Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2008 - Please see first post before posting*UPDATED

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i thought i've seen quite a lot of backstage:p
but it certainly is better than last year.:flower:

Marisa improved her walk though, which was good, IMO she is v pretty, but maybe not as an angel?:unsure:

What is Mr-Dale is saying is that in the last year´s show, during each segment they were constantly changing from the runway to the backstage, this year they didn´t it that much, but still sometimes.
What is Mr-Dale is saying is that in the last year´s show, during each segment they were constantly changing from the runway to the backstage, this year they didn´t it that much, but still sometimes.

Thanks for clearing that up, but wt I meant is that I thought there were actually more backstage this year?
I donno but it's probably because my memory isn't serving me right at the moment :D
^yes, there were more backstage this year than last year´s for sure.
My opinions: I don`t like Rosie, not at all, I hate to say this but her face is so unattractive to me. Pink Section was cute, except Abbey Lee`s panties, omg, they were hideous. I like Marissa`s body, but already last year I wondered who is this 35 yrs old malibu-barbie? Her face looks kinda old, maybe because of too much tanning?? I loved Lara, too, call me a blinded fan but she was great! Maryna did good job, but not my fave. Sessilee was one of the best, Arlenis, Noemie and Emanuela were boring. Miranda was glowing, Ale was Ale and Adriana is always so beautiful, it`s unbelievable. Everybody else..well, good job!
General facts
- I liked the runway.
- The cutting was horrible! As people mentioned, Behati once stood on the left side of the runway, then suddenly she came from the right. And once Noemie striked her pose, then she suddenly was blowing a kiss and waving her arms like outta NOWHERE. The editor should be fired.
- I liked the outfits. More lingerie, as Mr-Dale said (couldn't give you more karma :judge:), not as costume-y (remember those lips Isabeli had to wear, or that silvery shining thing Stam wore) as in the last two years.
- Loved the hair. I adored the fact that all girls were looking different, not like clones from each other (Heather and Stam eg)
- The beginning with the angels was cool with the angels introduction.
- I don't know what people complain about that Usher performed twice, we knew that would happen. ALL the other performers did so in the last years, too...
- I, for one, liked the balance between BS and runway. The girls are having fun, on and out, and it was nice to get more than only the two runway seconds of Edita. Also, it gives the normal viewer who isn't a fashion fanatic an impression about the BS life at a runway show.
- The show was too rushed. Half an hour more would be nice.

Glamour Goddess
Outfitwise: The shoes of Heidi, Selita and Adriana were HOT. Loved Heidi's and Selita's outfits.
Usher acted nicely with the girls (and I liked the first song). Adriana's opening sucked (the pointing and the double kiss), so did her closing (her FINGER! I felt so embarrassed for her! "Hey little one, here is the auntie you always hate and she really wants to annoy you"... -.- ). I don't care about whether VS likes that or not, I DON'T! She should stay with being gorgeous. Still, she wasn't as ridiculous as in the last two years. Loved her hair btw!
Ale and Miranda were lovely.
Maryna's first walk really disapoointed me, she looked so nice in the pictures, she walked even worse than the people who dislike Marisa claim her to walk though ("Here am I, are my boobs near enough in the camera?!"). So not feeling it! Selita rocked the wings, loved her! It fits her, I guess she's my Angela Lindvall.
Heidi looked gorgeous. I hate her in the red ribbon thing, but here she looks fantastic. Still, she (of course) gets too much screen time. But the thing with the hat just looked awesome and she gave this segment what it needed. Anne was amazing, too! But gosh, how could they give Heidi so much time - Izabel suddenly pops up at the end of the runway since they didn't show her walk at all - and she's one of the best looking in the whole show! I feel sorry for her, she should've gotten like 90 % of Heidi's and Adriana's time (and Doutzen's, who of course looked as good as she can - but that's not that much to me, she's too athletic/curve-less for my taste).
Julia surprised me, she was really classy. But that woman in the public who looked envious at Candice was pretty much showing a woman's feeling when looking at her. And she was one of the more silent beauties, no kiss by her - goood!
Music: Alright. Favourite girls: Heidi (I hate myself for that), Izabel, Selita

Who is Victoria?
I thought it was cute. Not necessary, but cute. And a hell lot better than the Stam cam...

