Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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^ You don't need a lot of shoes in prison or a long term health care facility after some sort of brain damage, either.... but that would never happen, would it.... :(
^Nah, the girl is charmed, some folks never get their just deserts. Tell me Elizabeth Taylor was not just as hysterical in her time...need more big, shiny diamonds...excess for another era, is all.
^ And she worked- all the time! And her diamonds and all came from very rich husbands and lovers, not spending when she had no job...And she continued to look very beautiful, until illness, accidents and 'other behaviors' took their toll...quiet a big difference... :huh:
Treating herself to a gourmet meal, Lindsay Lohan was spotted arriving at Madeo restaurant in West Hollywood last night (February 4).

The “Mean Girls” actress looked to be in a good mood as she walked past, text messaging on her mobile phone and sporting a furry grey coat.

In related news, it seems LiLo was in the mood to mess with her ex-girlfriend Samantha Ronson while out at Crown Bar earlier this week.

An eyewitness revealed, “Sam was working her usual weekly gig DJing at Crown bar. Lindsay turned up around 11 pm and she was in the mood for trouble! Lindsay was drinking straight out of a bottle of vodka and I saw her take an orange prescription bottle out of her bag and pop a couple of pills that she said were Adderall, she even offered some of the pills to a friend that was with her.”

“Lindsay was trying to get Sam’s attention, but she was working and studiously ignored Lindsay. You could see Lindsay getting more and more worked up the more Sam didn’t pay her any attention. At one point Lindsay was dirty dancing with this really pretty girl right in front of Sam, obviously to try and make her jealous.”
“Sam just got sick of it all in the end though and started taunting Lindsay about her being all drunk and messed up. She said to Lindsay, ‘Why don’t you just have another drink?’ and even told her, ‘You’re a disgrace.’”

“That made Lindsay just totally flip out on Sam. She picked up a drink and threw it straight in her face! Sam was absolutely furious and picked up some DJ equipment that was by her and threw that at Lindsay. It was crazy!”
source: celebrity- gossip

because the pills were for sleeping...right Lindsay!?:innocent:
oh god, when will she ever learn the lesson??
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^ All I can say is thank heavens none of this is out in public where that 'get tough' judge can see it and say she has violated her probation...again... :innocent:
well, i'm still waiting for Patrick's tell-all books..(not that lindsay has left much to imagination..:lol: )
Bitc* Has Really Lost Her Mind This Time

Lindsay Lohan might be a crackity crackhead, pill popper, drunk, kleptomaniac, hoarder, compulsive liar, Pooty's arch rival, fame fuc*er and child pimp, but none of those things make me want to UPS her a straitjacket like this story from Radar. According to some witness (aka Pooty disguised as a potted plant), LiLo threw a cup of vodka (that's "angelic tears of joy" to you and me) in SamRo's face at a club on Wednesday night! EEEEE-LEGAL!

This source explained that SamRo was working her usual "pushing play on iTunes" gig at Crown Bar in West Hollywood when the crackie tornado busted through the doors.

The source goes on, "Lindsay was drinking straight out of a bottle of vodka and I saw her take an orange prescription bottle out of her bag and pop a couple of pills that she said were Adderal, she even offered some of the pills to a friend that was with her. Lindsay was trying to get Sam's attention, but she was working and studiously ignored Lindsay. You could see Lindsay getting more and more worked up the more Sam didn't pay her any attention. Sam just got sick of it all in the end though and started taunting Lindsay about her being all drunk and messed up. She said to Lindsay, 'Why don't you just have another drink?' and even told her, 'You're a disgrace'.

That made Lindsay just totally flip out on Sam. She picked up a drink and threw it straight in her face! Sam was absolutely furious and picked up some DJ equipment that was by her and threw that at Lindsay. It was crazy!"

That's crazy alright. It's certifiable. LiLo's craziness has really snorted up the line this time. And I thought she respected the booze! How dreadful.

I mean, I'm sure LiLo has thrown vodka at SamRo before, but usually she aims for the vag and sticks a celery stalk in there. Breakfast of champions.

