Miu Miu F/W 08.09 Paris

To be honest, I don't find this that absurd as some people are making it seem as. yes, the scuba suits are stupid but they seem more as a concept filler, and I know people will argue whether there is a concept or not when it comes to miuccia but I actually think that there is one and it's pretty much on the lines iperlchen was mentioning..
I don't think this is any worse than what Junya did a few seasons ago for menswear and all his sportif inspiration, it isn't better either but sometimes I wonder why everyone chooses so be so angry at prada when her shows aren't remotely close to the extravagance often exhibited by say, Japanese designers.. or the blinding vulgarity of certain neighbours in Milan.. I can understand if someone feels like bottling her for stealing ideas so soon but I think it's nonsense to feel upset if she isn't living up to specific parameters defined by her business strategies, previous work or commercial success. let the woman play [dirty], I'm sure there'll come another season.. or another designer to get fond of. :innocent:

looking back on this collection, I agree with foguponla.. except the scuba suits, I think this collection is relying strongly on styling.. many of these clothes would look pretty okay and even conventional in a completely different scenario..
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Whhhattttt iiissss thhiissss?
I do love the color scheme but can someone tell exactly WHAT I am looking at?
I am really curious to hear what her inspiration was behind all this........
Totally blown away (in a bad way)
i actually like the strangeness of this collection. :D
i love miuccia for keeping us on our toes. what goes on in her head i can only imagine...
why everone is hating it ? i like it ! i think its a lovely sports wear collection, a beautiful change .well... although in peoples mind miu miu should not just be "a sports collection"
but this is better than alot "pretending elegance".
i like the dress and the shoes ,and i can def see girls wearing it walkin on the block .:)
I really don't know if I ike it or not. Have good peaces, but a lot of strange looks!
i don't really know what to think..
it reminds me of teenage girls on a swim team.
not going to lie, though, i love the patterns in some of the dresses and the fabric and colors used that makes them glint in the light.

it might grow on me later, but for now, i kind of get the feeling that we're all being mocked. :(
haha, tfs-ers are so ruthless, I love it!

On another note, I usually despise Miuccia's work, but I don't mind this collection at all. It's so retro-futurist, if that makes any sense...I like the make-up. I love the textures and colors, but I hate some of the contours.

oh, and needless to say, I f*ing hate the initial gimmics.
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k i gota say
this is my favourite collection so far
the most independent
i love it
omg cestmagique!! yayyyy
^ same here!!! i don't understand the hate, those neo-lace dresses are cool, i love the colors :) i think it's CLASSIC miu-miu!!!

well done Miuccia!!!
cuteish and likeable, reminds me of balenciaga ss03.

the whole initials thing is really lame, like shes run out of ideas.
I feel bad that those letters were on Freja's outfit that's just sl... Oh, those were her initials?

Anyway that collection wouldn't be so bad if the fit was right. I don't get why so many collections this season have weird silhouettes.
it might've worked with different fabric. and i agree about the fit^ the models can't even make ugly clothes look good...sigh

the shoes are pretty interesting though
I don't care about scuba diving at all.. I just wonder if you gonna sell those clothes with or without those initials?
This is the collection I have been so excited about waiting for...and we get this!? Even the shoes are not great.
This is freaking inspirational. Yes, freaking BUT inspirational..
dear miuccia, in the last 3 years i've been spending most of my money on the lovely shoes you made.

now, thank you for making these hideous my_little_pony_tail - heeled shoes, so that i can go and splurge all my money on lanvin shoes.

i dont get what's all this rage against the 'muichine' , haha
i also dont get why people think this collection is odd?! i have seen weirder garments from other designers and no one (not many) complained about their strangeness! i think most of your guys are just making the collection sound more odd than it actually is! alot of the pieces in there are remotely wearable such as the dresses.

i think Muiccia is one of the very few mainstream designer dare to try new things and is not afraid of her pieces being called 'not beautiful'. what is wrong with her being innovative? isn't that what a designer SUPPOSE to do? to push fashion forward even if the collection is never perfect. if people want beautiful (boring) pieces, there are houses such as Chanel and Dior to supply that demand.

maybe her clothes are not for this generation.

i love this collection! even though there are some outfits that have not tapped into my brain yet. but regardless of whatever inspiration she got, there are some interesting cuts and details. i see so many possibilities in the individual pieces in terms of styling and there are definitely details that can be worked on more. this show is so inspiring!
some of the shoes are great too. really like the architectual heel of the navy & white pair.

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