Backstage 1 (time before the show)
See the girl in other styling, see what they did the day, I think it's a nice idea. Nothing can fill in for the model profiles in 01 though... Marisa seemed nice there ^_^

Babalu is a nice song I think. It's fun - but not dangerous enough for this segment... Marisa looks pretty and her walk is alright, honestly. Sure, she isn't as pretty as Inguna or Adriana, but she has a nice body and the people love her. And she seems really down to Earth. i don't get all the hate. And only because she didn't do Chanel or Anna Sui, she isn't a bad model. The "normal" viewer will find her more attractive than 90% of those girls (me included). And there wer by far more worse models in the shows! (Stam, Heather, Abbey Lee, Morgane, just to name a few who generally do not fit the show).
I like how she opened. No kisses, just walking. Still, she was outshined by Flavia - she's just fierce! Look at that booty! Carmen looks astonishingly nice. Her outfit sucks. Clara Alonso! Like her looks! But same with Marisa, she was so almost shy that it didn't fit the clothes. I'd want some fierce Tyra Banks looks.
Morgane managed to look hotter than them! And i never thought that would happen :lol: But, even though I love Morgane, her body etc., I hate her face with long straight hair, she looks so dolly-like. Have her hair short - then I would appreciate her in the show. This time she looked out of place to me, face wise. And Emanuela was disappointing. Too bubbly for me. Gorgeous, though.
Noemie, finally, was the first after Flavia to catch what I felt in the clothes and the segment title.
Backstage, Lara looked hot btw. I also liked her walk (LOOK guys, she CAN DO IT...), but she should've stayed with her normal sexy face, the kiss didn't fit her. But otherwise, I liked her appearance!
Andthen the good part of the segment really starts. First Isabeli, then Sessilee (the absolute favourite of mine!) rocking it fiercely, then Angela who finally made her over the top stuff in a segment where it fitted (she normally hamms it up too much though) and in the end Ana BB who just couldn't do wrong.
Music: Cool. Favourite girls: Sessilee, Flavia

Backstage 2 (nervousity)
Unnecessary. Took the precious time away...

The Modern
Well, that's a wonder! Ale starts on the right side and then walks on from the left! The cutting is a catastrophe. Ale looks pretty of course. Rosie is gooooooooorgeous! That little booty shake is priceless! Inguna looks amazing as always... but I think she could've given more energy.
Caroline should never walk on that runway ever again. She's just SO unattractive! Her hair is just ugh.
Adriana... Well. the outfit was pretty bad (I hate coats like that), but she finally WALKED and for God's sake, didn't make weird things with her finger. Much better. And so much more impressing! Selita was gorgeous, again. And Arlenis... well. In the pictures, she didn't do anything for me, but in motion! That little dance and that face/kiss at the end of the runway - amazing! That's what I want the models like! She was SO elegant and SO classy - go and look at that. And I'm not talking to Marisa, who looked really beautiful (nice, simple outfit, too), walked nicely and had such a nice slow motion at the end of the runway. Great walk of her. And Miranda's closing was fine. Poor feet!
Music: Ok. Hard to walk on, though. Favourite girls: Arlenis, Rosie (never thought I'd say so), Adriana

Backstage 3 (pick up lines)
Like it. But I think they had something like that already... Or was it that with the "first love" of the angels? Well. I thought it was fine.

PINK Planet
So guys, I watched this one over and over again, so prepare yourself for the world's biggest love declaration...! Never thought I'd love PINK, but finally it's SEXY, GORGEOUS and still CLASSY! And the models were better than most of the others... (and yes, I'm talking about the angels, too!) All of them had great walks, too!
The introduction was funny, you could really tell those girls were having a lot of fun. I thought it was quite creative. Behati's opening was the best of the whole evening. That flip in the middle of the runway was SO awesome! Erin worked that scarf, and her body was great. Sarah could've done even more, but she did it quite well and looked so beautiful, with her effect a bit similar to Inguna for me. Then Abbey Lee. Her face does not belong to VS, honestly. But her body and walk were really good, she somehow still fitted in. And she was so cool BS!
Shannan's dance was so cute! You want to dance with her! So energetic, so good! And Edita... :wub: She's the most gorgeous person in the whole cast, really. And again you could see the bad cutting, I think she was singing "that's not my name" but the way they cut it it looks like she's shouting something unknown. Still, she was peeeeeeeeerfect.
Lindsay was much better than last year, very pretty. Candice looked out of place here. i dunno. Sure, her body is great, but she looks older than the others (and her make-up made her look like the mean step mother, but maybe I just don't like her face, too big for my taste). And other girls had a body as good as her's. She wasn't as special in this year's show as she was in the previous one.
Rosie was looking really pretty. Somehow I think she wears the same outfit like last year, don't know why. And Flavia coming out - bombshell. She's so hot, really! That body is to die for!

