Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2008 - Please see first post before posting*UPDATED

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Abbey lee was great I think, Sarah was a bit blank at the end of the runway and i LOVED the pink segment it was fun but not tacky. Once again i hate the pointing and the shots of the audience. I wish we could just have a video where it stays at the one point the whole time so you can see everything..
I agree with everything Dior_couture said, except about the comment on Adriana Lima..i think she looked the best she's looked in years last night! :heart:
abbey lee? no i don't agree with you, she was the worst of the pink segment. too babish and horrible legs :(
You could tell Julia was nervous wearing the wings.
Marisa's walk improved, but I don't think she's a good walker yet. Especially in the Moderns section when they told her to go faster, it was not good at all, she was power walking.

Overall I loved the show, there were some issues (too many celebrity shots - don't care for them), but overall much better than last year's show.

And Usher sweats too much. It was gross.
Angela's face was fierce. Unlike a lot of models, she ages very well. But now with all the girls doing the arm and dance, her walk no longer stands out like it used to.
Angela's face was fierce. Unlike a lot of models, she ages very well. But now with all the girls doing the arm and dance, her walk no longer stands out like it used to.

I always look forward to seeing Miss Lindvall. The girl is drag from head to toe and a fierce diva of the runway! Her hands are everywhere! :lol:

There is a reason they use her every year.
i watched it again, my favorite segment has got to be dangerous.
although the "clothes" didn t do anything for me all throughout the show, i liked pink the least, but then again, every year it s my least favorite.

-i hated all the kiss blowing and the pointing, didn t make sense at all.
- Lara was the least pretty one, thank god they didn t focus on her much she looked liked she got lost and ended up in a room full of self confident beauties.
-too bad there wasn t more of Carmen i love her and Isabeli.
-wasn t impressed by Adriana, she looked better in other shows.
-enough of Heidi please
-Karolina, major oh my god moment, didn t even need to be filmed. i find her very very overated and boring

overall it just made me miss Gisele even more. can t she 'gueststar' or something
oh i have to say it again, this is soooooo Rodarte
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I always look forward to seeing Miss Lindvall. The girl is drag from head to toe and a fierce diva of the runway! Her hands are everywhere! :lol:

There is a reason they use her every year.

I agree 100%
Her gestures and hand movements actually work with the show. She can actually get away with it where as Noemie, Selita and Adriana just look crazy and ridiculous

overall it just made me miss Gisele even more. can t she 'gueststar' or something

Gisele was the Dolce & Gabbana commercial for The One perfume. :lol:

I'm kind of surprised they even aired that during the VS show, wouldn't it seem like a conflict of interest? Gisele's no longer with them.
tell me about it ^ 07 and now 08 just make me think of one name.....GISELE!
they were foolish for letting her go. I was happy to see Adriana given the star treatment, but she really hasn't risen to the occasion. Heidi gets more attention.
- Lara was the least pretty one, thank god they didn t focus on her much she looked liked she got lost and ended up in a room full of self confident beauties.

Agree to an extent. I love Lara otherwise, she was super fierce and gorgeous in the Nov. I-D, but she really looked out of place in VS. She should have just kept her trademark scowl instead of trying to smile during 'Dangerous,' it just didn't suit her. And the makeup didn't really work for her features and bleached eyebrows either, don't know where it went wrong! :(
Usually V.S. is dead on with popping music. The only upbeat song that had me bopping was The Ting Tings in the Pink section. Otherwise, the music was difficult to work to and was a bad match for the runway. Surely V.S. could have had a more current artist like Britney Spears, Rihanna, M.I.A., anyone.

Oh yeah..and WHAT was that Victoria's Secret segment? Who is Victoria? What is her secret? That's something a middle schooler would ask....
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they were foolish for letting her go.
Well what do you expect. As she became more famous she grew a big head for money and raised her salary requirements to obscene levels. In the end she's just another walking doll and can moderately easy be replaced by another model.
And Usher sweats too much. It was gross.

To be fair though, I think it was just really hot. I mean it looked like people in the audience were sweating too.

Call me crazy but I like Lara in the show. It reminded me of the shows from 2003 and prior when they would actually put a lot of high fashion models in the show and they always didnt have the VS model look.

I also miss Gisele. Im a big Adriana fan but I couldnt help but think that Gisele would have done that little intro way better. I loved that Carmen and Angela were there though, the other top models from her era.
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LOL I finally downloaded it, Lara really did a BAD BAD job, and my favourit part so far is Angela saying "I think I hammed it up just a little too much".

And yeah the sweating is kinda gross but what do you expect? Any sized room with that many models and lights is going to be HOT!
Usually V.S. is dead on with popping music. The only upbeat song that had me bopping was The Ting Tings in the Pink section. Otherwise, the music was difficult to work to and was a bad match for the runway. Surely V.S. could have had a more current artist like Britney Spears, Rihanna, M.I.A., anyone.

Well I thought the Dangerous Segment was very upbeat and exciting. The music fit perfectly with the models in that segment. Flavia, Carmen, Isabeli, Angela and Ana BB killed it. But I agree that the Pink segment was also upbeat and exciting

But I definitely agree that they should have had M.I.A, it would of worked well in the Black Tie Holiday segment, or replacing Usher in the first segment haha
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