America's Next Top Models Cycle 14 -

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Photographer: Renee Azcra Woodward
MUA: LgP Makeup
Model: Bianca Richardson
Photographer: Don Harris Photographics
Model: Bianca Richardson
DVF only called one girl beautiful and that was Anamaria.
Diane also called Kendal beautiful and said that, as a fashion designer, she would hire Kendal if she saw her.

Anamaria was let go to send a message. It's also why, IMHO, Ann unjustly got call FCO over Kayla. It was statement of natural versus someone who has gone way too far.

Kayla had both the face and the pose down. She looked fabulous.

I did screen caps to get the photos from the past episode since they have not been posted online. It's the full-length and the close-up. I apologize for the control being in the photo. It's what happens when I pause to do a screen cap.

Call out order:
01. Ann
02. Kayla
03. Chelsey
04. Kendal
05. Lexie
06. Liz
07. Jane
08. Esther
09. Chris
10. Rhianna
11. Kacey
12. Sara
13. Terra
14. Anamaria (eliminated)
So glad that snob is gone... Models with a "greater than thou" attitude instantly go to the bottom of my list.
One reason I like Ann so much because of how clueless & insecure she is about her beauty.
For me, humility is true beauty.
I like Jane; at times she reminds me of Magdalena, and other times of Kasia, and occasionally, I see a bit of Natasha Poly in her face. Chelsey reminds me of Lara Stone sometimes, with that gap tooth
Photographer: Nick Brazinsky
Model: Lexie Tomcheck
Photographer: Jun Lee
Designer: Vanessa De La Torre
Model: Anamaria Mirdita,
I'm excited to see the makeovers and maybe the makeovers would change my mind some of the girls.

Anamaria. I'm not impressed because she's obviously posing.
i really don't get how people see a "model" i annamaria, she is sooo effing ugly :yuk:
I am beyond stunned seeing some of those makeover shots.

Jane...honestly please go far. Please Top 3 at least?! Don't let Tyra's curse of Ivy League students get you!
Wow. Jane's face is incredible! It's like a crossover between Magdalena and Natasha P.!
Kendal(l)'s look is fantastic but I'm not seeing it in her pictures yet.
I hope those two go far!
^ I like Jane as well. I think the 2 sisters are hilarious but not models. Tick tick tick tick flash! lol :p I also like Esther and Kendal but I have to say that as they are right now (pre-make overs, early in the season) I don't see Italian Vogue in any of the girls
One of those girls looks like Natasha Poly !!! :shock:
I'm shocked at how good these girls are.
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