Music: AWESOME. And singing KK backstage was so fun. Favourite girls: Difficult to choose one, I think they all were pretty good (even though I liked Abbey Lee and Candice the least). Edita of course, Shannan, Flavia


As said in the beginning, I think it was normal that he had a second perfomance. The song was cool and he entertained. That's what he was there for, right?

Backstage 4 (Glabalisation)
Well. You got to know the work behind the scenes, that was cool. But it took away the precious time! So I would've cut it.

Ballet des Fleurs
My least favourite segment, it was really bad.
Doutzen didn't walk properly to the music. Gosh, it cannot be that difficult to hear how the beat is :ninja: That made me really angry (I hate it when people don't get the music). But she did look beautiful, I have to give her that. Heidi didn't look half as good as in her first outfit. Too much rouge maybe. But she at least walked a bit slower, and then finally Candice managed it to find the tempo. Miranda managed to walk properly, too. And looked gorgeous by doing that. Caroline again was awful. Bad walk, bad looks, bad everything.
Emanuela didn't disappoint me this time. Looking beautiful and honest and elegant she found the feeling of the segment. Really, really fine walk!
Maryna was better, this time, too, still too powerful for the music and pushing her hear from left to the right, but still she was looking pretty, i also liked her kiss-turn. And she didn't push her back forward as much as in the first segment.
Sessilee looked lovely! I loved her walk and her face :heart: Definately has to come back next year! Clara really fitted into this segment, much better than in Dangerous.
KK was lovely as always, so beautiful and glowing... I'll miss her as an angel. And Inguna was absolutely perfect. Woah. Beautiful, sensual, classic beauty. Pure Love!
I felt a bit sorry for Julia, she really seemed to have problems with the wings and had to force her smile. But she did look pretty!
Irritating: Miranda suddenly running around, still in her goddess costume... That editing sucks -.-

Music: Maybe too slow for a VSFS, but actually quite nice and NOT difficult to walk on. I mean, is it just luck when the girl get the beat in the other songs? Do they want to leave the runway so quickly? They could have really presented themselves in a slower song, but (esp Doutzen) didn't use it. Favourite girls: Inguna, Sessilee

Black Tie Holiday
Heidi annoying already in the beginning while introducing the fantsay bra.
Selita looks awesome. Her walk is really good and she has energy! Only the scissor fingers were baaaad!
Izabel... Gosh. That body... No angel can top that one, really. They shouldn't have let her go ("Ale's twin" definately is the prettier sister now). That girl's body is INSANE! Her outfit and the little present (that one reminds a bit of the loved Bianca Balti in 05, same with the lollipop in 05 - they just should've gone for even MORE from that show, without copying) were some of the best in the show.
Ana BB was so good! Great she came back for the show... Isabeli was good, too, aas beautiful as always. That little twink was cute. Noemie was gorgeous, but the cutting ruined her walk. Ale looks great, so weird she just had a baby! Angela learned her lesson from the first walk and didn't hamm it too much this time, she was SO good! Really nice walk, lady!
And then: The Fantasy Bra. And as i already said - the presentation disappointed me. Adriana was far too nervous, poor girl. But I' rather have her like that, better than the last few years for sure.
This time Lara works it. She wooooooorks it! That's what she's there for. Looking fierce and sexy! So much better than the first walk. If she stays like that, she HAS to come back.
Marisa does her job again, and same with Carmen, they both look good and add some nice moments to the show. Doutzen looks pretty and happy this time, and since she cannot miss the beat it's fine like she does it. Last appearance: Heidi of course. And she looks baaaaaaaaaad! Gosh, I was so happy to see that. This outfit just looks bad on her!
Music: not my favourite, a bit lame. Favourite models: Izabel!,Lara

And so it ends. The finale outfits are so cute, too bad we don't get to see them properly.... All in all, I like this year's show much better than the last (aka The Heidi Show), this time the girls got more screen time. The editing sucked A LOT more than last time which I thought of not being possible. Still, I thought the music wasn't as good as in the "good years".
Well... That's it :D
Hmm about the Lara Stone, she has a great body but no she didn't stand out at all. her face was like she was bored or something smile a little more woman!

