Who Will Sweep Up the Fall 2015 Shows?

Very true, but why should that be the standard though?

Kate G. started her debut season with a killer walk. Why can't that be the standard for newbies?

My thoughts exactly. Most women have trouble walking in high heels at first, so why not practice walking with high heels if you job consists of walking in high heels?! :judge:
No musician would go out on stage without learning to play their instrument for instance.

And you don't have to be a particularly good walker. There are plenty of models like Hedvig P. who have reliable, solid walks even if it's not in liege with Natasha Poly, MariaCarla etc. It looked like Molly had never put on high heels in her life before she walked out on the runway last season.
"No musician would go out on stage without learning to play their instrument"...

haven't you heard of punk ?
Kate Grigorieva hands down. Only if Kia Low isn't a threat to her, also Sung Hee.
"No musician would go out on stage without learning to play their instrument"...

haven't you heard of punk ?

Yes, there are different types of training, from classically trained virtuosos to self taught musicians. But I wouldn't say that punk musicians can't play their instruments just because they might have learned on their own. And besides, the rough type of playing became an ideal to strive after, which means it was desired and liked.
And yes, some people would think that they lack skill, but there are still a lot of people who like the music. And I doubt anyone would claim they couldn't play their instrument, rather regard it as a different style.
I don't think anyone likes Molly Bairs walk or think it's something to strive after.
"No musician would go out on stage without learning to play their instrument"...

haven't you heard of punk ?

^ Who cares, you got the analogy right?

The point was 'walking' and i agree its a disgrace how unprepared some girls are being sent on the runway. Its another disgrace on the casting side to embarras these girls in high impact slots. The high turnover in new girls is to blame, there simply is no time for preparation before the buzz evaporates. It can be pretty awful how fast it goes. I still strongly believe in mature seasoning and preparation, its practically the only way to longevity.
While I do think a lot of it is nerves resulting in bad walks, another part of me thinks well you can practice walking anywhere and everywhere, you just need your two feet and a pair of heels. :lol:

I wonder if Holly Rose Emery will have a good season?
Whatever, the assertion that "No musician would go out on stage without learning to play their instrument " is patently incorrect.. Sometimes it's about the aesthetic and the time and the zeitgeist , so that the aesthetic can be more important than the assumed "rules" of proficiency.
Whatever! I find Molly 100% more interesting and arresting than all of the bland girls with perfect walks.. Just my opinion.. Sometimes it's stuff "the rules" just go out and do it, that's the punk ideology

On a different note, had a quick look at some of the show packages and love Shannon @ Ford and wildcard would be heather medendorp @ major such a cool face (a little but Stam, a little bit something else)
Would like to see Zuzu at Ford break out. Did Alexander Wang a couple of seasons ago but I'm guessing she's been busy with school. Have always like her melancholy soulful look.
I wonder if Holly Rose Emery will have a good season?

Is she even taking part? She was completely absent last season and looking at her Instagram it seems she's at home in NZ. Although I did read something online that mentioned her as one of "the newbies" set to storm the runways…
Here's hoping, it would be a shame if her career was over already.
I'm so happy Meagan Callen is doing NYFW! I she will bring her alienesque presence to every A list runway there is:wub:
^ I hope she can walk a number of A list shows, she is definitely striking. I loved seeing her walk at WMCFW in Toronto last season.
Oh, I should clarify that I meant to wright that I hope she will show up. Whether or not that actually will be true, I am not sure. But she is so unique and looks so good on the runway, I would love for her to do well:crush:
hope we will see dasha maletina. i loved her in the prada menswear show
I really hope to see Lili Sumner walking some good shows other than Saint Laurent!!
^ Sorry I was talking about Grigorieva not Riabinkina, but yeah it's sad that she's faded.
Hoping Esmeralda Seay Reynolds will recover from her weak last season.

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