Skinny jeans for men... Coming to an end?

The other thread is in Trendsetting and its about whether or not the skinny jean trend is dying.
i've merged them because they are essentially the same topic...
love em or leave em...


I personally like them but MANY people who wear shoud'nt ,you cant be too skinny or too big or else you just look really stupid. Thats why I cant wait for the trend to die down but then you gotta ask whats next? what could possibly be next?

How could you be too skinny for skinny jeans? The whole premise of the skinny jean is to be skinny. Skinny legs, skinny thighs, thin waist, HELLO! I find that the lot of people who want the trend to die down are those who cannot fit them or do not look right in them. :innocent:
^ can be too me on this one.
i've seen a couple of guys, whose legs are skinny that they look sick or something. :sick:

i wear skinny jeans, so it's not like i'm hating or something
i'm 5'9, 29 inch waist, and around 137lbs
i usually go with a 30 in skinny jeans, because i have moderately big thighs and i need some leg room. when i wear them, there is a shape to it, a contour.

i bought a pair of cropped pants (ann D), and wear them every know in then. I know it's winter but here in Houston, it's hot outside:angry:!!!
i get plenty of looks, and sometimes people will stop and ask me where i got them. i don't see the trend taking off, especially here in houston.
at first i thought...:unsure: but then my sister told me how i great i look in them, and i bought them. i agree it's definitely no something anyone can pull off.
^^Thankyou Dorien I wasnt go to say it but Sick is the word
How could you be too skinny for skinny jeans? The whole premise of the skinny jean is to be skinny. Skinny legs, skinny thighs, thin waist, HELLO! I find that the lot of people who want the trend to die down are those who cannot fit them or do not look right in them. :innocent:
Well Aren’t we a tad bit feisty?:p 1. I do look pretty damn good in slim pair of jeans :p ( a bit to cocky but Ive been told and I think that fit me nicely)2. What I meant was that the some people wear it horribly, thus giving me the idea that maybe its time to move on thats all. 3. YoU CAN be too skinny for skinny jeans when your legs are the size of twigs ( IM NOT talking about normal skinny I talking the kind of skinny that makes people talk) its not a good look- you see this alot on those "emo" children-not a good look at all and that spills over unto others who wear them well, When its worn wrong its less about looking good and more about trying to do what the fashionable kids are doing. But then again its all up to your taste level. You might like tiny tiny tiny legs in tights jeans, me not so :innocent:and:flower: Have a great day!
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What in the world is "normal" skinny? Are you hinting that being anorexic/having an eating disorder is what the guys with twig legs have, is the opposite of your "normal" skinny? Is this the "sick" you speak of? I happen to have legs like twigs, eat mostly what I want, and have been that way for the past twenty years, so I dont quite understand what you are saying. Just because someone has very thin legs does not mean he is sick, that is for sure. I think that whole assumption is quite silly. Just because you more than likely have a body that is not suited for the skinny jean and does not really allow you to work it the way it is suppose to be does not give you the right to call others who do sick, but then again, like you said it is all relative to one's personal taste, I guess.

As stated previously, skinny jeans for the thin man are here to stay, the trend will never die. The only place it should die is in the circles of men who are not of weight, proportion, or style to wear them.
^ your last statement is my whole point :)
On the Sick thing I KNOW the feeling having had that thrown at me in the past many a time. And I knew then that I did not want to wear jeans so tight when my legs wer so small along with my lack of a behind. The normal I speak of is the average skinny, maybe is not the right term.
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^ your last statement is my whole point :)
On the Sick thing I KNOW the feeling having had that thrown at me in the past many a time. And I knew then that I did not want to wear jeans so tight when my legs wer so small along with my lack of a behind. The normal I speak of is the average skinny, maybe is not the right term.

So we agree, it is a personal taste thing. While you do not like to wear a tight skinny jean that accentuates your lack of behind and thin leg, I totally do not mind in terms of leg. LOL@ lack of behind, I feel you entirely, which is why my tops are always oversize. However, I don't think a man with a big behind in a skinny jean is too appealing either, but I guess that is a whole other topic. :shock:

Average is correct, normal...not so much, in my opinion.
I like the skinny slouch on some guys but I tried the Levis 520 but it just makes me look like I have a sagging a**, lol... 511's in a 29 are the only ones for me, perfect fit!:)
How could you be too skinny for skinny jeans? The whole premise of the skinny jean is to be skinny. Skinny legs, skinny thighs, thin waist, HELLO! I find that the lot of people who want the trend to die down are those who cannot fit them or do not look right in them. :innocent:

If only you could step down from that pedestal you and your "perfectly propotioned" legs have created.:innocent::rolleyes:

I feel as if the skinny trend is dying because like everything in fashion, it dies down. In the words of one of my dearest friends who is a philosopher "If it's considered trendy then it wasn't cool in the first place". Skinny jeans were trendy when Hedi and Nicolas were doing them and it was sort of an underground thing. Honestly my lower region is probably my best feature, and i had no problem wearing skin tight jeans, no complaints. I mean I'm vacationing in Charlotte NC and it's pretty warm and there isn't a thing stopping me from sporting a few lanvin-esque nylon shorts rolled up. So your generalization that people who don't like skinny jeans are either fat or anorexic is extremely wrong. I think truly forward thinking individuals are tired of them becuse now everybody has them. Fat, skinny, short, tall doesn't matter. It's a matter of taste.

Plus skinny's make me feel like a piece of meat, and personaly i'm not really dying to get attention because of my body, unlike the lot that i have seen squeezing their legs into overpriced "made in la" bull denim jeans only to tote themselves down santa monica bee-elle-vee-dee:yuk: to get whistles only to direct themselves from the sad fact that thats about all they have to offer. I have a brain.

Skinny's are over, they look tacky and cheap. From what I have read and from the shows on denim itself isn't even really in anymore. If it is, it's just the regular fit via the 501. It's all about the PJ's and languid silhouetts that so many of the designers are offering us this summer that denim just can't provide.
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I don't want skinny jeans to die. I mean, in my opinion those really skinny jeans are weird. I saw a sales assistant work at Lacoste wore this really skinny and it doesn't look good at all. I prefer the not too skinny jeans though.
Im my opinion; i dont like skinny jeans for me. i prefer slim fit jeans; they go better with my trainers and make me look better; but some people can totally pull the skinny jean trend off' and im not one of them. dont get me wrong i am skinny enough to fit into them but i just dont like them on me; they dont look right.
^^Yeah thats like a little boy's body. Those legs are nasty. I'm glad I have muscle legs.
WOW. You guys think that is too skinny for skinny jeans? Geez. **BURNS SKINNY JEANS**

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