America's Next Top Models Cycle 14 -

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I found the entry on her blog where she says many of the girls aren't good looking enough to be models:

"Sono nella giuria di questa trasmissione e sono sorpresa da quante ragazze si presentino. La maggioranza di loro non è bella, ma, si sa, bisogna più che altro essere fotogeniche. È vero. Ma alcune sono veramente bruttine!"

"I am in the jury of this show and I am surprised by the number of girls trying out. The majority of them isn't beautiful but we know it's more important to be photogenic. It's true. But some are really ugly!".
(ugly maybe a too strong term, she means not very pretty)

I think she refers to the fact that she saw some of the auditions. When she talks about girls "presenting themselves" (si presentino) I think she means she saw the auditions and that's when she was struck by Kendall as the most gorgeous one. That's my speculation, by the way. I haven't found yet the direct reference to Kendall.

another comment

"Gentile Francesca, come accettiamo e anzi promuoviamo le modelle curvy, che oltretutto sono sempre più richieste come si può vedere dalle ultime sfilate. Come America's Next Top Model non decidiamo noi, ma trattandosi comunque di una trasmissione USA le modelle sono tutte americane. "

"Dear Francesca, as we accept and promote the curvy models, that are more and more on demand, as you can see from last runway shows. We don't decide in America next top model, but being an american show the models are all american."
I found another reference:
"When I am in a jury and I have to decide the winner, I feel sad for all the other contestants"
11:33 AM Jul 14th via web
from her twitter:

Her blog post was from 13.07.2010

a second post on twitter
"I've worked with the girls from America's Next Top Model today. Stay tuned to watch them on TV"
7:32 AM Jul 12th via web

this probably means she was filming on those days
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Jane. Kendal. Esther. That is all.

Seriously, what is the point of entertaining any of the other hamsters? I like Ann but, let's face it, girl looks busted when not in a photo. I'd say the makeover helped, but I'm not sure it's enough.

Jane and Kendal look gorgeous every time we see them. They don't need tons of photoshop to be fabulous. I will not understand if one of them doesn't win. I just won't. Oh, wait, Tyra's completely wackadoo. So who knows? *shrugs*

I don't get Liz. At all. She's pretty, but so ******-licious.

The extended scene of Tyra's tea party was hilarious. "Tyra ate all the carrot raisin bread!" :lol: She is such a ham.
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^ I think Ann is stunning and always have been. I'm happy her confidence is growing.
If Kayla wins it's only because Tyra need to make a statement and not to choose a high-fashion-model.

My top 3
1 Ann
2 Kendal
3 Ester/ Chris
I'm so infuriated with this episode. Cannot believe what I just saw. Utterly ridiculous.
I wanted Rihanna to stay!

I'm so infuriated with this episode. Cannot believe what I just saw. Utterly ridiculous.

I get why you are pissed, but I feel like:

The girls for me so far: (episode 4)

Rihanna had a highfashion personality, but not the bones to match. I love for her to get her own brand and that way I could see her rock the industry in that way :) I wanted Willow to be in my top 3, before this episode.. I am more sad than pissed.

I don't get Jayla? I think she is getting the Tyra editing help. For me Jayla comes of very fake and don't have "it". What would she do without the red hair? I think it's Jaylas hair that wears her and not Jayla who rocks the hair.. No matter how hard Jayla tries to pose.. the hair steals the light..

I like her personality, but I don't see her being in the industry for a long time.. She is interesting but not enough fashion and I don't think she has "it".
Very glam and beautiful, but not high fashion enough or fashion.. one of my favorites :heart:

She is my pic for the winner so far and right now she is blowing the girls out of water. I like her story and statement about natural-skinny-should-be-praised and not hi-I-am-starving-myself-model or hi-I-am-working-out-so-you-can-see-how-unatural-skinny-I-can-be..
Natural skinny girls needs a voice and Ann can carry that light proudly. I hope she is skinny al la natural and not Anna Maria Creepy-skinny

I think she will go home.. She is cute and fashion, but not highfashion enough.. I don't have high hopes and I am sure that she won't win. Very cute anyway.

Big jaw (like me), but she is very beautiful. She isn't focusing enough and talk too much smack of the other girls for my taste. She hasn't used the jaw to her + yet, maybe she can turn it out.. but I don't think they have the time to wait for her to get her act together..

