Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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Star--awesome collection! both paddys looks great on you. which paddy do you prefer to carry most of the time regardless of the color? the mini looks great for night out only or does it work for day too? TIA! :flower:
georgiagirl said:
I had my paddy for 8 weeks and loved it but the leather on the zip came apart from the rectangular piece of leather that fits over the lock (doesf that makes sense !).Chloe in London said they could perhaps fix it the bag would be away for 6-8 weeks. I asked for a refund because I would always know it had been broken.bit fussy like that. The key and the lock had peeled as well. I was gutted but for the money the bag shouldn't fall apart.

Hey Georgiagirl,
Did you send your bag away or did you get refund? Can you send me picture of the problem part? Im intrested to see. All this problems start to scared me:ermm:
Hi, I'm new here, but I really enjoy this forum!

I recently received Whiskey Paddy and I LOVE it!!
Now I want to buy another paddy, but I'm not sure which color to get.
I like White/Creme color, but I have white in Balenciaga, and it got so dirty, and I'm afraid same thing will happen if I buy Paddy in White. Any White paddy owners, is your paddy getting dirty?

Does anyone have any reccomendation on color?(I'm not interested in buying tan or Dark Brown or Black) Do any of you know what color Chloe's sending out for Fall/Winter 2006???

madem0iselle said:
so last seaons leather was thicker and more durable and it just feels more strong am I right? this seaons is more thin so its more like balenciagas..?

This season's leather is only slightly lighter in weight than last season's - it is still much heavier (and durable) than the Balenciagas - an entirely different leather.
thanks janyoung! i dont have to worry about the 2 different leathers of the seasons

goodness you know I sent my money order to the manager Leena Al Sheikh and jaybe just emailed me cause i asked her if she has sent the cream paddy to me and this is what she told me:
Dear Cathy,
?/div> Sorry to inform you but we are going to return back to you the cheque. As the owner said we cannot change your cheque here because we do not have the branch here of the bank. It will take 3 weeks to receive it.
?/div> Thanks and Regards,

I just called ScotiaBank(the bank i pruchased the money order frmo) and the lady told me that she can claim it! just that it depends on the bank seh goes to and she has to pay service fees if Jaybe has alraedy sent the money order back to me I am just gonig to purchase a Money Transfer or I might just give up and pruchase one from Bacci's here at Vancoubver but its goingt o be like $500 more expsnive since the tax here is 14% and chloe paddingtons has increased to 1480 US imagine Canadian Dollars with 14% tax..
has anyone received a mini paddy in anthracite yet? I'm still waiting on mine from LVR. I hope it arrives soon!

I finally receive my Blanc Paddy from Chloe Bahrain as an exchange from the bowler bag!!

Love it.. but.. the leather is much leather compare to my Tan paddy.. and not as soft as pervious season as well... I dont know how to explain.. even my bf can notice the difference on the leather .. and he even mentioned that's a slightly difference on the shape of the bag as well. I will post pic later today. :heart:
can't decide!!


I can't seem to decide between the chocolate or the whiskey paddington...

any advice??

I already have a light colored (actually, very light) brown handbag, and not a dark brown one, but I love both the whiskey and the chocolate.

which is a more practical color?

Thanks for the help! and I have found many of the posts VERY helpful in my search for the perfect paddington!:blush:
iheartla said:

I can't seem to decide between the chocolate or the whiskey paddington...

any advice??

I already have a light colored (actually, very light) brown handbag, and not a dark brown one, but I love both the whiskey and the chocolate.

which is a more practical color?

Thanks for the help! and I have found many of the posts VERY helpful in my search for the perfect paddington!:blush:

iheartla, don't you hate these decisions! I have been in similar spots before myself. I think if you already have a lighter brown that you like, the chocolate may make more sense- it will wear well and you can carry it all year. On the other hand, the whiskey is a really great color in the paddington- I think it will be a "classic paddington color" if that makes sense. Again, you can carry it all year and it will go with everything. You really can't go wrong with either color, but IMO if you don't love your current light brown bag and you want a classic paddington, go with the whiskey!! (I don't know if I made this situation better or worse!) Again, you can't go wrong with either color! Good luck!:D
Pics of mini tan paddy!

Here are some pics of my mini paddy due to be arriving soon!! What do you guys think? Does everything look in good condition?







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mtaz- it's so cute! everything looks good to me.

iheartla- when i buy bags, i think more about what i want verses practicality. for example, i have two black chanel bags, but they are different so i use them at different times and get good use out of both of them. in my opinion, the whiskey is a great color, and i think you should go with that one.
star3777 said:
Well, here are my 2 new paddingtons! The Blanc is the baby one, hope this helps clear the differences in size! The whiskey is new and the grenat you all have seen in my past posts. you tell I adore Chloe?:heart: :heart: :heart:

Hey Star. Take a look at the pics of the tan mini that I'm about to seems to be so much smaller than your blanc mini.
I'm loving my chocolate paddy sooo much that I'm seriously contemplating another a color......but I have both a creme and whiskey-ish colored bag already...hmmm.......should I retire the other bag and take the plunge for a whiskey paddington?? hmmm....
here are the photos of my 2 paddy. The blanc one's leather is not as soft as the tan color but I hope it will soften overtime.

That's something wrong with the locks and keys. i tried to put the key into the lock to unlock it.. it is quite difficult to take it out.. and i got some scratches after i took i out.. But i really cant be bother to exchange anymore la..


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cherie- the new white paddington looks great! i can't tell exactly what you mean by it being a little off. it must be so frusterating to have problems with lock and key, but maybe it was a one time jam?
I used the key to unlock twice.. and it started peeling.. and you can see the silver under the gold coating.. sadly.. only twice.... ai...

I compared the key for my Tan and the Blanc paddy. I found the new one.. has a thicker gold color coating than the Tan paddy one.. I guess that's one of the reason why it will be jammed inside the lock..

Should I send it back? or.. no big deal?cos I wont unlock my bag too often..and I dont want to wait anymore..


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Thank you Lelee and Eskimogirl!

I think I'm leaning more towards the whiskey color.
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