Dolce & Gabbana S/S 2010 : Madonna by Steven Klein

Hm, there are three empty slots in the website, would it mean more pics are about to come?
i don't like madonna nowadays but i like this. i love that her face doesn't look over photoshoped making her look like a wax statue, love that she looks her age, and that she's playing the hot mamma italiana rather than making yoga poses, and love that the images don't scream steven klein. it was the first dolce & gabbana collection i liked in a while, they went right back to their dna, and i think it's good that the campaign has the same feeling. i'll have to shut my mouth this time and not complain about the 'model' choice.
^ i do agree with you, but at the same time even though i love the concept (italian mommy..ecc ec..) behide the campaign i'd prefer to see someone bellucci :heart:
i don't like madonna nowadays but i like this. i love that her face doesn't look over photoshoped making her look like a wax statue, love that she looks her age, and that she's playing the hot mamma italiana rather than making yoga poses, and love that the images don't scream steven klein. it was the first dolce & gabbana collection i liked in a while, they went right back to their dna, and i think it's good that the campaign has the same feeling. i'll have to shut my mouth this time and not complain about the 'model' choice.

i have to agree with you, ana. i like how these images relate to the Italian roots of Madonna - this actually makes the picture feel authentic in a way. mixed up with this dorky sexy feeling the collection has it's quite an exciting combo this season. plus it's really refreshing to spy wrinkles in Steven Klein pictures.
i love Madonna so much.
but i dont like this campaign,especially the background...and it's not colorful.I want colors!
Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. If Dolce & Gabbana wanted to have a Sicilian inspired theme, why not look to the menswear ads for inspiration!!?? Because those are 110% better than these.
It just seems so silly to use Madonna the season after she was used for Louis Vuitton. How unoriginal.
^For me it's quite a good move to show it actually is possible to make a good campaign with Madonna. It looks very fresh and so was the collection, I say yes.
I guess she's a good cash-generator, which effectively is the purpose of any campaign.
Madonna? I love her music, but I don't get her modeling appeal. The concept is way to underwhelming for Dolce & Gabbana.
The collection was stunning, with all finale and all. But these ads don't do it any justice.
We had 3 campaigns with Madonna in 1 year and 2 of them sucked,I guess it's time to go back full time on music Madge ^_^
^because she's now a sittings editor as well? she got paid to show up. if the campaigns sucked, it's not her fault. it's like blaming karlie kloss for the latest hermes campaign.
WHAT has happened to Madonna's face? It looks like an inflated pillow. Gorgeous boobs, though.
One of the most boring ads I've ever seen. Even Madonna can't save it.

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