interesting (although probably completely at odds with Vogue's position on such things).

As it stands, it just looks like an amateur took some images where something got in the way of a decent photo.

I also enjoyed the content with the actors Marianne Jean-Baptiste and Indira Varma, but the fashion reprints didn't do much for me. When you're aware of them already, it's hard to see them with fresh eyes.

When's the next issue out? 21st January, same as Vanity Fair. The Feb issues of UK Bazaar, Tatler and Elle are out at the start of January.
Photography: Angelo Pennetta
Styling: Julia Sarr-Jamois
Hair: Benjamin Muller
Make-up: Karin Westerlund
Model: Ida Heiner

UK Vogue Digital Edition

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