Yay or Nay?

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Nay to the dress... that length is never flattering on anyone. If you hemmed it, it would be lovely though.
I dunno about this dress. Yay or nay?


My answer to the dress in Post #1743 is Yay! I am very much a sucker for cute girly dresses. I'd like it better if it had a better looking pattern, but for what it is, this dress is a winner.


I just bought this navy parka and I like the clean look and the small, yet cool details. However, this parka set me back $560. I love A.P.C.'s outerwear and their Petit Standard jeans but their pricing on outerwear is at times ridiculously high. I love this one though and promised myself to buy it two A/W seasons ago but never did.

Should I keep it or return it? Yay or nay? Schlay or phlay?

Source (1st pic): http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_saV-reFRZB8/S0Oeb37LtMI/AAAAAAAAA9U/UwF7spRc7cE/s320/DSC_0263.JPG
Source (2nd pic): http://cdn.my-wardrobe.com/images/products/5/8/586532/m1_586532.jpg
i say keep it... especially if you've been wanting it for so long
i say keep it... especially if you've been wanting it for so long

Ali.M, I say yay. You can't go wrong with a nice, simple parka. :)

Chrissy & Chic, thank you for your replies. You're right, it's a nice parka and just when I thought I made a good purchase I accidentally noted a flaw on the product and the stitching was not done very well on some areas. I can't believe A.P.C. being this "casual" on a $560 piece :angry:. The jacket seems quite fragile and I don't think it will hold for more than a season or two.

The parka is going back for the flaws/defects I found and hopefully they'll give me a new one or a compensation but I'm not sure if I'll keep it anyway.
Sorry, I don't like the coats, Ali. It's just too much of a ferryman. Nay...
The New Windcheater

The Wiper

Zipped Wool Parka, dark navy

Zipped Wool Parka, grey

Water resist. Wool Parka, olive

Any yays or all nays?

Source/credit: First 3 pictures, azitastore.com

Source/credit: Next 3 pictures, tresbienshop.net
^Ali, I like the first one a lot! My second choices are the dark navy one and the last one, even though it looks brown to me? Which I don't like. Olive would be better, but it could be the picture.
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^Ali, I like the first one a lot! My second choices are the dark navy one and the last one, even though it looks brown to me? Which I don't like. Olive would be better, but it could be the picture.

The last one from Our Legacy is quite cool. It looks brown but the description says "Olive", but yeah, it's kinda dark. I also like APC's take on the duffle coat by adding a zipper. I actually like that coat more than the APC navy parka I've just bought (it's going back).

a Topshop leather jacket on ebay I lost an auction for, but the highest bidder stepped down so now I can get it for a total of about $130 including shipping... In the item desc. it says the original retail was £120 and the details are as follows:
"It has a zip to the front and two zipped front pockets, as well as suede trimmings around the shoulders and front and poppers at the collar."
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