Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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Lindsay Lohan to front BBC child trafficking film


Lindsay Lohan starred in US Film Mean Girls

Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan is to front a new BBC Three documentary which will focus on child trafficking in India.

Lohan has travelled across the continent interviewing the people involved in trying to find solutions to the illegal trade.
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^ So now I guess she'll be hosting Masterpiece Theater and Inside the Actor's Studio?? :unsure:
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^¨poor sam she seems like the coolest girl on earth I cant imagine her hurting linds:shock:
Anybody else getting tired of this whole Junior High School routine? :doh:
lindsay is so weak; why is she still being associated with fashion. she needs to have a seat.
Move Over, Daryl Hannah

LiLo went off to India last month to film a BBC documentary about child trafficking, and here's the first trailer for it.

You know, I'm not sure why she went all the way to India to learn about child trafficking. She could've just interviewed her own parents. Okay, okay, I know she's trying to get some publicity, but it's hard for me to fake a seriousface while watching this when she's got two giant gummy worms on her face.
#5042, you mean that's NOT Pauly Shore?
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^¨poor sam she seems like the coolest girl on earth I cant imagine her hurting linds:shock:

I cant either. I like/liked everything about sam: her style, personality...her NEW Porsche 911 Carrera 4S Targa B) . And i am one person who found her and lindsay a hot couple, though i didnt think her lifestyle/career was good for linds...but still.


@lindsaylohan Have a good meeting.You sound great considering the nasty/lies comments.Defend urslf but take the upper path.Im doin the same Luv ya Code. Thanks StephThanx for the advice.I have confidence,with u in the mix,things will take a better path.Now its up to BK unless hes got other"motives" Jackie. Great seeing u. Thanks soo much for thye support, kind words, faith and believing in me, ur heart and whats right. XO Cant dance with the devil and expect to go home with Jesus. So greatful and happy to have Him back. Mr Torres,u still comand one heck of an audience.Great seeing you.And thanx for ur willingness to stand up for me.see ya next Friday. Blessed Mother,Queen of peace,pray to Jesus & save us from all malice, hatred and grant us peace in our hearts, minds and lives. PEACE OUT! Hey Katie Major... 3 days??!! UR kidding me. Not a snowballs chance in hell. @k8major U r driving me nuts.. stop nudging! Go to Thanks Jackie. Blessings on it getting picked up. Go to The Daily Word is“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22 UNOWHO Hope all is well and things begin to turn around. U r amazing and have a lot to offer. Let Forgiveness,peace&our love take over. Some things NEVER die. They may fade away at times&go thru rutts,but they can b used to help us grow stonger and closer than ever.Kootndaise Listen to ur heart & to God NOT others, bc they too will fade away, while whats in our heart and God won't.Miss ya kiddo.Hope to see u soon. “The Word for today ......Jesus bore our sins so that we may die to sin and live righteous lives,1 Peter 2:24 Hypocricy, being self serving,"deceit, slander and lying" are represenative of evil,the Truth will reign, what is concealed WILL BE revealed Lets take a look at the slum Lords of Elmira & how people who rep others get paid when the people the represent r broke. Alot more to come Linds and Ali. I need those letters for court ( Riley/Jewelry,Boots and the clothes) Why so many addresses, ethics, morality&infidelity.Maybe even grievance & bar association orusing other cases to promote urself on ur site. Event at The Post Office ( RESTURAUNT) in Babylon from 3pm onnnnn. COME AND JOIN US.
Did she seriously just ask if the "attractive" girls get raped? She's a moron and that documentary is an absolute insult to all the victims and anybody with half a brain who is interested in the situation.
Lohan’s car allegedly struck the photographer and then sped away from the scene.

The 23-year-old actor, who starred in Mean Girls, was not driving the vehicle but was inside the car at the time.

Her driver is now being deemed a person of interest in a criminal assault with a deadly weapon investigation.

TMZ reported that the incident occurred around 12:30 a.m PT in front of The Hotel Cafe in Hollywood, CA.

The photographer was injured but was reportedly not taken to hospital.

Now the photographer has told TMZ : “Of course I’m going to sue them … but I don’t care about the money.”He claims he is “lucky to be alive”, especially since the driver was wearing sunglasses while driving in a dark alley.

“I want to press charges so badly … she’s going to jail,” he said.

Meanwhile, the BBC has released a trailer previewing its documentary, Lindsay Lohan In India, which chronicles the actress’s weeklong visit to uncover the trafficking of women and children.
“It was an amazing, life-changing experience for her,” Lohan’s mother, Dina, told PEOPLE on Saturday.

“I’m so proud of Lindsay, that under all the scrutiny the tabloids put her under, she is a very strong, caring, talented girl who ignores all the negative, and continues to move forward in a positive direction. I am so proud of her.”

According to the BBC, Lohan, 23, meets with “young boys who work 16-hour days under the constant threat of beatings, …a reformed trafficker who would make a quick buck luring young girls…[and] a shelter where young girls promised domestic work for India’s burgeoning middle classes were trafficked into brothels and forced into prostitution”.

“As her trip draws to an end,” a BBC press release says, “Lindsay questions whether the increasing demand for domestic help and consumer goods by India’s wealthy, coupled with the increasing poverty in rural India, , means there is any solution to this abominable trade.
source: Herald sun

and the drama continues...:(
"According to the BBC, Lohan, 23, meets with “young boys who work 16-hour days under the constant threat of beatings..."

They're not talking about personal assistants to Naomi Campbell, are they?? :o
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