Here's the booze-abuser going to dinner at Madeo last night.
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She may have a shopping addiction, but that is not hoarding. I have seen that show and she is not even close to being a hoarder. Hella messy and attention whorish with a huge helping of neurotic is more like it.

This source explained that SamRo was working her usual "pushing play on iTunes" gig
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she's pathetic. i don't even have 1 row's worth of those shoes. she's had so many second chances, so much literally handed to her, & she does to it what she did to Sam - practically spits on it!

if i had any clothes that nice they would be treasured, stored, actually worn....god...this makes me so furious :angry:
i know maybe it's too early to speak, but i've seen the cover and the behind.the shoot video of her editorial for Purple Magazine and i'm starting to think that people out there have made a bit of confusion, cause at first sight this really looks like a "normal" editorial of her wearing some looks of the ss 2010 collections (also the ed. name is "Best of the season") not anything closer to that racy shoot for Muse. Probabily the 2 ed. have been shot in the same period,and considering Terry Richardson usual works, gossip-website said that the naked shoot was the one for Purple M...:huh:
anyway i'm so curious to see this one and happy that it's not a sequel of the Muse one..^_^
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So many people have tried to help her though. Tina Fey and the SNL cast did an intervention for her. Sadly she's an adult, no-one except a court can force her to get help. Even rehab isn't going to work for her unless she's willing to help herself.

Who has gone through her shoe collection, photographed them all and stuck the photos onto the boxes? I can't imagine her doing that, and how did she afford an assistant? Strange.

I have a hard time believing Dina Lohan when she says a portion of the LohanHouse sales will go to charity, kind of shady that she doesn't say how much or which charity. I wouldn't put it past her to lie about that.

I have said that many times and I said it in my post. Change can only work for her when she wants it. But until her mentality changes she wont 'get it'. I think she also burns bridges so to speak. No one wants to be around crazy. Look at Sam's family. At first they welcomed her in and then something happened and now they want her as far away from Sam as possible. She brings this all on herself she has no one to blame but herself.

Nemova said:
That's what I've been saying all along. She's been trying to emulate Marilyn Monroe in all her tragic glamour but Lindsay's coming from a completely different place. She likes the drama, she feeds it, she lives off of it. Marilyn, as I can see, couldn't help it. She didn't know any better.

I think the problem with Marilyn was that she had doctors giving her these things and it was a different time when smoking was thought to be good for you and doctors handed out pills like candy. I remember Susan Strasberg (daughter of Lee Strasberg) said in MM biography that back them she watch doctors basically give MM "downers" to sleep and when she would feel drowsy they would give her "uppers". She also said that no one would think anything of it at the time cause no one knew back then. I wouldn't be surprised if Lindsay was trying to the same. Just so people can compare the two of them. You can tell in some photos with the paparazzi that she tries to mimic her poses and facial expressions. I think it's really sad that she has the opportunity to live a wonderful amazing life but instead tries to die like someone else.
I think since she has shown over a long period of time that she will not help herself, it will come down to the legal system or the doctors to get her help...if she is lucky before disaster strikes...One more possession charge should be mandatory jail time, where she may get help, and a really bad weekend (again) that ends up in the ER might give the doctors the chance to say she is a danger to herself and force her into treatment...:(
Samantha says she won't talk to Lindsay anymore after what she did at the club:

  • Samantha says “I got thrown out because there was a certain somebody there who had been throwing cigarettes at my head all night . . . and when I didn’t react to that … decided to just have me thrown out.
^ Good for Sam! If I was managing the club, I would have called the cops and pressed charges against Lindsay...that's what it's going to take- consequences, what all of the rest of us have to think about when we do things...Lindsay has none..! :shock:
It must be scary for Samantha to live in the same building as Lindsay. If she's throwing stuff at Samantha in public, imagine what she gets up to in the privacy of the apartment building :ninja:
I am fascinated by the photos of the shoes on the 6,000 plastic boxes in her apartment...What is that all about?? How long does a project like that take- and who does it?? :huh:
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