Screams model for me. She rocked the latest photo. Some how I feel like she is not honest in someway and I can't figure it out yet? I just adore her and think she will be in the top 3, if she doesn't do something crazy..

Beautiful girl and so on, maybe a little to blend and harsh.

Stunning and handsome, but complains way tooo much! She can't win after all the persons she has kind of insulted.. I liked her first but after a while she complains and then I lost the interest..

I don't think she will win, but she has a weird fashion vib going on and I like it.. maybe a actress-fashion-vib I think her way of carrying herself could be her own down fall..

I don't like how she behaves with the other girls and I hoped she had changed since she was bulling Isis (another cycle) but I know she won't win for sure.
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Seriously, what is the point of entertaining any of the other hamsters? I like Ann but, let's face it, girl looks busted when not in a photo. I'd say the makeover helped, but I'm not sure it's enough.

Jane and Kendal look gorgeous every time we see them. They don't need tons of photoshop to be fabulous. I will not understand if one of them doesn't win. I just won't. Oh, wait, Tyra's completely wackadoo. So who knows? *shrugs*

I agree with everything there.

It's pretty much
1. JANE!!!! (OMG, love, adore, etc)
2. Kendal
3. Ann (she looks busted irl though tbh)
Goodness, I really love Esther. I'm not sure what it is, and I didn't think that she could pull a relatively HF look until this week with the beauty shots.

I also love Jane; she reminds me of Katie Fogarty! I think that she might be sent home soon though.
Kayla is gorgeous, Kendal's bone structure is amazing and Chelsea is so Versace.
Even if she's one of my favourites, I'm a little annoyed about Ann getting best photo for three weeks in a row but she deserves it.
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someone here wouldn't happen to know the male model's name who posed in the Fallen Angel shoot with Jane and Ann, would you? :lol: so up my type...

the 'underwater' shoot was awful. ****** makeup all the way.
I love Jane so much but Tyra already dislikes her..the comment that was made about Town&Country type..well all the Ralph Lauren models are that type..guess they're not high fashion enough for you :angry:
I love Jane so much but Tyra already dislikes her..the comment that was made about Town&Country type..well all the Ralph Lauren models are that type..guess they're not high fashion enough for you :angry:

Yeah, that drives me crazy. It's obvious that Tyra and Nigel don't really like her. Not sure about ALT, but I hope the people at VI like her because in the end their opinion is the one that counts.
I understand Esther's huge boobs could be a problem,but I find her insanely gorgeous.Her bone structure and features are just perfect,she's very charming and also able to look high fashion.
I hope Jane and Kendal can both show big improvement in the next photoshoot,they are the only few ones with the total package,but their performance leave something to be desired.
If Tyra is planning a covergirl commercial anytime soon, I have a feeling some of our favorite girls will be in the bottom, and some of the girls who are NOT models, will be on top. I can foresee Kacey, Chris, Lexie, and Liz getting praise for letting their personalities shine through while; Ann, Esther, Jane, Kendall, and Kayla will be in the bottom for "lack of personality".

However this is all just my thought process, and I wan't it to never happen. I really don't know why there is a CoverGirl Contract prize when Tyra is plugging VI like no other. It's like... the completely other side of the spectrum.

Tyra has her none HF girls, and her hardcore HF girls, and I have a feeling she's gonna try and pick a girl in the middle to win. Hopefully, wait scratch that, I KNOW Franca has a better eye at seeing a model than Tyra Banks and will pick one of our fav girls. It's her magazine. NOT Tyra's.
i'm gonna ask this question again: how is kayla model material?!
she's ugly, just plain ugly.
she has small eyes, thin lips, a huge shnoz and no jaw;
her body is not proportionate and she's short.
wtf? :ermm:
I think Kayla has potential to be a model,but definitely not top model material.Her proportions aren't too good and her face is kind of average.
i'm gonna ask this question again: how is kayla model material?!
she's ugly, just plain ugly.
she has small eyes, thin lips, a huge shnoz and no jaw;
her body is not proportionate and she's short.
wtf? :ermm:

I agree. She kind of looks ok in the pictures (so far) but when you really get down to it, she's not a model. She'd probably never pass an agency's evaluation.
she looks good in pictures cause they photoshop the hell out of her ;)
still, i'm 99% sure that she will win, 150% sure that ann is the runner up and kendal will probably be the 2nd runner up :ermm:
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