Hating Balenciaga more and more. This kind of behavior started when that excuse of a designer took the helm. Unbelievable. Unprofessional. Good for Louise for speaking out!
Ulrikke's career is now dead. Sure, the media runs your story and everyone cares for about two days, but after that you are no one.

Perfectly put! In Ulrikke's case especially it's a bit disappointing to see how she's being gradually ghosted out of the industry. Fashion professionals actually came forward in her defense, it would really be sad to see them bear the brunt as well. Ashley on the other hand seems to be going from strength to strength. She's just been announced as the casting director of Edward Enniful's British Vogue. Disgusting how the industry rewards this kind of behaviour. And what's equally disgusting is the outrage culture sweeping across the media right now. They'll all be up in arms for one day, and forget about the entire affair the next.

As for Louise, I wouldn't fret if I was her. She looks better with the new trim anyway, although I must admit it's a bit too gamine for my taste. Considering how notoriously nitpicky some bookers and designers are, I wouldn't be surprised if they turn her down for this very reason.
You're only considered safe when you're literally walking down the runway.. it's a bit of a stupid way of working but if you're looking for more job security then modelling probably isn't for you. Perhaps Louise realised this and this is her way of calling it quits. Although I don't know if this will even bring any awareness to the matter.. we all know that models get dropped left, right and centre before shows. It's nothing new. :mellow:
It'll never change because for every one that gets dropped there's hundreds others who are only too keen to take her spot. Divide and conquer. Part of the reason why you'll never see models back each other. Where for instance was the eyewitness accounts of Ulrikke's ordeal and there must've been many who saw more than enough to corroborate her claims.
Ulrikke's doing fine. This month alone, she has OG stories in Vogue Paris, Vogue España, and Vogue Ukraine (ok that one's not very exciting but...). She said herself that she actually has more options than before.

I mean, it's not like she was ever going to be the next big thing. She would've faded and eventually started doing more commercial work regardless. But she's still booking better print work than most of the new-ish girls trudging along in Paris as we speak.

Skipping fashion week doesn't mean you're not working.
Was wondering where Jay Wright was for Paris, and found this post about her speaking out about the new laws in Paris. And I agree with her, it is a flawed method of determining whether or not a girl can walk shows.
(I also can't find her on Next's website anywhere?)
I was preparedto give her the benefit of the doubt until I got to #Iwokeuplike this. She's not really good at stating her case so maybe a link to a medical article would've sufficed.

Also, doubt your post will stay up long....
Seeing as Ulrikke's story was accepted on here, I don't see why Jay's wouldn't be.
Maxime Valentini (casting director for Hermes) posted on Instagram

I am usually not one to resort to social media to speak up my mind but after what I've experienced again this season, I simply cannot hold back anymore.
So much wrongdoing has shamelessly been perpetrated this season again and yet no one is really addressing the issue despite everything that has previously happened and been revealed since.
I am really truly sick of the hypocrisy.
Making water, food, chairs and therapists available for models during castings and making sure everyone is aware of the apparent (and deceiving) upgrade of the models conditions will not fool us. There are still many sinister things happening simultaneously behind closed doors — including but not limited to the blackmail and moral abuse of models, agents and casting directors and it looks as though we have no other choice but to be bear though it and try not to crack under the unacceptable pressure forced upon us by the big powerful ones, which we then end up forcing upon each other relentlessly as if there was no way to break this vicious circle of abuse.
Kering, please cut it out already with the pledges and charters. More so than anyone else, you don’t observe the guidelines you have set for yourself and others.
Let’s try for once to all work together in a peaceful, respectful and egoless way leading to a better, kinder working environment that will benefit us all — and more importantly everyone’s creativity which is what inspired us to work in the fashion industry in the first place.
Let’s unite and change our ways at last.
We don’t need a charter to achieve this.

Did you guys see Vittoria's ig story last night? She deleted it already, but it was using this new poll thing on the stories. They (there were different voices, so I'm guessing it was her usual group of friends) were looking at a picture of Kaia from the Chanel show and asking: Does Kaia look like s**t? Yes or no?
I took a screenshot because I assumed they will delete it.

I just love this kind of "drama" :lol:
Haha love that ! I don't like Kaia anyway. She's trying too hard
Gotta love Vitto for that
If you look at Yasmin's Stories, they were actually hanging out with Kaia (along with Selena) so I think it was just a joke.
Did you guys see Vittoria's ig story last night? She deleted it already, but it was using this new poll thing on the stories. They (there were different voices, so I'm guessing it was her usual group of friends) were looking at a picture of Kaia from the Chanel show and asking: Does Kaia look like s**t? Yes or no?
I took a screenshot because I assumed they will delete it.

I just love this kind of "drama" :lol:

That kind of behavior is not only unprofessional, but it is beyond pathetic. We shouldn't be encouraging young women bullying each other. It's not cool.
^ Seriously. Unless Kaia was really in on the joke and they did it together, that's just a stupid way to behave (especially on social media).
Can we all take a chill pill here please Kaia Yasmin Selena & Vitto were all chilling together yesterday.I bumped into them in the hotel.I think it was a joke.They just showing Kaia the ropes taking her under their wing so to speak .If u guys seen Selena live on IG last night they were all on there having a good time .
Well, I don't follow Selena or Yasmin on social media, so I didn't see the other side of the story. Thanks for clarifying.
And seriously, there is no need to get so intense.
I think they're all friends and that Kaia follows most if not all of them on Instagram.
I agree that it is probably because of Instagram as well. I cannot imagine any top model today garnering the excitement that Freja and Vlada used to. There are no threads anymore that attract the amount of posts that these girls used to. Due to Instagram, top models today all just seem like your regular, average young girl now because we see every part of their lives. There is no allure anymore. The days of the TFS model stan are long gone.

Their threads from 2009/2010 were the best! :rofl:

I agree. Natasha had a thread that lasted for more or less only 3 months from several years ago. Freja's thread would have hundreds of thousands of views per month. And the posts in Vlada's thread would be the funniest :lol: That was the height of model stanning. :lol:
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Is that a legit source? Idk like fashion week just ended, I know I'd spend the entire flight resting

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