Models Who Were One-Hit Wonders

Bambi! What did happen to her? She was always being used for relaxed beachy shoots, but she also walked for Chanel a few times. She was short, maybe that's why her career didn't take off

Bambi is quite famous in Aus though. Her, Miranda, Jessica Hart, Jessica Gomes are the models most young girls who aren't into fashion know.
kori richardson?

loved the one about kate upton...:smile:
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Sad to say but does Hollie May Saker belongs here now? :(

Yes, thank god.

I wouldn't say Kori is a one hit wonder as she never really was a hit anyway. Over the years she's scored decent campaigns but never A-list and she comes back to the runway every once in a while.

I'm just going to say Chiharu was a one hit wonder. Prada runway, LOVE cover, Chanel, Stella McCartney, Celine campaigns all in one or two seasons and then nothing. Quite sad as she's a lovely girl.
Dylan Xue as well, Coach and Wang campaigns, Brokaw's shows and then nothing. Too bad, she's amazing and gorgeous.

Further more:
Aamito Lagum
Agnes Nieske
Angel Rutledge
Sabina Lobova
Sofia Tesmenitskaya
Varya Shutova
Willow Hand
But Angel Rutledge just had a pretty good season, no? And when exactly was her "one hit"?
Sad to say but does Hollie May Saker belongs here now? :(

No, she's just taking a bit of a break and she just walked as an exclusive for Chanel so I'd say she'll be back soon enough.
I think it's unfair to label a model as a 'one hit wonder' if she just had a bad season or two.....especially if she still walked several top shows, as is the case with Willow and Angel and Aamito.
Lol exclusive for Chanel means you probably can't book anything else. It's not going to help your career.

But Angel Rutledge just had a pretty good season, no? And when exactly was her "one hit"?

Her hit was the LV campaign, and you're right she did pretty well I just didn't feel like I saw her anywhere.
Most models end up being one hit wonders tbh:

Manuela Frey
Thairine Garcia
Zlata Mangafic
Juliana Schurig
Mckenzie Drazan
Erjona Ala
Tian Yi
Sung Hee
Esther Heesch
Magda Laguinge
Elisabeth Erm
Tilda Lindstam
Sabrina Ioffreda
Gracie Van Gastel
Lieke Van Houten

On their way: Amanda Murphy, Malaika, Irene Hiemstra, Sasha Luss, etc etc.
Sasha and Amanda are not one hit wonders and will never become one. Both have done great work for at least 4 seasons in a row and are still in demand. Amanda has four Vogue Italia covers, two in 2013 and two in 2014. If she were a one hit wonder she would have had one and then nothing. And i'm not even talking about opening and closing Prada two times in a row, two campaigns for the brand + Celine, Ferragamo, Bottega, DsQuared..
Being a one hit wonder aint about the quantity of work, it's about being super hot in a short time span like she was for a couple seasons (2013-2015) n suddenly stop booking.
Being a one hit wonder means you have one or two hits and then nothing. Both Sasha and Amanda have booked QUALITY jobs for more than two years, which is a lot in modeling nowadays, and have been leading the pack of their generation. Their names will be remembered in a few years time. The names of one hit wonders will be forgotten.

Like I said, they aren't and will never be one hit wonders.
Yeah, a major breakthrough leading to two/three years of solid/steady bookings followed by an eventual winding down of work is just the nature of the industry nowadays, not really the mark of a "one-hit wonder." A lot of the names here should be on that "models who you would like to see back on the fashion week circuit" thread instead.

Gracie Van Gastel

Now THAT is a great example of a "one-hit wonder." Proof that being embraced by Meisel for a bit won't necessarily lead to anything.
Most of the models named on this last page aren't one-hit wonders in my opinion.
It's obviously very difficult for people to agree in this thread because you can't really define what constitutes a one hit wonder. Where is the line between a one hit wonder and a girl that was a star and is now fading? For the latter, I would say Sasha Luss. She is not a one hit wonder in my opinion, she's just not as covetable to designers as she once was because that is just the industry.

As much as I don't like Kate Upton, she still makes 10x more than any current runway star and is still considered enough of a celebrity to attend events like the Golden Globes etc so although she certainly doesn't work in fashion anymore it's difficult to call her a one hit wonder.
I'm just going to say Chiharu was a one hit wonder. Prada runway, LOVE cover, Chanel, Stella McCartney, Celine campaigns all in one or two seasons and then nothing. Quite sad as she's a lovely girl.
Dylan Xue as well, Coach and Wang campaigns, Brokaw's shows and then nothing. Too bad, she's amazing and gorgeous.

It's is really sad and seems more common for models of colour. As soon as the industry finds their next new hot Asian of the season the last is forgotten. Fei Fei is not a one hit wonder but she certainly had a stellar couple of years all of a sudden then lost a lot of momentum. How many models of colour really get the kind of longevity that a lot of the white girls have?
Yeah, a major breakthrough leading to two/three years of solid/steady bookings followed by an eventual winding down of work is just the nature of the industry nowadays, not really the mark of a "one-hit wonder." A lot of the names here should be on that "models who you would like to see back on the fashion week circuit" thread instead.

Spot on.
Irene was at Loewe and Vetements this season, i think she was taking a break. Also, it may be GAP but Malaika did shoot with Sims and was styled by Alastair McKimm. Malaika was also just in Vogue Paris in an OG ed in February. They might not be booking as much but i think their bookings are still sufficient.

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