America's Next Top Models Cycle 14 -

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ugh Jane! She's amazing!

But don't you think her resemblance to the great Natasha Poly will hinder her in the competition? Surely the judges can make the connection right? Do they pick someone who already looks like a supermodel? Or do they pick someone who is a top model on their own?
ugh Jane! She's amazing!
But don't you think her resemblance to the great Natasha Poly will hinder her in the competition? Surely the judges can make the connection right? Do they pick someone who already looks like a supermodel? Or do they pick someone who is a top model on their own?

Remember Kahlen (Cycle 4)? I would say no since Kahlen's resemblance to Carmen Kass prevented her from even getting hired by an agency after the show. Why chose a shorter, broke-down version when you can have the real thing?

Episode 3 Photos

We are not allowed to discuss the photos ahead of time so I'll just say that
the second set of pictures are so cheap. They look like pictures I would take with my inexpensive digital camera rather than something that would be turned in by a pro.
I don't think Jane looks enough like Natasha to the point that it would hinder her. I see a little bit of a number of different girls in her, including Natasha, Magda and Kasia which only means that she has "that" look. I seriously cannot believe how amazing she looks/is, she has to win this. Unless someone else will rise up to "amaze" me later on in the season, I just can't see anyone else other than Jane in VI.
i don't think jane looks like natasha at all. i just don't see it. i feel like jane's face looks a lot more like magdalena than natasha because of her jawline.
The quality of the photos are horrible. I can take better photos than that.
Papercut Magazine, September/October 2010

Papercut Magazine, September/October 2010
Leave the Shouting to Others
Photographer: Nicole Bechard
Hair/Makeup: Janeen JOnes
Sylist: Nicole Herzog
Jackets: Teresa Crowninshield
Model: Kimberly Rydzewski (credit to Lacey-Vibe @ RTV Games)
I liked Jane a lot better pre-makeover (from what I can tell) but she is just so gorgeous either way. I bet Tyra is going to use the whole "no personality" thing on her later though.
The second set of photos is just embarassing...For the makeover, I love Ann and Jane. I still think Kendall is gorgeous but I would have kept the hair short.
I was on Youtube, and this video was "recommended" for me. Lol.

Love Jade.:lol:
wow this cycle is too good so far I dont have a front many options
The photos looked cheap and the styling was awful. There was nothing in those outfits that said angel. Honestly, if all of the pictures are bad then it's not fair to blame the models. The photography was awful

1. I think it's mean to give someone a bad makeover (Sara, Terra) and then send them home.
2. Kayla's makeover was awful. That hair washes her out. She should have been left alone. Also, why did they choose a shot of her in profile. There were better pictures.
3. Lexie looks even more common. She should have been left as a blonde.
4. Ann got another first undeserved first callout. This is also her second in a row. The only other person to do that has been Jaslene, the winner of Cycle 8.
5. Rhianna should have gotten first call out for the Fallen Angel should.
6. Kendal's picture was wonderful. It's quite possible to convey lust without dry-humping someone. Tyra knows nothing of subtleties.
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The show has run on the West Coast so I thought I would post the photos from this episode.
This should've been the call-out order IMO:

I think Jane looks amazing with the makeover and I thought her photo wasn't that bad..Kendal's was good too :)
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