I didn't like the new models at all: Lara, Sarah, Abbey, Arlenis.
I think Emanuela did well, it's great VS chose her as the new Angel!
Also KK was great despite all the gossips about her being preggers and stuff she looked great.

Marisa walks horrible, she might have improved a little but from an VS-Angel I expect the best! Marisa is great for VS-catalog but def not Angel-worthy.

The music was def dissapointing. VS used to make great remixes!

But the most dissapointing thing for me was Doutzen. I was so excited when she officially became an Angel and couldn't wait to see her in the show. She used to be so fierce in 2005 en 2006 now she got a Angel-status she's all about the waving and arm-throwing.

So VS should go back to the old-style when it was all about a fashion show instead of an entertaining the audience-show.
Poor KK. I really really like her. I love her personality and I feel that she is a really sweet girl. She just has bad luck. I do agree that her body isn't as toned as it used to be. By no means is she "fat". If all of Americas "fat" people had her bmi/body fat percentage, we'd be a lot better off than we are. I'm a personal trainer and I get really pissed when I hear people say that kind of crap. Anyway. Does anyone know what happened to her last year? I saw the show but I was at a friends house and I didn't really get to focus all my attention on the show.
a question for those who downloaded the 1.5 gb version from vsholic yesterday:what player do you use to play it? I've tried vlc player and windows media player and downloaded all the codec packs and nothing.what am I doing wrong and what should I do?:unsure:
So VS should go back to the old-style when it was all about a fashion show instead of an entertaining the audience-show.

That was what supposed to happen this year, wasn´t it? some people were saying that they would become to the classy shows. well I guess the show is FAR from being classy, less classy than last year for sure.

VS is an entertainment show! that is a show absolutely dedicated to the celebrities that attend to the show.
After this I don´t think VS will ever change. they will keep making these shows.
WOW @ Flavia in the MODTV clip. she has the best walk of any girl who was on that stage. i'm just so impressed! she's so fluid and gorgeous! they should really let her open the show one of these years. they let KK open it before she was an Angel, so why not Flavia?
a question for those who downloaded the 1.5 gb version from vsholic yesterday:what player do you use to play it? I've tried vlc player and windows media player and downloaded all the codec packs and nothing.what am I doing wrong and what should I do?:unsure:

I use BSplayer & it works.
I see Im the only one who actually liked the 'Whos Victoria and whats her secret' thing lol...It was cute, smth silly and fun and it didnt take that long time either so I think its was a cute idea. Not that it gave any explanations lol..but anyway.

i liked it too, Julia! i thought it served it's purpose well -- which as far as i could tell, was simply to highlight all the celebrities in attendance/show how much a part of popular culture VS is.

plus, it let the models shine a bit as well, mostly Selita.
a question for those who downloaded the 1.5 gb version from vsholic yesterday:what player do you use to play it? I've tried vlc player and windows media player and downloaded all the codec packs and nothing.what am I doing wrong and what should I do?:unsure:

VLC works perfectly for me:flower:
Had Emanuela de Paula been in the show before? I didn't remember her from '07 but I think I've forgotten about half the models from last year in general.
I don't understand why VS signs girls on as Angels before they've seen them on the runway. A girl who is great in print could very well be terrible on the actual runway.
i really don't understand what they think on when they choose a model.
of course they'll ruin all emanuela possible career in the fashion business..and not because vs is not good, but because she's going to do it for the rest of her life
I don't understand why VS signs girls on as Angels before they've seen them on the runway. A girl who is great in print could very well be terrible on the actual runway.

I'm not sure I understand this so if I am wrong, definitely clear it up for me. I was under the impression that the only Angels who didn't do runway before VS were Selita and possibly Marisa, but I think Marisa even did a Versace show, at least that was what someone had told me before.

Adriana, Ale, Heidi, Doutzen, Karolina, Miranda all have done runway before they became Angels.

Or do you just mean the girls who aren't Angels?

Also, for anyone who saw the show more than once, did your feelings change on it? I'm still conflicted.
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