Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2008 - Please see first post before posting*UPDATED

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I loved Julia in the glamour segment :woot: the ballet segment I felt so sorry for her :cry:

Julia was incredibly sexy in the glamour goddess segment. But I agree. She looked so pained and stiff with those wings on. I bet VS got too ambitious with those wings. I'm surprised they didn't give Julia her usual victorian style outfit with a train. 05 she had a train, 06 she had a train and 07 she had a train :lol:
^yea :( haha I notice also vs usually always does a closeup of her face and not her face+ body at the end .. I guess they dont really like her body?
I'm so dissapointed with Edita.. she got so little airtime and she was the most beautiful by far.. :\
Candice was SOO HOOTT
and marnya OMGGG ! did anyone see her wink and her butt slap? SO hot! Future angel.. imho
Doutzen: Dont like ehr walk but lvoe her face..
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I will get back to this later, so I can be more precise (it's 2:30 past midnight right now). But I just saw the show and my first reaction is that I'm disappointed.

I didn't like the music at all, IMO Adriana & the miracle bra hardly got any attention and the outfit looked more 'bla' after seeing the show than it did in the pictures..
I think Doutzen, Flavia, Miranda and Alessandra were standouts. They were looking beautiful, I liked their walks and they impressed me right away.
I didn't even understand what the fuss was about KK (why didn't they leave that out? Felt like they were wasting time on this while they could have showed something better instead.) and it just didn't even come close to what I was hoping for..
^yea :( haha I notice also vs usually always does a closeup of her face and not her face+ body at the end .. I guess they dont really like her body?
I'm so dissapointed with Edita.. she got so little airtime and she was the most beautiful by far.. :\
Candice was SOO HOOTT
and marnya OMGGG ! did anyone see her wink and her butt slap? SO hot! Future angel.. imho
Doutzen: Dont like ehr walk but lvoe her face..

at the end of that segment they showed her body and it was tilted forward because of the wings poor thing
Well what do you expect. As she became more famous she grew a big head for money and raised her salary requirements to obscene levels. In the end she's just another walking doll and can moderately easy be replaced by another model.

That doesn't seem to have happened. Look at the circus that the show has become now. There's no more straight faced Gisele to keep the balance.
they were foolish for letting her go. I was happy to see Adriana given the star treatment, but she really hasn't risen to the occasion. Heidi gets more attention.

Well honestly she has outside of this show, she's done a mini tour and brings in more people at the signings than any other model they have. She's bringing/brought back the miracle bra (biggest bra vs ever had, and they actually paid her an extra 5 million dollars to do the campaign alone) she did the superbowl commercial, and had her own tv special this year...She's very popular with the public and they love her, like I said no one is going to get the attention when Heidi is there. They could have really made a big deal out of her bra, but Heidi had to introduce it which was ridiculous. When Heidi steps aside the other girls will shine, until then nothing is going to happen and it's going to continue being the Heidi show. From the looks of the show VS tried to make Adriana, Alessandra and Miranda the stars (in that order) obviously with Adriana's opening, and her open and close of the first segment and the fantasy bra, and Alessandra's backstage footage and etc, but the editing was so bad to include Heidi's walk all the way down and all the way back after she walked out it was ridiculous. Along with the Who is Victoria and the Pick up lines, can we just take the runway show back to runway and backstage it was...

As for the whole show, I think the show was great, but I think the editing made it look bad. Personally I think they need to pull it from CBS and make it a paid special where it can be a 2 hour show maybe an hour before that of just backstage and special extra footage, so they wouldn't be rushed at all.
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You can watch the show online in HD quality here

I think they edited this show too bad, they gave too much attention to usher and the other singer that prefomed, i think they had to gave more importance to the models, i can't even saw them doing a complete walk, was in parts, and it doesm't look good, in my opinion.
She's bringing/brought back the miracle bra (biggest bra vs ever had, and they actually paid her an extra 5 million dollars to do the campaign alone)

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @ the thought of VS paying Adriana an extra $5 MILLION just for the Miracle bra campaign! The let Gisele (who was, with Heidi and Tyra, one of the 3 most famous models VS has EVER had) break her contract because they wouldn't give her a raise beyond her YEARLY salary of $5 million. what does Adriana make from them in the course of a year? $3 million? they pay an EXTRA $5 just for one bra campaign, which she would be contractually obligated to model in anyway!?

