America's Next Top Models Cycle 14 -

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I can understand where you're coming from, and I suppose it all has to do with opinions. But I honestly think Ann is at the forefront of the girls left. Her problems are her proportions, but I feel that her face is the most high fashion relevant of any of the girls left - Jane is yet to prove to me that she can whip out high fashion appeal in photos. In person, I'd instantly say she's the one who should win, but in all of her photos she seems to lose something. And while I quite like Chelsea, I can't say she's wowed me yet - just like Jane, I like her quite a bit in person but then in photographs she seems to fall flat. Agree to disagree, however. :flower:

I agree that the photos we've been shown of Jane have not been inspiring. However, I need to reiterate that no one but Tyra sees a contestant's entire roll of film. I seriously doubt that we're being shown the best pictures of Jane or Kendal.

I agree with you about Chelsea. I like her pictures, but I am leery of her winning. She's already been to Milan as a much younger model. I don't see anything that makes me think she'll be more successful the second time around.
I think Chelsea might win simply because she has an okay-bordering on sweet edit. She is blonde and fits with models of the moment like Lara Stone, Brit Maren and Ashley Smith (she personally reminds me of Katrin thormann) with her super blonde hair and tooth gap. Plus she has a story that tyra can work with as well; Chelsea modelled before with limited success but Tyra can claim her as her protoge and say I got her signed with the biggest modelling agency in the world because she couldn't do it on her own. Kayla has her "lesbian never done won antm" and Ann has "busted girl turns into swan" but these edits may be too obvious. Jane is the best and she may get first call out this week but I doubt she'll be able to maintain the momentum, Andre already calls her plain Jane which is weird since she looks like Natasha Poly who is always in Vogue.
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I agree with you, however i think ann might take it IF she keeps up the pace she's going. Jane to me looks like the result of a Magdalena and natasha poly's love child. She has that eastern european look that frequents alot of the catwalks and ed's consistently.

If tyra wanted a girl that was actually good for italian vogue, i would stick with Jane. Im sure not every model starts off taking okay pictures, its just practising and constant exposure.

Thats not to say that i dont like Ann either. Id like to see both of them in the top four.
Saying that Jane looks like Natasha Poly, I kinda don't see it. I see Magadalena because of the jaw, because their both squared, but if I had to say, not that i think about it, she looks like Natasha from the eyes up, and Magdalenda from the eyes down... (big forhead and square jaw.)

And Ann is great, but if the pictures from her were the "best", could she have had other pictures that were better as well?

Seriously? SERIOUSLY? There is no way Ann deserved first call out, AGAIN. Her running picture was terrible. There is just no way for her not to win this.

My poor Jane. At least she was called second, but still. :(
Ugh that was ridiculous. The judges obviously can't see past their favoritism toward Ann. I don't understand why this show can still upset me with its choices. :lol:
I am an Ann fan, but this is getting irritating.
Come on, when Ann was the worst at the challenge, they should've given it to Jane or Kendall.
It would be crazy if she gets it right until the Final 2, and then given it to another. I can so see that happening.
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I am an Ann fan, but this is getting irritating.
Come on, when Ann was the worst at the challenge, they should've given it to Jane or Kendall.
It would be crazy if she gets it right until the Final 2, and then given it to another. I can so see that happening.

I would actually love that (that last thing you said). At this point, they've made me hate Ann.

Also, I agree with you about the challenge thing. I didn't even think of that, but that's double the reason why Ann shouldn't have been called first.

Watching this show sometimes almost makes me understand why some girls make it big who have no business at it. Seems fashion people just can't step back and evaluate what they're doing. And that's how we end up with one girl having 6 eds in Vogue each month.
Patrick seemed to like Jane, Esther, and Kendal the best.

Which I agree with him on because I think they have the most potential.

I'm just not sure about Ann. I didn't think her pictures this week were that great and she always looks quite busted in person.
Wow really? I predicted that even before I sat down. It would be nice if they at LEAST made the show interesting! They're making it too obvious who the winner will be. I mean at least mix it up a bit! Ann is by far my favorite, but this is just stupid...
I think Ann's beauty shot was her best out of the three. I feel like ANTM is sweeping the covergirl contract under the rug this season and focusing on VI. It's like.. "well.. she's in Vogue... so who cares about CoverGirl". Gotta please both, which I don't think Ann can do it. But I love when she gets first call out. 5 times in a row kind of beastly. To me she is working it. Even when it looks horrible and awkard, to me, the final product works. It made me giggle to see Kacey's face when they called Ann first.

Next week's episode looks AMAZINNNNNG.

From what I saw:
Chelsea is Carolina Herrera
Jane is Marc Jacobs
Liz is John Galliano
Chris is Betsey Johnson?
Esther is ??? (the model was wearing strong shoulders)
I couldn't tell who Kendall was.
Ann might be Alexander Wang. Or it could be Kayla.
This is beyond ridiculous now. Tyras favoritism towards Ann is so false. They are just building her up because of this preconceived notion within the public, that they are obviously going with, that high fashion is weird and ugly. Sure there are weird looking girls out there but there's a beauty about them that's inspiring, whereas ann is kind of just disturbing to me.
Ann got first call out again? Her photo is not that great.
But im happy Jane got 2nd call out..
But im happy Jane got 2nd call out..

haha I had to totally rewind and replay Andre's reaction to Jane's photo a couple of times. I loved it! I was quite nervous for Jane's jumping picture but I am glad the judges loved it. Is Jane really that commercial? Patrick even commented on it! :shock:
you guys are talking about the judges' favoritism for ann, but you don't see your favoritism for jane!!
she has a nice face, but she is nothing as a model, she's just dead and confused; and her body is definitely not for modeling.

hating ann just because she deserved the first call out [again] and your favorite jane didn't [again] is pathetic.
It's a tough competition, Ann, Jane and Kendal are a serious trio.

Jane would be amazing on VOGUE IT but so would Ann and Kendal. I can't wait for Franca to get on the judging table and tell it how it is.
Chelsey: Carolina Herrera
Ann: Alexander Wang
Chris: Betsey Johnson
Esther: Christophe Decarnin?
Kendal: Rei Kawakubo? :lol:
Kayla: Vivienne Westwood
Liz: John Galliano
Jane: Marc Jacobs
what's the theme of next week photoshoot??
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Haha, if the judges ever eliminate Ann, I'm sure they'll say the usual sh*tload like 'she started strong but..', 'she's in the plateau stage of her career'... well whatever tyra says when she kicks girls out :rofl:
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