America's Next Top Models Cycle 14 -

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Why hasn't Teyona done any "My Life" commercials? Did they stop having the winners do those?
She has been out of the country for the past few months modeling in SA. Good for Teyona for not playing it safe by staying in the US and going with a sure thing and kudos to CG for supporting her and not holding her to the tradition.
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Ashley Weisz for Rochester Magazine, January 2009 issue

Photographer: Jerry Olson







Source: Rochester Magazine

Ew, She looks like Michael Jackson in the second pic! Not to sound funny, but its true. Enough with the over-airbrush already!
She has been out of the country for the past few months modeling in SA. Good for Teyona for not playing it safe by staying in the US and going with a sure thing and kudos to CG for supporting her and not holding her to the tradition.
Ah ok thanks I thought it was like mandatory for the winners to do those
I didn't even get a good look at Brittany's picture, but I'm happy she won it. From the pictures that I did see, aka the rest of them, I thought Erin's was hands down the best. She looked amazing. So innocent, yet totally edgy and mysterious. Like a pretty alien. I also liked Rae's and Jennifer's pictures a lot. I actually didn't care for Nicole's, mostly because you could barely see her face.

LMAO, Laura is finally growing on me. She's totally hilarious. And that outfit she wore to judging, haha. Gotta love her.

I thought the right person went home. Though I felt kinda bad for her.
I'm also delighted she left.It was about time!i think Tyra is such a great photographer,her shoots are always amazing.
Next week's photoshoot looks amazing. This is a seriously good cycle, it's just ashame there isn't some miracle grow they could have given the girls on the first week otherwise it would be perfect.
Was the one who got eliminated already bald when the show started or did Tyra and Co. shave her head? I don't get why they would shave someone bald and then complain that they look too "hard" or not soft enough.
I'm also delighted she left.It was about time!i think Tyra is such a great photographer,her shoots are always amazing.

Tyra is much better than Nigel IMO. Her photos are usually the best in the girls' portfolios.
She was already bald. For the makeover, they bleached her eyebrows. Why they would do such a thing though, I've no idea.
Height issue aside a lot of the girls this cycle are actually quite good. I'm predicting many of them will sign with agencies.
I loved Nicole and Jennifer's photos. I liked Erin's too but I just don't really like her that much. Brittany either I think she's got a very plain look. Bianca's picture was bad but I really think Ashley needs to leave too, that should've been a double elimination they both had too many chances
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