as Whitney says, "Show me the receipts!"

as for the show itself -- does anyone else feel like it was edited by different people in different segments? the 1st segment was SO poorly edited. it was just way too busy. and confusing! you see a model walk out, see her hit her mark, then you'd see the next model come out ... then they'd cut to the 1st model again ... and back and forth. made me dizzy. :doh:

whereas the PINK segment was edited fabulously and so was the gorgeous one that Doutzen opened with all the flower petals raining down.
^yea :( haha I notice also vs usually always does a closeup of her face and not her face+ body at the end .. I guess they dont really like her body?
I'm so dissapointed with Edita.. she got so little airtime and she was the most beautiful by far.. :\
Candice was SOO HOOTT
and marnya OMGGG ! did anyone see her wink and her butt slap? SO hot! Future angel.. imho
Doutzen: Dont like ehr walk but lvoe her face..
speaking of Candance, got a feelin' she'll be the next Angel....
I would prefer maryna over candice hahahah totally!! but i know it wont happen hahaha anyway i think emanuela and behati will be the next angels
Does anyone know where the pics from the show are? held besides, because it wont allow me to save pics from that site.
I would prefer maryna over candice hahahah totally!! but i know it wont happen hahaha anyway i think emanuela and behati will be the next angels

I'd want Maryna to conquer more things in the HF world before she becomes an Angel. Candice is just slamming. VS better realize that they have a gem in their hands with her.

The VSFS 08 highlights video shows Emanuela with all the other angels but no Behati, so i'm sure that means she's an Angel right? :blink:
I'm a bit confused about Behati's position, it's like she's between an angel and a contract model. I like to think of her as the Pink Angel :lol:
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO @ the thought of VS paying Adriana an extra $5 MILLION just for the Miracle bra campaign! The let Gisele (who was, with Heidi and Tyra, one of the 3 most famous models VS has EVER had) break her contract because they wouldn't give her a raise beyond her YEARLY salary of $5 million. what does Adriana make from them in the course of a year? $3 million? they pay an EXTRA $5 just for one bra campaign, which she would be contractually obligated to model in anyway!?
Gisele, Adriana, and Alessandra are the only models in the history of the company to get 5 year contracts as well. Heidi and Tyra don't even have those, they had three years. And now Adriana makes 5 million a year with them, with a 25 million 5 year contract. Gisele was paid several times millions to promote a line or product such as the IPEX line...Alessandra has as well, and I'm sure Adriana has in the past and this is just another. They didn't raise Gisele's yearly salary which is a bit different than giving her more for a campaign. Sorry.
Adriana Lima will be the new face for the Miracle collection by Victoria's Secret
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But yes along with Alessandra she is the top dog at the company with her contract and she's very valued. Also yes they've paid Gisele before 5 million extra to do the IPEX campaign as well because the Ipex was like the Miracle bra where it will be several different types of the Miracle bra, and the Miracle bra was the biggest bra VS has ever had, they're top seller so it is quite the big deal :)Hence why she got the commercial to herself.
Between the superbowl commercial, hosting her own special, being the face of Biofit, doing a mini tour for Biofit, she was the main face along with Doutzen for SO, face of Dream Angels wish, she was the only one to get her own christmas commercial, the fantasy bra, and now the miracle bra line, and being the first model in the history of vs to open and close a segment in the fashion show. So that's why it's hard to see Dri taken her spotlight away from Heidi when she's worked so hard this year (and will next year) to be the lead.

Anyway...this is totally irrelevent, so anyway, I wish fashionstock would rlease a version..
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Does anyone know where the pics from the show are? held besides, because it wont allow me to save pics from that site.

Can anyone help me please?
What pics do you want hun, and I'd be glad to get you some, since they're really isn't one specific place :)
Morgane Dubled, All the girls from the Pink segment and Adriana from the Black Tie Holiday Segment, Julia Stegner from all of her segments and Lara Stone from her segments...Sounds wierd i know but i really like some of these outfits and of course the models. Thanks :)
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