I haven't watched ANTM for a long time. I only watched one or two entire cycles early on when it first began because then it was still kind of interesting for me. However, this one caught my attention when they mentioned it would be a 'petite' cycle (I'm a 'true' petite under 5'4"). I was kind of disappointed when I realised they only meant 'petite compared to "normal" models' and not 'petite compared to "normal" people'. I was dreaming that maybe they would have 'real' petite models and show the world there is a whole other dimension for petite models to succeed in (a lot of them are in commercial modelling), but the show isn't about that.
I still watched it out of curiosity.
I have to say I was not happy with some of the choices they made with the contestants. I don't know what criteria they use to pick them, but I feel as if they purposely picked a number of short women that had stocky body types (i.e. thicker limbs that look shorter than they are). Reinforcing the beliefs of a vocal minority who love fashion: short women look fat and chunky. I was hoping they would at least strive to prove that being a model is more about
proportions (like Nicole's) instead of height alone. There are tall women with stocky limbs and/or short legs who also look non-modelesque because of their proportions.
I loved Laura because she was so sweet and happy all the time, but I honestly didn't think all of her pictures were that great. For example, in the one where they posed on the rocks she looked like a deer in the headlights. I also think that she has not got the best body type for modelling if she needs to appear tall.
I thought Erin was a good choice for a model from her pictures, but I also believe it is of great importance for a girl to have the right attitude and to be able to get along with everyone easily. Erin didn't have this and I think it would make her a difficult model to work with.
I was expecting they would either push for the shortest girl to win (they did keep Sundai for a long time even though she did not change the angle of her face) or for the East Asian girl to win (correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember one ever winning ANTM). Even though Nicole is
not the most petite winner of all ANTM shows, I think she was the best choice. She has modelesque proportions, took great photos most of the time and knew what to do with her body and face. In addition, having been a bit of a shy loner myself, I can see that she has come a
long way in this competition and has worked hard to become more confident and to believe in herself. She has also worked on her personality and voice to film a good commercial. I'm happy she won.