Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2008 - Please see first post before posting*UPDATED

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I just screencapped pictures of some the models faces, Cado, but if you're looking for more HQ's just go here, it's where I found them all:


KK just blows the rest of them out of the water. Seriously, she looks flawless there. The rest of them are either oily (Miranda), old (Heidi), overtanned (Adrianna), manly (Doutzen) and just plain crazy (Selita).
Miranda's skin doesn't look oily at all and Doutzen looks stunning, at least to me, so I'm not sure how you came to those conclusions, but I agree about the others. The only reason I posted that Selita picture was because you can see the eyeshadow, I don't think she had a decent picture the whole show though.:innocent: She looked kind of....almost drunk in most of her pictures.
She actually is the best out of all of them, when you look at them like that.
Actually I agree. In those shots, KK does look the best, followed by Miranda. They're all beautiful in different ways, it's just they were caught in bad moments :lol:
oh lawd ... here we go. it's gonna be a riot up in here in about 2.2 seconds. lol. everyone defending their favourite model.

*grabs popcorn*
Well, KK is not only stunning but has the best walk. And no matter how beautiful Miranda is, her walk is just ... how should I put this ... very robotic. (Not as bad as Marisa's walk, but definitely not good.)
lol, Prescott, I youtubed miranda's walk in the VSFS08 to see how her walk is robotic, and it seems fine to me, I think she walked the show quite elegnatly... or maybe I am just to busy admiring her beauty to even Realize her walk... :P
Just check the 3rd segment (The Moderns - she's the last model in it) and you'll see...
There are two sentences in VSFS 2008 which I will not understand no matter who many times I watch it back. Right after the third segment the models are asked about "pick-up lines". And that's the part I don't really get. So can someone please reveal the missing words?
Selita says: "Girl, your feet must be tired 'cos you don't walk into ..?.. all they long."
Karolina says: "A guy once told me, if I was a new hamburger I would ..?.. gorgeous."

(English is my second language... :blush:)
Selita: "Girl, your feet must be tired 'cos you been walking through my mind all day long."
Karolina: "A guy once told me, if I was a new hamburger, I would be the new McGorgeous."

Oh, I see now... Thanks, happyc! I can't help but give you a karma! ^^
Funny lines, btw.
Hi all! Not much news to share except that the next big bra launch is happening the first of next month and the lead will be Heidi. It's going to be called "The Perfect Fit Bra" or something cheesy like that.

Behati also scored the lead of the new Pink Body Care line as the current spokeswoman of Pink.

Andddd as previously reported, Alessandra is the lead for VS Swim 09 and is being currently featured in storefront marketing and fixture displays.
VS show 08 was finally aired in here finland week ago. I watched it from you tube, but my dear old iMac couldn`t handle all parts, so it was nice to see it on TV. I was really really annoyed by editing, it was somehow jumpy. And could have go without all the stupid "who`s Victoria"-parts etc. One model I didn`t like at show was Carmen Kass, seriously, she looked old, Heidi looks so much better IMO. And Selita really looked like she was drunk, and her walk is :ninja: Doutzen`s walk wasn`t the best either, she seemed nervous. Pink section was so cute :heart: I think I`m going to watch it again now ^_^
Well, I party disagree. I think Selita was great, I loved her walk along with the poses...
And Heidi looks older than Carmen, that's for sure.
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