Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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Here's a photo of the 77 year old businessman's mall where Lindsay is contractually obliged, as part of her role as his escort to the ball, to sign autographs. She may also perform on that little wooden stage. A couple of months ago he was trying hard to book Lady Gaga for this gig...well....yea that didn't work out but he did get The Parent Trap star Lindsay Lohan :woot:


she looks so hot with the red hair why she is not goin back to her natural color ?:cry:
How amazing would this be.

Lindsay Lohan is reportedly working on a new talk show targeted at younger audiences.
A source says:

"They're about to pilot the idea and have a lot of interest in the show. Ultimately, she wants to get back into movies but while the offers for film roles are not coming in, she doesn't see why she shouldn't take a shot at a TV chat show."
^^ It would be like, soooooo coool!! I mean awesome! :woot: WWWWAAAAAHHHHAYYYHHHOOO!!!! I mean, she could, like have on stars and stuff, and like, friends, and maybe, even like the President and that Harvey Weinstein guy, and it would be like just so cool!!! :rolleyes:
Aside from her talk shows and screenplays, what's going on with Machete? It's out in 3 months - yet there's no trailer, no website, no stills etc... :unsure:

All I found out is that it will have a theatrical release, thanks to Fox

Deadline reports that Sony, Lionsgate, Warner Bros, Fox, Paramount, and The Weinstein Co. were all interested in acquiring the rights to Robert Rodriguez's Machete - his feature-length version of his popular faux trailer from Dimension Films' 2007 bomb Grindhouse - but only one could come out victorious. While you can read all the details at the aforementioned link, 20th Century Fox eventually won the rights using Predators - which Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios produced - as some collateral. But here's where it gets interesting... apparently, a Weinstein Co insider claims it could have scooped up the pic for just $3.5M but didn't because "we saw the footage and it's not very good at all." Or are they just bitter than their financial troubles are glaring in all facets? You be the judge. Watch the original Grindhouse trailer by reading on.
The girl is spreading herself too thin these days- way too much work- 24/7! And now her Ungaro responsibilities are coming up...She is superhuman! I hope Machete goes direct to DVD (or the SiFi Channel) so she doesn't have to do another grueling round of premieres and talk shows to promote it- she is only one girl!! Lord- between she and Taylor Momsen, I don't know who to admire more!! :innocent:
^^ It would be like, soooooo coool!! I mean awesome! :woot: WWWWAAAAAHHHHAYYYHHHOOO!!!! I mean, she could, like have on stars and stuff, and like, friends, and maybe, even like the President and that Harvey Weinstein guy, and it would be like just so cool!!! :rolleyes:

Haahaha! :woot:

I too have been wondering about Machete...i sure hope they kept our very own Lindsey Dee's parts...would be such a shame if they were cut out. :unsure:..IF the movie even comes out in theaters..:(
^ I imagine she's concentrating on doing some ads for the all you can eat early bird buffet at the TGI Friday's in Plainview off of the Long Island Expressway...:shifty:
Not far from an extra...

Speaking of the shames, while Mischa Barton is hustling as an extra on Law & Order SVU, Lindsay Lohan, still unemployed, has been invited as the guest of honour at the annual Vienna Opera Ball. By all accounts, it’s the tackiest sh-t ever and if her predecessors are any indication, this would seem to be the case.

Lilo will follow in the illustrious footsteps of Filthy Scab Pamela Anderson and Hollywood Ebola Paris Hilton.

How do you go from working with Tina Fey and Meryl Streep to parties for hire and begging entrance at award show events? Word is she couldn’t get in anywhere but at the InStyle party after the Globes. And no, not just because of the rain.

You know, Paris Fashion Week is 6 weeks out. You’d think she’d be hunkered down at Ungaro by now given the disaster of last season, non? This is why it’s absurd when people don’t call her on her bullsh-t...
Somehow I think we missed this one from Christmas...Bring your (young) teen siblings and go drinking afterward with a bunch of notorious hockey players! Sean Avery- he should be kept in a cage!! :shock: New York is such a magical city... B)

Lindsay Lohan spent Christmas in New York with her family. Saturday night she hit up the Rangers game with her sister and brother. Afterwards they were spotted at that piece of s--t Sean Avery’s Warren 77…with Avery himself and 3 other players. According to the lovely Isabelle, Aaron Voros (who bounces in and out of lineups, not exactly a top forward) had his arm around her most of the night.

