star3777 said:Wow that blue one is gorgeous! Every one my paddington is last season GRENAT Color.
Star: After comparing your grenat to the new bordeaux being posted on, I actually prefer your color. Your red is a perfect red. The bordeaux is way too DEEP red to me. It makes the gold padlock looks moody and gloomy for some reason.

Everyone: I finally went to Target today and saw the paddy knock offs and omg I wanted to roll on the floor and laugh my head off. The bag was so heliriously looking and it's made of pleather or some weird plastic. It's super light too. My mom was there and actually thought it looks good. I told her that she should see a real paddy first then decide. lol Then as we were walking to the register, I (for the first time EVER in my area) actually saw a lady carrying a choco brown paddy!!