Catherine, Princess of Wales (Kate Middleton)

She seems to really like that white coat. I like it too. It suits her very well.
i think the white coat its lovely!!! its very chic and i think you just can wear it with anything and it will look fabulous!
Oh god this is horrible, who wears that color to a society wedding? She looks really bad. Maybe if this was a darker red and different material it would have looked better but this is just awful. She sticks out like a sore thumb.

Maybe she lives by her own rules. It seems that she's won over William's heart. She must be doing something right.

Personally, I like her style (well sometimes). Maybe she will create new rules in her role as Princess.
They both look like they're in their thirties.

They basically are. Kate is almost 29 right, and Will isn't too far behind. I love her style most of the time.

Who made this white coat?

Willem Marx looks a bit like William! I like this girl, although I do think it's slightly weird how she didn't have a "proper" job between now and leaving Jigsaw. Unless the Royals were behind that. But she is definitely fit to be Queen!
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Really? So that means Prince Charles is a catch too? He's the first in line to be future King. I hope there's more to it because Diana didn't seem too thrilled to be his wife :lol: I guess if money and status is what you want he's a great catch.
umm...future king of england. enough said.
I am curious, what do you think a Queen of the UK does? And what do you find so appealing about that lifestyle?

From everything I've seen and read, it's an incredibly constrictive and dull job: basically a lifetime of cutting ribbons, being paraded like a show pony, meeting and greeting dodgy politicians and having taxpayers and journalists breathing down your neck. And forget retirement: you quit when you kneel over.
Sure, there are a lot of upsides (money, real-estate, jewelry, etc.) but you can get that from any rich guy. I would think tiaras and ballgowns would get tired really fast if you have no freedom in any other area, but that's just me.

BTW: Charles was turned down by countless aristocratic women before Di agreed to marry him. They didn't want to get trapped in the Royal life because they knew how ungrateful it was beneath the glamour. It is rumored William got the same treatment during the break-up from Kate. :innocent:

Now back to fashion: that white coat is great, and pretty much the only piece in her dready wardrobe that I actually covet.
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Just a reminder that this thread is about Kate's style ONLY. If you wish to discuss her engagement, please do in the thread in Rumor Has It. Future off topic comments will be deleted.

I agree with whoever said that Kate's style won't change now that she's engaged. She's been dressing this way for years just to get engaged, why change now? And I'm sure she got free stuff before and will continue to - she just has bad style and will continue to dress this way because she thinks it's classic and Sloane-y, when it's just frumpy and old looking. Though very soon we may see her as 'cutting edge' because fashion will come around full circle and Kate will still be wearing those terrible boots and skirts.
I agree with whoever said that Kate's style won't change now that she's engaged. She's been dressing this way for years just to get engaged, why change now? And I'm sure she got free stuff before and will continue to - she just has bad style and will continue to dress this way because she thinks it's classic and Sloane-y, when it's just frumpy and old looking. Though very soon we may see her as 'cutting edge' because fashion will come around full circle and Kate will still be wearing those terrible boots and skirts.

LOL, I agree with everything you've said! Kate only has the style she thinks she needs to win approval, nothing will change unless somebody changes her. Which doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.

And Kate playing by her own fashion rules is fine, if you're any good at it. Which she is not. :lol:I'm sorry that you like the red, Jezebel dress she wore to that each is own.:innocent:
New pictures from May 8th 2010. This is the only coat I actually like from her wardrobe.

Another weekend, another wedding for Kate Middleton, and yet another oh-so-close hattery moment…
Kate’s recycled another outfit for this weekend’s wedding — the jacket was worn to Peter Phillips’s wedding, the dress to several events, including Laura Parker Bowles’s wedding — but she didn’t recycle a hat this time. In fact, she barely wore any headgear at all:

Mad Hattery
^This comment is so mean and pointless.
I think she looks lovely. Cute and fresh.
Why is her thread so full of haters? I've never seen that anywhere else in TFS.
i think it´s a bad picture. the lightening is awful. that´s it I think.
Well, I think she is very attractive....if things don't work out with Wills, she is always welcome at Stately Chateau Boomer.... ^_^
Are those bad pics or is her skin really that saggy?
Her skin is rather saggy, which is one of the reason she looks older than her age. There are plenty of pictures in which her face is relaxed and she looks like she has the beginning of... jowls. She always look so much younger (and much prettier) when she smiles because it -literally- lift-up her face.

That said, those pictures are truly unflattering. Even her hair, which is usually gorgeous, looks fried to hell and back. Not her best look.
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^This comment is so mean and pointless.
I think she looks lovely. Cute and fresh.
Why is her thread so full of haters? I've never seen that anywhere else in TFS.

Her skin has always been like that, if you look back at her pictures her face has sagged more than a usual 20 year old. That's why everyone says she looks like she's 40.

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