Lilo wants her very own hockey player?

Country b*tch and Hil Duff have one each. Only their players at least dress every game. The stature of the star attracts the stature of the player.

Yesterday Lindsay went shopping. The paps said she kept ordering the staff around the shoppe. Then she posted what she was trying on (
Stella McCartney) on her Twitter, starved for attention for too many days, and begged for more followers.

Meanwhile back in LA, her on off girlfriend
Samantha Ronson was seen out with John Mayer on Christmas Eve. They went for karaoke and, in typical Mayer fashion, decided to hold hands for photographers. In their divorce division, it’s Samantha who kept the famous friends…

Samantha, by her
own account, is closer to her family now that Lilo’s no longer around.

Meanwhile back in LA, her on off girlfriend
Samantha Ronson was seen out with John Mayer on Christmas Eve. They went for karaoke and, in typical Mayer fashion, decided to hold hands for photographers. In their divorce division, it’s Samantha who kept the famous friends…

Samantha, by her
own account, is closer to her family now that Lilo’s no longer around.

Lindsay would be amazing in a remake of this, in the role Glenn Close played

^ OMG- you're right! :shock: If the Ungaro show features boiled bunny fur I'm calling the cops!! :blink:
^ I imagine she's concentrating on doing some ads for the all you can eat early bird buffet at the TGI Friday's in Plainview off of the Long Island Expressway...:shifty:

hahahahaha!!! Boomer, your comments are priceless!:lol:

And Sethii she would be PERFECT for that role :huh:
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Lindsay Lohan is about to let it all hang out in her latest film role – and we’re not talking about her emotions, either.
Not only will the 22-year-old actress go topless as gun-toting socialite April Benz in Robert Rodriguez’s new action flick, Machete, but she goes skinny-dipping with her on-screen mom! got a hold of the original Machete script, and as of now, Lindsay – who has about 10 minutes of screen time as gun-toting socialite April Benz – is slated to get wet and naked while swimming in a waterfall with Alicia Rachel Marek, 34, who plays her mother, June.
Er – sounds like Wild Things part deux Lindsay, only grosser – in other words, a HollyYikes if we ever heard one!
"...sounds like Wild Things part deux Lindsay, only grosser..."

Fantastic!! I knew she had it in her!! God- if they only could have gotten Ex-Rockette and Broadway Star Dina Lohan for the mother's role!! Just imagine the possibilities!!...I can see them both paddling around under the waterfall naked while Dina stops to open some wine, maybe a chain saw murderer off in the bushes watching- it would be amazing!! :crush: I better stop- this is getting too exciting! :shifty:
^ :lol:

A review of Machete's script

...Which leads us to Machete, a script that plays out exactly like you’d expect the 90 minute extended cut of the two minute trailer to play out. Rodriquez dials up the speed like never before, racing from scene to scene so blatantly, you can actually taste his attempts at masking the lack of story. Although if I had Rodriquez with me right now, he’d probably slam his guitar over my head and say, Who cares about the story?? This is about naked women and a dude mowing down people with a blade of death! And in that sense, the script is successful in spades. And diamonds. And clubs and hearts. The chop-first and ask-questions-later main character lost his moral compass long ago when he was double-crossed by his own police force. And he’s dead set on making the world pay as a result.

We actually begin with Good Machete, a federal officer who prefers extremely long blades over these silly guns everyone else carries around. He’s been called into some sort of hotel kidnapping and instead of waiting for backup (aside: Has any movie officer in history ever waited for backup?) he charges in with the only backup he needs, his machete mother****er! He dices up the guards until he finally finds the kidnapped chica he’s looking for. He grabs her and hurries towards safety but then…slice. Machete looks down. He’s been cut with his own machete…by the woman! Double-crossed! Or…single crossed. Or some kind of cross. Then out of nowhere comes his boss. Orders the chica to kill our hero. Machete is then sliced to bits and left inside the burning hotel to die. Yes, on page five our hero is dead.

