Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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I just bought a light blue Paddy!!!! Net a Porter. How long before I get it in reality ,all you guys? Will it be OK? I've not bought from the Internet before. I promise a photo when I get it. God I can't believe I'm actually getting a Paddy! I have seriously been waiting for ages!
Womanolo said:
I just bought a light blue Paddy!!!! Net a Porter. How long before I get it in reality ,all you guys? Will it be OK? I've not bought from the Internet before. I promise a photo when I get it. God I can't believe I'm actually getting a Paddy! I have seriously been waiting for ages!

So jealous! I have to wait until March for mine :cry: Its usually pretty quick if they are in stock and as long as they dont get held up in customs. NAP is a great place to order from, or so I've heard ^_^ *stomps foot* I want my bag.
Does anyone know why the price of the mini paddys on LVR have gone up from 995 Euros to 1055? Also, can you tell me how much I will pay in customs fees when shipped from Italy to the US?
Chloe has/had a price increase. Must have went into effect for stores that have received a new batch? Import tax is approx 9-10% iirc.
What colour are you getting, Nawth, and where are you buying it?

By the way, all, Net a Porter have one dark grey Paddy still in stock if you want to grab it (I keep going back to look at my bag!)
for people who has the new spinr 06 bags have the leather started aging more like the old paddingtyons? more wrinkly? cause the new leathers look so stiff
Womanolo said:
What colour are you getting, Nawth, and where are you buying it?

By the way, all, Net a Porter have one dark grey Paddy still in stock if you want to grab it (I keep going back to look at my bag!)

Anthracite from luisaviaroma.

I can't believe it though, today I actually SAW a paddy. First time ever seeing one in person :woot: NM in Mpls has one in whiskey. I got to hold it! :heart: It is the most perfect bag. Everything I'm looking for. And I was surprised that it wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be. But this could be because my bookbag weighs a good 50lbs so everything feels light after that lol. Now I really cant wait for my bag to come in!
hey everyone i was reading about these fakes and i thought this was a pretty good one its reall leather but i think they have fake leather ones too (cheaper obviously) pic from


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Mammab...I bought your bag today! Now, you are probably thinking, "Which one?"... The whiskey zippy paddy bag. I have never been tempted by the paddy satchel, but I love the "fit" of this one! Now, I need to go on Chloe the last month I purchased a chocolate Molly, a chocolate Betty, and the whiskey zippy paddy. Not to mention the fact that I have Edith pre-orders (not even sure I love this one yet) at BG and NM (and my name on two lists)... I am bad, bad, bad...
SoCal said:
Mammab...I bought your bag today! Now, you are probably thinking, "Which one?"... The whiskey zippy paddy bag. I have never been tempted by the paddy satchel, but I love the "fit" of this one! Now, I need to go on Chloe the last month I purchased a chocolate Molly, a chocolate Betty, and the whiskey zippy paddy. Not to mention the fact that I have Edith pre-orders (not even sure I love this one yet) at BG and NM (and my name on two lists)... I am bad, bad, bad...

Congrats, SoCal! That bag must be gorgeous in Whiskey. You live in handbag central; I"m jealous you can see these bags IRL and I have to send for them. I should join you on that Chloe restriction. With five Paddingtons, the chocolate Bowler due to arrive on Tuesday, and the contemplation of Betty, I feel I need to start cancelling my credit cards!! I NEED TO BE STOPPED. Someone should police my handbag addiction.

Seeing that typed out is very sad indeed...
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roey said:
Congrats, SoCal! That bag must be gorgeous in Whiskey. You live in handbag central; I"m jealous you can see these bags IRL and I have to send for them. I should join you on that Chloe restriction. With five Paddingtons, the chocolate Bowler due to arrive on Tuesday, and the contemplation of Betty, I feel I need to start cancelling my credit cards!! I NEED TO BE STOPPED. Someone should police my handbag addiction.

Seeing that typed out is very sad indeed...

5?! :woot: You can uh..give me one ;) So, does anyone know the retail of the paddy wallets? theyre mighty cute.
nawth21 said:
5?! :woot: You can uh..give me one ;) So, does anyone know the retail of the paddy wallets? theyre mighty cute.

Paddy wallets? :woot: (covers eyes). As for the 5 Paddingtons, the new chocolate satchel is probably going back. I'm not really digging the new leather on these bags. I'll most likely keep my original 4 and move on to other bags. Forgot to mention I am also wait-listed for Edith in Whiskey at Nordstrom, although like SoCal, I'm not sure what I'll think of it IRL.
I've never seen the old leather so I dont know what I'm missing ^_^ And YES, Paddy wallets! There are some on ebay by the mprs seller Roz. But you know how ebay prices are :doh:
roey said:
Congrats, SoCal! That bag must be gorgeous in Whiskey. You live in handbag central; I"m jealous you can see these bags IRL and I have to send for them. I should join you on that Chloe restriction. With five Paddingtons, the chocolate Bowler due to arrive on Tuesday, and the contemplation of Betty, I feel I need to start cancelling my credit cards!! I NEED TO BE STOPPED. Someone should police my handbag addiction.

Seeing that typed out is very sad indeed...

I am sooooo dangerous! Will post pictures of the "cousins" when I have a chance.
SoCal said:
Mammab...I bought your bag today! Now, you are probably thinking, "Which one?"... The whiskey zippy paddy bag. I have never been tempted by the paddy satchel, but I love the "fit" of this one! Now, I need to go on Chloe the last month I purchased a chocolate Molly, a chocolate Betty, and the whiskey zippy paddy. Not to mention the fact that I have Edith pre-orders (not even sure I love this one yet) at BG and NM (and my name on two lists)... I am bad, bad, bad...

*shakes SoCal like a bad nanny* bad, bad girl!! Did you hear me? LOL :lol:
I have to say, I am incredibly jealous! You got it in whiskey???? I was searching all over high Heaven for the zippy in that color. Congrats :) To me, that is the most amazing color and then comes the Blanc. Two of my very favorites (so far). Congrats! And now, you MUST post pics b/c I am D-Y-I-N-G to see pics of if it in Whiskey since I haven't been able to see it YET. :heart::heart:
hi mammab and socal, is the zippy straps as long as the classic paddy? i guess what i want to say is - is it a arm or shoulder bag.. =D
madem0iselle said:
for people who has the new spinr 06 bags have the leather started aging more like the old paddingtyons? more wrinkly? cause the new leathers look so stiff

i'm not sure if jeans moyen is spring 06. i ordered n received mine in dec05 or jan 06. but only after these 1 1/2 mth.. the paddy's become more n more slouchy. it's almost flat when its empty. :p i love it.:flower:
J Star said:
Chic Chick and Mammab
Thanks for reassuring me. Today I'm going to finally use my paddy...yay

:woot: yay for u. show ur best pic with the paddy. i've nth better to do than drool over them.. LoL.. plus trying to resist buying more shoes to save up for another chloe... :doh:
Thanks for the info. Its fun to look at what's out there.

Shoe_Whore said:
hey everyone i was reading about these fakes and i thought this was a pretty good one its reall leather but i think they have fake leather ones too (cheaper obviously) pic from
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