Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson

Err...what the?

Marilyn Manson: 'New Teenage Girlfriend Is My Twin'

Marilyn Manson: 'New Teenage Girlfriend Is My Twin'.... Rocker Marilyn Manson has confirmed he's found a new soulmate in actress Evan Rachel Wood following his split from wife Dita Von Teese.

Despite the almost 20-year age difference between the two, Manson tells France's Le Parisien newspaper he and his new love are like "twins".

He says, "I've found my double, my twin, with my new girlfriend, Evan Rachel Wood.

"She's 19 and certainly that's very young, but that's not a problem for me.

She likes the same things as me. She understands I like to get up when night falls and go to sleep at dawn."

The candid rock star tells the newspaper he and burlesque beauty Von Teese split last autumn (06), even though she didn't make her divorce plans known until Christmas (06).

He adds, "Our relationship ended at Hallowe'en (and) I was completely destroyed psychologically."

He admits the marriage was doomed from the start: "I was married to someone who wanted me to change, become more adult, more responsible.

"I began not to like myself, not like what I do. I lost my identity.

Everything began collapsing around me."

source: femalefirst
Well,he's gonna have to change for Evan or he's going to end up ruining her life.He's lived a hard,out of control life and Evan is too young to have lived any of the kind of stuff he has done or still does.She's in over her head and Marilyn needs to be with a woman,at least someone old enough to drink.I think he is just doing this to shock people,he's run out of ideas and has this silly little girl looking up to him so,he's decided to date her.I've read some of her interviews and she is very far away from being the kind of girl that could handle dating a man like Marilyn.
Oh and by reading some of her interviews-I've gathered that she likes music a whole lot so,she crushes on many rockstars and is in awe of them so THAT explains this relationship......but she is still in over her head with THIS rockstar!!!!
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This is insane... Strangest couple EVER! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the thread title. :blink:
:rofl: at this--"The song was written because I had been reading the book Lolita and it was very close with Evan Rachel Wood, who’s now my girlfriend, and she came to visit me one day wearing these glasses like Stanley Kubrick in Lolita."

I saw this on ONTD the other day and it has to be reposted here:


I've always thought that Manson was intelligent but my God. :innocent:

He has always creeped me out with some of the stuff he says, but I think that whole "ooo ahhh scary" image is a ploy to sell records like Alice Cooper back in the day. To be honest, he seriously doesn't look THAT bad without the makeup; he's not hot but he's also not fug IMO.

(image: http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/11875500.html?thread=1355037356#t1355037356)
I always thought he was articulate, intelligent and perceptive... But now? I don't know anymore... He used to write great songs and I loved his albums. But lately It seems to me that his originality and talent had deserted him. Not to mention his knack in doing great interviews. He now sound lame and dimwitted.
Melisande said:
Strange, I never would have thought Stanley the type to sport heart-shaped glasses...:innocent:

:lol: I can understand the thought of a lovely, nubile 19-year-old with tender heart and clouded judgement affecting one's spelling, say, but the idea of confusing one with Mr. Kubrick I can't...
nicovelvet said:
I always thought he was articulate, intelligent and perceptive... But now? I don't know anymore... He used to write great songs and I loved his albums. But lately It seems to me that his originality and talent had deserted him. Not to mention his knack in doing great interviews. He now sound lame and dimwitted.
My views about Manson have been conflicting ever since he developed a mall-gawth following large enough to destroy notions that JNCO jeans and spike collars would ever develop credibility. (We were all expecting...) However, if half his fans had adopted his flair for suits... I'd only have the other half to scorn regarding crimes of dress.

It's true I've overlooked a few related fiascos; Manson's the one lacking visible breasts this time, in case anyone is familiar with only his Mechanical Animals days. :p :ninja: (But that's not a bad place to start, with the glam-rock Bowie influence making it almost accessable to a normally non-receptive audience, if you consider yourself among them. -_-) My bottom line is that I also don't know how I feel about him, but that's nothing new...
I recently left a housemate situation where my co-tenant was 43 and his girlfriend 19. Truly, I worry more for the older party in scenarios like this. A 19 year-old heart is a durable thing.

I'm fine with Marilyn and Evan dating, as long as they don't move in with me and expect me to pay half the rent, clean their hair out of the tub every day, and listen to their nasty sex through paper thin walls.
mellowdrama said:
I recently left a housemate situation where my co-tenant was 43 and his girlfriend 19. Truly, I worry more for the older party in scenarios like this. A 19 year-old heart is a durable thing.

I'm fine with Marilyn and Evan dating, as long as they don't move in with me and expect me to pay half the rent, clean their hair out of the tub every day, and listen to their nasty sex through paper thin walls.
That reminds me of an oddly amusing hotel experience, which had me wishing my dear neighbors knew exactly what elevators and their surrounding concrete walls were for... :ninja:
^^ I am curious. Which signs are they? I know that Manson is Capricorn, what about Dita & Rachel?
MulletProof said:
is it lack of imagination or do they sign some sort of contract to go under the same stylist as the previous girlfriend?. :innocent:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't think of a more apt or eloquent response to this whole dating someone who is young enough to be your child (biologically anyway) after being inspired by "Lolita" than:
"ewwwwwwwwwwww" :ninja:
Ce'nedra said:
"I began not to like myself, not like what I do. I lost my identity.

he's being too hard on himself. he's not alone in this aspect. :)
nicovelvet said:
^^ I am curious. Which signs are they? I know that Manson is Capricorn, what about Dita & Rachel?

Yes, Marilyn is a Capricorn (best sign in the zodiac, if I do say so myself...) Evan is a Virgo and Dita is a Libra. :flower:
i'm a bit worried for this girl....she is so young, and this guy has more than his fair share of complexity and baggage.....oy
That's my thought too about this.I mean,she's not one of the party type young starlets.Say if it was Lohan,Paris or Nicole or Bijou Philips-I wouldn't find it so strange!
Thanks KhaoticKharma for the info. Yes 2 earth sign could work but again, not...

Here from the MSN Group CC&I:

[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Marilyn Manson was recently quoted as saying that he thinks he and his new g-f, 19 year old Evan Rachel Wood, "are like twins".[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]Perhaps what he meant to say is I'm making her emulate Dita. Seriously look at the pics below and see if you see a tingle of similarity!?[/FONT]

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