America's Next Top Models Cycle 14 -

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I saw the pics and I'm not getting it. Kendall is the only one that looks anything like a model. The rest of the girls don't even look like bad models, rather girls that shouldn't even been mentioned in the same sentence as model. Chris looks especially ridiculous.
Does Ann have the potential to become a top model like some people have suggested? She being is being touted as one of not if the the greatest model to have ever come from any NTM?

I think TyTy and the producers are thinking if they say it enough.. we'll eventually believe it..

so far its a negative for me. although i have to say she did look good in the judging area during the walmart challenge (hair slicked back in ponytail)
Cassandra from Season 5 (I believe, the one who left because she didn't want her hair cut any shorter) was on season finale of Mad Men tonight. She was only in one scene for a couple of minutes, but looked really pretty.
Esther and Jane...the facial hair is so weird :lol:- but I actually think they managed to pull it off. Liz and Chelsey did best imo...and Chris did pretty good too, at least in capturing Betsey Johnson's energy.

Kendal and Kayla's photos look very flat to me. :doh:

Ann's is good too, but I don't think she's going to get FCO this week. (My only problem with Ann is her attitude and complete lack of confidence/mousiness... if she could change that, I think she could make it.)
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For Lynn's Rags

Model: Rhianna Free,
those rhianna pictures are such a let down... where are all the beautiful poses!

liz... ah liz... she's like a breath of fresh manly air.. lol. she can make me laugh with her stupidity... i just finished watching the crazy asz runway show episode on cw... haha

sometimes i don't know what to believe in ann. when do you ever see any of the models, even in the cover girl commercials, say lines... and that's if they have models... this personality thing is all crap for me... she could definately win if she just keeps putting out good pictures.
rhianna needs more decent tests like this

her face is stuuuning
Ann will grow as she has more self confidence. A lot of girls start out as meek ugly ducklings and there's nothing wrong with it. If anything, it keeps them grounded and gives their personality more of a spark.

She'll never be va-va-voom confident, but she'll definitely mature and grow as a person.
Even though this elimination wasn't in the least bit surprising, it was still terrible. I can't believe Tyra can say words like "this face is one that comes one in many years" and then eliminate her two seconds later. BS.

Also, it's even less surprising that three people in the bottom were the ones with the most difficult designers to portray. How DO you portray Vera Wang? If they were going this route, they should've at least given these three girls some flashy personalities. Karl? Dsquared guys? Donatella?
Ludicrous week. Honestly Marc Jacobs' identity can only be expressed through shirtlessness, and Vera Wang...even Mr. Jay didn't have much insight into how you could portray her! "Vera...has great knowledge...a maturity.." Oh, very helpful! I was so shocked that they didn't portray Karl, but perhaps it was because of Karl's comment towards ANTM a few years ago!

If Liz did Vera Wang, she'd have failed miserably.

I feel so bad for Esther. Her face is so gorgeous, and now she's set up for a fall for the near future :(
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pretty harsh elimination but I personally felt that it had to happen. when they did the montage of Kendall's photos, her face had no expression what so ever in all her photos. I think if she could have just portrayed happiness.. she would have been safe.

next weeks episode looks interesting. i wonder how Ann is gonna on the catwalk. Probably like a linebacker :shifty:

I want to know what the photoshoot is and why kayla doesn't want to do it!? water? swimming? sharks? mermaids? lol the list is endless.
honestly, who comes up with the ideas in ANTM?
How come they didn't choose designers like Donatella Versace, Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Sui or Sonia Rykiel..designers that have a signature look.

Vera Wang? Alexander Wang? How can you possibly portray these ppl?
^ lol i know right. Godddd they should have done Donatellllllaaaaa! big lips, tan skin, and a blonde effin weave that screams weave me alone!! boom best photo of antm history right there lol.

i did feel like andre was speaking the truth in judging tonight. especially with Chris. He said she was more like comedic than model.
I know right?? and how do you portray marc jacobs?? is that before or after his gym transormation.. maybe before when he was the epitome of geek chic but now... not so easy..
Antm isn't HighFashion in my opinion

I almost can't see any of the girls doing highfashion.. Ann is the first I ever felt is pure highfashion.. Antm is not a magazine and becuz of that they relate to some other people.. more commercial crowd..

That's why Antm never had so many highfashion model 2 start with, but Antm seams to be in a "highfashion" time right now and I am sure they will go back to their origin and start over soon.. I love for them to have a Full-figured cycle :)

I don't expect highfashion from Antm cuz it is commercial and mainstream ^^ I expect Vogue to serve it more often than ANTM if you get it..

Vouge isn't mainstream in that kind of way that antm is.. two totally different kind of genre (in the fashion world).. and now when they are working together i think it's interesting to see the result.. It might be "the-most-highfashion-antm-winner-ever-and-I-mean-Ever"
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