Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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Lindsey Lohan being difficult: Lindsey Lohan insists on flying with a private plane to Austria to the 'Opernball' and refuses to fly with a 'normal' scheduled flight! next problem Richard Lugner, the guy who has booked her as his 'escort' to the Ball, is facing is the fact, that the actress doesn't have a ball robe and wants one to be given after her arrival in Vienna!
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^ And, while we're at it, the judge who was going to oversee all of these things and put an end to them is...where?? :angry:
The Lindsay Lohan-Centered Biz Model Drives Ungaro Into Closing Madison Ave. Store


Emanuel Ungaro, the once high-end line of the Paris-based designer who sold his name and company in 2005, made headlines last year for electing Lindsay Lohan as its full-time muse and, improbably, artistic designer. (The company even fired a designer who refused to learn from the wisdom of the Lohan.) The line, under Lohan… let's say it suffered? ("The collection was such a failure that we could not believe they kept her on," is how fashion publicist Kelly Cutrone put it.) And now, the business is making drastic financial arrangements—closing their Madison Avenue shop, according to a staff member.

A very nice voicemail left by a Madison Avenue Ungaro staffer for a customer yesterday, inviting the customer up to the store, broke the news.
"Unfortunately," the leaver of the voicemail said, "um, we're actually going to be closing our doors February 27th, so I wanted to invite you to our liquidation sale."

Last night, we called the store for comment. An employee there told me, after a bit of hesitation (and, obviously, after I said I was a reporter) that I was misinformed and that the store "was fine" and that they were merely liquidating the fall/winter inventory, you see. Not that the entire store was being sold off at 75% off and closing up shop in about three weeks.
We don't have insight yet into what other financial changes are happening at the line.

In any event, everything is "fine" directly contradicts what they're actually telling customers. This is how their salespeople are wrapping up their voicemails: "Again, our official closing date will be February 27th.
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Whoops- here he comes again....:blink:

LEAVE LINDSAY ALONE!! All you jealous Bit***s!! She's just a sweet little Bridge and Tunnel Girl trying to make her way in the cruel world- she's only doing what any fun loving degenerate, I mean, kid would do, going out to clubs, repeatedly turning up at Emergency Rooms and Courtrooms, destroying fashion houses!! Leave her alone and stop blaming her for, well everything she does (over and over again)!! :huh: :innocent:


Lindsay LoHoarder

Lindsay Lohan sat down with The Insider's Niecy Nash to talk about her mess of a life and also her mess of an apartment. Yes, LiLo is a Hoarder (add a "w" to that if you're feeling extra c*nty today). But instead of hoarding cat carcasses and caca-filled diapers (those Hoarders episodes still invade my nightmares), she fills her apartment with shoes, Guitar Hero stuff and clothes.

Niecy, who is also the ringmaster on Clean House, is going to try to help LiLo tame the mess. There's really an easier way for LiLo to get rid of all that sh*t. Half of it probably isn't even hers, so if you lost anything (even a sock in the dryer) in the past year, just show up to LiLo's den of crackery to pick your sh*t up.

And maybe it's time to get new people when the only TV show you can get booked on is The Insider and Hoarders.
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^She could pull a Becky Bloomwood on "Shopaholic takes Manhattan" and sell all of her cr*p. She just needs a few pairs of leggings after all.
^ That's right- her bras alone should bring a mint on LohanHouse!! She, umm, owns a bra..? :unsure:
^I doubt it, but we could buy her one and send it over to Chateau Marmont or wherever she's staying. What do you think Boomer: La Perla, Victoria's Secret or Walmart? Tough call, I know.
^ After seeing those pictures of her apartment, I think we really need to start with a case of Lysol and Mister Clean....:shock:
Oh my I thought that was going to be a parody or some comedy video :(

Why would you agree to have someone film your apartment when you know it's a mess. Why not clean it??? OK...there are some possibilities:

a) She can't afford cleaning service so asks a TV crew
b) This is a cry for attention caused by her mental illnesses
c) With no TV/Movie work this is the only way to get on screen
d) Dina orchestrated this to get press for, where she will sell all Lindsays things after the show airs.
e) With Haiti in the news so much, people need to be reminded of the tragedy of a 23 year old starlet with an apartment literally full of designer shoes and clothes.
^ You missed the most obvious one: She is so famous and successful that she can buy any crap she wants to show how different she is from everybody else; which makes her even more special than she already is, and even more to be envied!! :shock:

Oh, and the other five too...
sorry guys..i think i don't get one that a room of her apartment??is that the way she "store" her clothes/shoes??:huh: i would be seriously afraid to go in that room..there could really be a family of rats between all that stuff :ninja: now i can also understand the reason she goes shopping everyday..i wuold do that too,instead of searching something in that room!
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Her whole apartment is like that. When the CEO of Ungaro visited her he had to sit on the floor because she has no clear space. He has resigned now from that job.
^ Speaking of which- when is the Ungaro RTW Show? Is there a Paris schedule yet? Will there be a show? Will there still be a company to put on a show??? Will Lindsay Dee walk the runway in tears getting cheers and roses thrown at her?? :huh:
About the whole Ungaro thing I would be so ashamed of myself for presenting such a bad collection to Monsieur Ungaro I would lock myself in the basement for years
It awful to see what some""fashion folks" are willin to do now in Paris :cry:
SPOTTED: Paris Ready To Wear Fashion Show Schedule....Which under siege formerly big time fashion house is not even on the schedule??:huh:
XOXO :innocent:
^well..the last collection was pretty horrible but..i cannot believe Ungaro is not even on the schedule..i guess it's just temporary :huh:
Crack hoarder

Crack tweeter, crack hoarder, fraud designer, used to be an actor...who else? It’s Lindsay Lohan. And she allowed cameras from The Insider inside her house to shoot her sh-t. Literally. She has sh-t everywhere. Her living room is a dump. A bedroom has been turned into a shoe storage. Racks and racks of clothing are jammed up against the walls. And... most embarrassingly... she’s agreed to be filmed.

Shame, non?

This is the kind of move you see from, like, an 80s sitcom star who’s having a garage sale. It’s not the move of a girl who just 4 short years ago was once the It of the town. Think about how embarrassing this is. Not necessarily the hoarding itself but the voluntary revelation of the hoarding, because it’s one of the few attention cards she’s yet to play. And Niecy Nash? All due respect to Niecy Nash, this is not about Niecy Nash, but it is about the fact that it wasn’t Barbara Walters. Or Diane Sawyer. Or a segment longer than 2 minutes.

At least if it was Walters or Sawyer, at least there’s *some* dignity there. But on The Insider? And not even a full feature? It’s humiliating.

The lips, Jesus those lips, watch her lips when she says “stuff”. It’s like the words have to fight their way through her injections.
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