Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson

I think "Mechanical Animals" was Manson's last good record.. Think about it like this..

"Antichrist Superstar," massive record. Then he does "Mechanical" and he says it's more about HIM, more focused on HIM, etc - and it doesn't sell for crap of what "Antichrist" did. Okay, so nobody cares about him. Then he goes straight back to "Holy Wood," his first LOUSY album, with a religious theme once again, and it's massive again.

I think ever since Mechanical bombed, he's been all out for whatever would shock people. This is just another step in that. It's kinda sad, really, nobody's buying anymore.
Yeah probably.I LOVE Mechanical Animals,thats when I became a fan.I just hope that these three clips of them going at it aren't what's going to be packaged as the bonus dvd that comes with the new cd.I imagine from interviews that it is though.
The new album DOES seem like its going to be really good though-we'll see.
I just think that it's everything OTHER THAN LOVE when you put yourself out on display like this...........and nothing's shocking....
Recent photos of Manson and Rachel Wood/LONDON: April 20th 2007
CREDIT: MansonMachine.com




^ i find it funny.... in this new 'dark' look, she just looks like she's playing dressup.
I still gotta wish them the best. It must be hard to find a hot 19 year-old who's into voyeur/exhibitionist blood sports. I'm guessing there's a very narrow developmental window of opportunity to be grasped here. Age 18: shopping, wholesome daydreaming, wearing too much makeup, writing your name with your boyfriend's last name all curlicued with hearts dotting the i's; at 19: rolling around in blood on-camera with your twice-your age lover. Miss that opportunity once, and you've missed it forever. Bait a new hook.

The "twice-your age lover" is a rare thing, and should be cherished. Lately I've been digging on Buster Keaton, whose last wife he married when she was 21 and he was 45. She kept that crazy SOB in line 'til he dropped dead at 70. So you never know, Marilyn and Evan might make it work. It should make for some interesting career revivals and stage-blood shortages.

I'd still rather watch Buster fall on his *** eternally than be pressed to find the deep, meaningful artistry of Marilyn Manson.

Public Domain, baby. We all get there someday.
Memo to Evan, the irony of the heart-shaped sunglasses is lost on no one...
mellowdrama said:
I still gotta wish them the best. It must be hard to find a hot 19 year-old who's into voyeur/exhibitionist blood sports. I'm guessing there's a very narrow developmental window of opportunity to be grasped here. Age 18: shopping, wholesome daydreaming, wearing too much makeup, writing your name with your boyfriend's last name all curlicued with hearts dotting the i's; at 19: rolling around in blood on-camera with your twice-your age lover. Miss that opportunity once, and you've missed it forever. Bait a new hook.

Of course, I wish them the best but I have a feeling that Rachel might be the rebound girl to Marilyn Manson. He said himself that the break-up with Dita affected him so much that all the writtings he did for the next album is about the heardache and the pain from the split. After all, Dita & Manson have been together since 1999... From experience, I have to say that Rachel came a bit too fast in his life for him to heal and all... That is just my 2 cents.
mellowdrama said:
I still gotta wish them the best. It must be hard to find a hot 19 year-old who's into voyeur/exhibitionist blood sports. I'm guessing there's a very narrow developmental window of opportunity to be grasped here. Age 18: shopping, wholesome daydreaming, wearing too much makeup, writing your name with your boyfriend's last name all curlicued with hearts dotting the i's; at 19: rolling around in blood on-camera with your twice-your age lover. Miss that opportunity once, and you've missed it forever. Bait a new hook.


I'd still rather watch Buster fall on his *** eternally than be pressed to find the deep, meaningful artistry of Marilyn Manson...
Sooo funny!:lol:
TheKiwi said:
Ah, I see they're sharing make-up. :rolleyes:

Evan and Manson sharing makeup tips! Ugh, how weird is that! :lol:
Evan: "Marilyn, OMG, you have to try on this Dior lipstick I just got!"
Marilyn: "UGH, this looks terrible against my skin! What do you really think.. be honest!" *puckers lips* :kiss:

:innocent: :p
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I went to high school with him. Back when he called guys gay for wearing makeup. My friend and I ran into him after all those years, our careers crossed paths and she chatted with him for a good while. She comes back over annoyed and bothered looking, I ask what's wrong. She says
"He intelligent enough, can hold a conversation and all. Interesting fellow.."
"But when we were done talking he said "So, are we going to have sex or not?""
Any woman who falls into a man like that is quite frankly an ill-witted silly tramp and deserves no personal credit from anyone, though I must say I had some reserved for her prior to this. It's truly a shame how little self respect one is willing to display for the world.
^Ooh, the savvy insider, at last! I'd be, like, "Not if you was the last t*t-biting mama's boy in all of Ohio, uh-uh, no way!" then talk about Diderot , Derrida, Lewis Carroll and castles or some sh*t. That'd show him, being all intellectual and sexual and spooky and stuff!
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ViktorJetSet said:
I went to high school with him. Back when he called guys gay for wearing makeup. My friend and I ran into him after all those years, our careers crossed paths and she chatted with him for a good while. She comes back over annoyed and bothered looking, I ask what's wrong. She says
"He intelligent enough, can hold a conversation and all. Interesting fellow.."
"But when we were done talking he said "So, are we going to have sex or not?""
Any woman who falls into a man like that is quite frankly an ill-witted silly tramp and deserves no personal credit from anyone, though I must say I had some reserved for her prior to this. It's truly a shame how little self respect one is willing to display for the world.

you are 23 he is 38.. what school was this.......
mellowdrama said:
I'd still rather watch Buster fall on his *** eternally than be pressed to find the deep, meaningful artistry of Marilyn Manson.
Amen to that. :heart:
I'd still take Manson over all the pseudo emo-wan*ers/rude boys/rebel-without-a-clue in the world but Keaton and his *** will keep me eternally entertain.
Cammy said:
you are 23 he is 38.. what school was this.......
Good point. Perhaps the classes were grouped by emotional age/maturity? :D
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Cammy said:
you are 23 he is 38.. what school was this.......

haha I am certainly not 23 (I'd hardly have a career then) though I admit to not giving proper time to filling out the profile when I started (I thought I could go back to edit it, or can't I?) though to also correct one of the above persons, it wasn't in Ohio that I attended school with him. His latter years of highschool were spent elsewhere which is when I became acquainted with him. He had a lot of shindigs at his 'rents homes and we would go to those but the relationship wasn't any closer than that.

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