Err…except he isn’t. Because we now cut to three years later and Machete is alive and well, working as a day laborer. As it is never explained how he escaped the hotel, your guess is as good as mine as to why he’s still alive. Pft, petty details I say. Anyway, we jet crosstown where we meet Elektra Rivers, a homeland security officer. Elektra is kind of like a Megan Fox Mickey Rourke lovechild. She’ll punch you in the face then **** your brains out. We’ll learn more about her later because we shoot to another part of town to meet Luz, the sexy Salma Hayek-like Taco Truck owner who carries a meat cleaver instead of a can of mace. When some thugs try to mug Machete, Luz hops in so the two can chop up and pound down the wannabe gangsters into a giant mound of flesh.

A man named Michael Booth notices Machete’s unique fighting talents and asks him if he’d like to assassinate the senator for 150,000 dollars. Apparently this dickhead senator plans to use illegal immigrants to build a wall between Mexico and the United States, then send those very illegal immigrants who worked on it back to the country they came from. Machete’s not exactly the William Wallace of Mexico but 150k sounds good to him so he camps out on a rooftop and prepares to snipe the Senator during his big illegal immigrant speech. But before he can snipe him, another sniper snipes him! Machete escapes with a flesh wound but he’s been double-crossed all over again! What the ****! This guy needs a new rabbit’s foot. Having the blade of death running around with this kind of knowledge isn’t good for business so Booth (who we find out actually works for the Senator) assigns every low-life in town to find and kill Machete.

I’m still not entirely sure why Booth would hire Machete to kill the man he works for when he didn’t want him dead in the first place but who cares! More people are about to get slaughtered by a machete!

Lucky for Machete, Elektra catches him before the thugs, and after Machete tells her his side of the story, she becomes sympathetic and decides she wants to become Machete’s girlfriend. Sure Machete was going to kill a man, but since he was actually set up, the attempted murder isn’t so bad. That’s a lesson for today’s youth. The two then team up, run around, occasionally ****, and try not to get blown to pieces by Booth’s cronies. Needless to say, there’s a lot of machete battles, a lot of arms and legs that get hacked off, and a ton of scantily dressed women who seem to exist for no other reason than to **** guys who like to kill people.

Now look. I realize, just like the Grindhouse films, that this is a parody of the exploitation films of the 1970s. But I stand by my belief that there’s got to be something that keeps your audience’s interest in between all the gratuitous violence. You need to give Average Joe Moviegoer something to latch onto. And there isn’t a single hook in this story you can hang your hat on. It’s too silly. Too simplistic. Too dumb. Even at a reader-friendly 88 pages this script feels 50 pages too long. I guess the ultimate question is, how long can you keep people interested in a man racing around cutting people up with a machete? 10 minutes for some? 80 for another? The answer will be different for every moviegoer. But while the gluttonous Fast Food film aficionados whoop it up with their tub of popcorn in the front row on opening day, the majority of the audience is going to be checking their watches going, “What the **** am I watching here?”

To Rodriquez’s credit, the guy is a great filmmaker, and this script oozed with “Get it down so I can film it tomorrow” urgency. I know this will play twice as well onscreen as it does on the page. But there’s too much that needs to be saved here. It’s like Once Upon A Time In Mexico with bad production value. And that script wasn’t much better than this one. Rodriquez, I love you, but this movie is a waste of your talents. As long as you continue to spread yourself too thin, the ice will continue to crack underneath you.

Machete gets an extremely generous passing grade of C-
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^ The DVD release will come packaged with a complimentary pint of Chivas Regal- because you will need to drink a bottle of scotch to get through it!! :shock: Good Lord- every time you think it can't get any worse for Lindsay Dee... But let's be positive here: she will be topless- right? So that is not only taking some sort of career advantage of her quickly fading assets, but is one more giant step toward her eventual (inevitable) challenge to Jenna Jameson's p*rn crown!! :huh:
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