No, i just mean theres a new sort of sex. Like i dont think eroticism is limited to skin bearing or chiffon blouses and mini's anymore
Well, nor do I and I never have - I think what's generally considered to be sexy clothing can include a lot of very diverse things.
In fact, I would put chiffon blouses and mini-skirts fairly low down on my list of sexy clothing; as although they are obviously sexy, I don't think Chloe has ever been about
truly overt sexuality.
But I guess I have, personally, never, ever, found Marni clothing to be remotely sexy, in any way at all; in fact, I didn't even think, for one moment, that they were even going for sexy?
Put it this way, I can't imagine a stylist saying to their client; 'We need to make you look sexy; here's some Marni.'.
theyre just appealign to a different type of woman but think theyre anything but stiff and uptight... you know what i mean?
they seems very art inspired, but perhaps your referring to the construction of the clothes rather the the image as a whole?
I'm referring to the construction, yes, but also to the typical Marni colour choices and any jewellery/embellishments involved; all, generally, seem very stayed and asexual, to me.
In fact, I have always thought that quiet, understated and asexual (often with an Arts and Crafts feel) was exactly the look they were going for?
As a woman, they're the sort of clothes I would choose to wear if I was concerned that people wouldn't take me seriously if I wore anything remotely flirtatious, or if I was travelling on foot through a rough neighbourhood and had to wear R-T-W!
This is, obviously, just my personal impression, of course and I totally appreciate that your impression of Marni is very different.