Interesting inquiry
@kasper!. Looking at the Vogue archives, Kara Young, who is Belizean on her mother’s side, has 2 of the 1988 covers. And from my teen daze, Brandi Quinones got the April 94 cover. Those are the 2 off the top of my head, but I’m sure there are more Latina models— like Talisa and Gisele as mentioned, on the cover of American Vogue from 88 on. I get that such a revelation is a strike in the heart on this weird generation’s obsession with headcounts, but back then, we just considered beauty of the highest standards and high fashion wasn’t in the domain of city council :shrugs:
Anyway, this cover isn't great but it’s not terrible by any means— if we’re simply talking about a certain level of professional and commercial creative objectivity.
Dismissal of this for looking dated, predictable, same old same old etc etc, all understandable— and it all is, and I would take those as compliments LOL American Vogue will never return to easy breezy classic American Vogue again, and this is as good as it’s going to get these days. After a marathon of covers either resembling cheap, desktop-publishing; or cheap SM selfies; or cheap mall glamour studio shoots; or simply just cheap cheap cheap, it’s good to see some semblance of skilled and experienced classic fashion imagery again, cuz that slop they were serving-- and will return to no doubt, is not even passably decent.
If nothing else, good to see her not be retouched to oblivion to resemble an avatar :cough:
that other Jennifer’s hilarious Allure covershot:cough:.
This Jennifer is shown more beautiful in her mature years: warm, feminine and smouldering. I’ll take it.(…cuz beggars can’t be choosers in 2022 fashion).