"I stand by my integrity as an artist and my morals as a business person. I would like to see any shred of evidence that supports those ridiculous allegations, there is no evidence and there will be nothing Lindsay or her company can find to show otherwise. I'm way too creative of an individual to need to steal anything design-related from that girl. She knows how much my new line means to me and has seen first hand all the HARD and HONEST work I have put into bringing it to life. The fact that she is trying to take that away from me with a guilt free conscious and can still sleep at night, is in essence, (for those of you who may not already know) exactly what kind of person she is right now. Throughout our entire friendship I have always respected her, her privacy, and wanted nothing but the best. It breaks my heart to see someone I once looked up to, turned to, and considered a sister, stoop to a new kind of low. Just because her career is stuck at a stand still, mine is just taking off. I could not be more thankful for the place I am in today. And am far too creative to need or want these designs of "her's" that simply don't exist. I give credit when it is due and my line that is about to come out next month is 100 percent, my own. I think she should start off this year by addressing the REAL issues that face her life first…
From the bottom of my heart, I wish her nothing but a happy & healthy 2010.
(I am relieved to say I have finally made it home SAFE, and am exhausted, overwhelmed and drained from everything that I have endured on this trip, one day soon this will all make sense to you, but right now that's all I can say)
Thank you all for the support."