Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
^ My bets are on DNA and The Society too. I think DNA's Julia Bergshoeff, Rianne van Rompaey, Ine Neefs, Mica Argañaraz and Melina Gesto will do extremely well. And for Society I think we'll be seeing a lot of Larissa Marchiori, Alisa Ahmann, Alexandra Elizabeth Ljadov and Ysaunny Brito. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought out some unknown girls again à la Sophie Touchet, Tabitha Pernar and Nicole Keimig last season.
I also think Jing Wen, Emmy Rappe, Daria Korchina and Tami Williams will walk a lot of shows.
I just saw Antonia Wesseloh's new polas at Women. If she'll do shows in NY, I'm sure she would do well - she's looking better than ever!
Depending on how well Silent markets her, Cassi Van Den Dungen could be at a lot of top shows. She'll either book everything or nothing.
Well she won't be in Milan or Paris this season because of her son, just NY. Hopefully she can book some big shows. She would look great at Alexander Wang.I'm getting really impatient with Cassi's "exclusive" career.She's been getting all this hype for at least 3 years now & it's time for her to walk all the big cities. How much longer are we going to have to wait to see her at more big shows? Her career is starting to remind me of Juliane Gruner's. All this hype, a few big jobs, but still very little work under her belt after all these years. It's time for her agents to put her to work before the buzz wears off.
Depending on how well Silent markets her, Cassi Van Den Dungen could be at a lot of top shows. She'll either book everything or nothing.