Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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^ i don't know about that..but some of those sketches look pretty..basically is the the kind of clothes that lindsay generally wear but with her name-tag's more a marketing move..i mean it's pretty clear that she's trying to create a Lohan brand (leggingns, tanning..ecc..) just like J.lo or Gwen Stefani did..
Pootie, How Could You?!!!!?


Well, this is ironic. Usually when you read the words "thief" and "Lindsay Lohan" in one sentence, LiLo's the one being accused of doing the snatching. But oh how the coke tables have turned! UsWeekly reports that someone stole LiLo's sketches for her 6126 clothing line and she's pointing her favorite snorting finger at her former purse holder/hair icon Patrick "Pootie" Aufdenkamp. Pootie is also the sound my b-holes makes whenever I see pictures of the both of them together.

One of LiLo's friends said that Pootie (gesundheit!) is launching his own fashion line in NYC next month and is planning to use her designs. Everything Pooti knows he learned from watching Bold and the Beautiful.

The friend added, "It's horrible. He was her best friend. He has always used her, and she's been warned to never trust him. Lindsay is a good friend and likes to see the good in people. She didn't want to believe how bad Patrick's energy was, and how false his friendship has always been with her."

LiLo confirmed to UsWeekly that she's parted ways with Pooti, "I should've known better. But new year for me and a new beginning! Health, happiness, success and love!"

There must be a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe LiLo left her sketches on the coffee table next to a mound of Lohan powder, and Pooti didn't have a crisp dollar bill on him. So naturally, he rolled up one of her sketches and went at it. I mean, would a glittermeister named Pooti really steal LiLo's crack scratches (SPOILER ALERT: YES)?

Here's LiLo and the Curious Case of Ali Lohan crying about something or another on a yacht in St. Barts yesterday. Maybe they have the sads, because Pooti isn't in their lives anymore. Or maybe their St. Barts dealer is out of the bad ****? Probably the latter.
that's awful! patrick was even with lindsay when she got to st barts!
and i heard that her friend, casey johnson, the heiress to johnson&johnson died yesterday, so that's probably whta she's crying about. what an awful way to start the new year...
^ yes i thought that she might be crying about casey also! but in other pic shes laughing??
Patrick's twitter:
Everyone will know the truth soon enough. And I mean Everything...! En route traveling home.

Lindsay's twitter:( :unsure: )
"Whattaya Want From Me" @adamlambert ahhhhhhh I loooove on this. Unexpected road trip, now "man in a suitcase" the police lol
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^ omg...i'm pretty terrified and scared to hear what's patrick is about to reveal on lindsay...:shock:
I knew it all along.Transition and lies, just like all the rest. What to do? Just learn and pray I never get deceived again.God has HIS ways What's concealed is ALWAYS revealed and the TRUTH always prevails. Some poeple are just meant to wind up miserable and do the devils work! Can't wait to let the TRUTH be seen and heard! Goodnight all. Long day tomorrow. Bless you Linds, Mike . Ali .. Cody ... and you too! Just like you and Ali warned me about Erin-I warned you a long time ago about the "mule" Let's make better choices. Luv U u had the jet kiddo. US Air! just can't see it. OMG. UR too funny. God speed honey. we will deal with whatever we have to. We have a major advantage. With HIM, we cen not lose! Heyou. still burning the chicken cutlets. OMG, you make me laugh. I am so happy I got to say what I did tonight. Hope u felt it too. I think about the last 2 yrs and the 19 w U.MY Why didn't I listen to U.I guess it was a lesson and a message.
^ same for me, especially because Patrick has always benn with her in the last couple of year so i'm sure he knows her and her habits pretty well...:innocent:
Patrick's statement
"I stand by my integrity as an artist and my morals as a business person. I would like to see any shred of evidence that supports those ridiculous allegations, there is no evidence and there will be nothing Lindsay or her company can find to show otherwise. I'm way too creative of an individual to need to steal anything design-related from that girl. She knows how much my new line means to me and has seen first hand all the HARD and HONEST work I have put into bringing it to life. The fact that she is trying to take that away from me with a guilt free conscious and can still sleep at night, is in essence, (for those of you who may not already know) exactly what kind of person she is right now. Throughout our entire friendship I have always respected her, her privacy, and wanted nothing but the best. It breaks my heart to see someone I once looked up to, turned to, and considered a sister, stoop to a new kind of low. Just because her career is stuck at a stand still, mine is just taking off. I could not be more thankful for the place I am in today. And am far too creative to need or want these designs of "her's" that simply don't exist. I give credit when it is due and my line that is about to come out next month is 100 percent, my own. I think she should start off this year by addressing the REAL issues that face her life first…
From the bottom of my heart, I wish her nothing but a happy & healthy 2010.
(I am relieved to say I have finally made it home SAFE, and am exhausted, overwhelmed and drained from everything that I have endured on this trip, one day soon this will all make sense to you, but right now that's all I can say)
Thank you all for the support."

Another person exhausted by her crazy ways.
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^ well Scary patrick seems honest and actually is happening??:huh:
is she really in such a bad state of mind to do this kind of thing???i hope not..because if what's Patrick said it's true..even a rehab would be senseless...
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Or he's just the last somebody who has managed to leech off her like everybody else and has finally been caught doing it in a really public way? I don't know, he seems like a smart guy in that statement, smart enough to know that public sympathy will not be with Lindsay.

Wait....did I just stick up for Lilo?
I for one am sad to see Lindsay and Patrick parting their ways. I do not know what kind of people they are in real life, but it seems that Patrick was always standing by Lindsay through her ordeals. If he really stole and leeched off Lindsay then good riddance, but if he didn't and well it's just Lindsay and her troubled mind talking then I feel sorry that she lost another friend.
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