American Apparel #2

I really like their stuff, but I hate that the quality varies so much..
I've bought things that lasted years, but a henley I bought two monts ago just came out of the washingmachine with the hem completly torn from bottom to armpit :shock:
I used my promo coupons purchased a couple weeks ago today. I keep hearing they may shut their doors, so I wanted to use them while I could. I got two more of their leather clutch bags. They're such a great deal for what they are.
i'm wondering: can you buy the nailpolish in stores too or only online?

They usually have a large selection in store.

I am not fond of their polish though-the colors are fantastic, but it doesn't go on evenly and chips quickly.

I really want to buy the velvet skirt, but it's almost spring time and I think it would look silly no? So now I'm contemplating the chambray one instead. It's too bad their chiffon skirts are so sheer-I love the colors-but I hate that you have to buy a slip.
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I used my promo coupons purchased a couple weeks ago today. I keep hearing they may shut their doors, so I wanted to use them while I could. I got two more of their leather clutch bags. They're such a great deal for what they are.

i was just looking at those clutch bags and sort of coveting one :p

which size/colors do you have?

i was looking at the medium online
They're phasing out the bull denim stretch skirt :( NOooooooo!!
I just bought the Sexuali-Tee in white and black, I love them.
i was just looking at those clutch bags and sort of coveting one :p

which size/colors do you have?

i was looking at the medium online

* The large in Black - it's pretty large, holds a ton of stuff

* medium: nice wrinkly burgundy color, pebbled red color and flat caramel colored. The medium sized is the most useful imo.

* coin purse in black - perfect for coins!
^^thanks! medium definitely seems like the way to go for me :flower:
They're phasing out the bull denim stretch skirt :( NOooooooo!!
I just bought the Sexuali-Tee in white and black, I love them.

I just found these recently and bought a few. *black *white *navy and orchid. Love love love them.
Is it true that American Apparel has no sales?

Yeah. They feel it cheapens the brand if they do, and they want to get rid of the sales racks that are in some of the stores. It was a big deal to even have sale items in the fall of '10. I'm not sure they can even afford to sell the stuff at a discount anyway, the way things are...

The best you can do is wait for a promo, like Groupon or BFF or buy 3 get 15% off. Or you can work for them and get 50% off...:lol:
:doh: "Cheapens the brand." That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard.

From their prices, I could probably only afford to get 1-2 at most. They could benefit from a discount rack. I mean, it's the first place that I'd go as soon as I walk in.

Otherwise the things there are just too weird to be practical.
I know, but they are moving towards a very different look and also price points. A lot of other brands do this too, it's not just American Apparel.

Maybe just choose 1-2 things, like one of the new sweaters or dresses and a pair of pleated trousers, so that you can re-work it into several different looks? That's what I do. I try to stay away from their basic stuff like tees and tanks and get one of the nicer things that are better quality anyway like the sweaters.:flower:
They just had a promo. Spend $25.00 for $50.00 worth of stuff. You could buy as many as you liked. It was one of those groupon like deals - they actually do those a lot.
the reason they don't have sales is because they send sale items to their outlets and their twice-yearly warehouse sales which are amazing if you happen to live in LA. they do also do sales on hautelook and stuff, and the aa website has a sale section too.
Here are my AA clutches:



i went to three stores to try them on and the SA's told me . . . only the outlet had them in stock
Here are my AA clutches:

thanks for the pics! i stopped in at their location in boston yesterday to check them out and the color selection in stock was very minimal...
so it's nice to see some more...
i was thinking i would just order online...

literally just remembered that i already have a vintage tan envelope clutch so that's one color i can eliminate from my choices :p

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