Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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I think it's in Miami....Not that I would know of such things... :huh:

After attending a court ordered alcohol education class at Right On Programs in Glendale, we spotted Lindsay Lohan at Boulevard 3, Chateau Marmont and finally the Tea Room. And no, people don't drink tea here, it's one of the hottest Wednesday night spots in Hollywood.
After leaving at 2:30AM, Lindsay and her entourage stopped their car in the middle of the road, causing a bit of a traffic jam. Only in LA...
Maybe Lindsay can be the inspiration for a chain of Club Bath? Every VIP Booth would have all porcelin surfaces and mirrors on the tables...:huh:
I was half expecting her to show up at the Victoria's Secret Show after party... :huh:
^ Victoria's Secret sells underwear and lingerie right? So...why would she need to go there :innocent:

Satirical blog perfectly mocks Dina Lohan’s Shoehan line

Here’s Dina promoting the real Shoe-Hans at Trump Plaza on October 8th. Image thanks to . Someone has created an absolutely fabulous joke blog mocking Dina Lohan’s shoe line “Shoe-Han.” Great name, right? Really, everything about it was just ripe for the mocking, from the terrible name to the fact that no one would want to wear anything designed by Dina Lohan, even on their feet. The only way I could be convinced to is if Dina’s face were emblazoned on the soles. Then I could step on her everywhere I went.
Dina’s supposed to have the shoes out by Mother’s Day – that gives her quite a lot of time to come up with something that doesn’t completely suck. In the meantime, the fabulous blog “Shoehans” has some joke shoes that Dina supposedly designed. And I swear if I didn’t know it was a joke blog from the get-go, I could absolutely believe that Dina really did design the shoes. They’re perfectly stupid.
There’s a pair of shoes with fellow E! reality “star” Denise Richard’s face emblazoned on them. Golden pumps, no less.

I and Denise Richards were both on reality shows on the E! Entertainment Television Network run by Ted Harbert who gave us both a chance luckily for her she got to keep her show(SHOWHAN LOL) but I did not, in any case she deserves a SHOEHAN.
[From Shoehan]
I love the “I and Denise Richards” part. There is a subtle way to nailing Dina’s stupidity. Someone who does know you don’t say “me,” but doesn’t know which order the “I” goes.
The creepiest Shoehans are the patent pleather heels with the My Little Pony attached heel. Dina markets it as “Be sexy and also you will appeal to children.”

This idea came to me in a dream JUST NOW AT 1:05AM EST I dreamed about beautiful young women prancing around Roosevelt Field Mall, maybe at the Ruby Tuesdays, in their sexual yet maternal new SHOEHANS
[From Shoehan]
The absolute best Shoehans are the boots which are either made for Jews or to celebrate Hannauka. It’s not really clear. Anyway, the faux-Dina says the boots are “reversible” – but look what she means by that.


Genius, right?
MENORAH JEWISH SHOEHANS- What should I call this new line of SHOEHANS: JEWHANS or SHOEHANNUKA?? I will start taking your votes now! (they are REVERSIBLE as you can see in the pictures below)
I work in Hollywood California therefore I know that Hannika is right around the corner. I also have my LISPH (Long Island SHOEHANS Production Hub) that is located in Long Island and of course run by Hebrews. Even though I am of the Christian persuasion, I will never forget about my business investors, lawyers, and my childrens’ agents when crafting my artistic visions through footwear.
[From Shoehan]
Personally I vote for Jewhans. I bet real Dina Lohan really does believe she’s crafting her artistic visions through footwear. Extra points for the classic misspelling of “Hannika.”
The site doesn’t have much information on it (the “About” section is filled out with, “I don’t know what this is for, obviously this internet page is about SHOEHANS aka shoes for all, look for them at every store soon” but I can’t help but wonder if this is from the same guy who did such a brilliant job crafting Dina Lohan’s fake Twitter account. Everyone believed it was really her for a while because the tweets were just dumb enough and just self-centered enough. And that faux-Dina didn’t understand Twitter’s 140 character rule. That account, while fake, hasn’t been closed down yet and still has some priceless gems. Check it out for more on the “toxic parent” and “not Christians.” Dina really is better comedic fodder than Lindsay.
^ The saddest thing is I had to re-read each thing to see if it was a joke or not...Pathetic! Will they be selling these in Ungaro stores, I wonder? Will there be any Ungaro stores by Mothers Day?? :blink:
So who do we believe? :p
Happening Now: Lindsay Lohan Getting Pushed Out at Ungaro

Lindsay Lohan's fashion design fate keeps getting worse. After proving skeptics right - including former designer Esteban Cortazar, who quit as a result - with an abysmal Spring 2010 collection for Emanuel Ungaro, its now being said that the actress will get the boot sooner than previously thought.

CEO Mounir Moufarrige had high hopes for the publicity Lohan would bring to the ailing Ungaro brand, but unfortunately, in a parade of heart-shaped pasties and nearly incoherent tweets, those were definitively dashed with some of the most scathing critical slams the fashion world had ever seen. The disaster has proven to be so impressive, both to the editorial world and, perhaps more importantly to the company, retail buyers, Page Six is reporting that Moufarrige is being heavily pressured by Ungaro President Asim Abdullah to kick Lohan to the curb - now. Last we checked, there had been a multiyear contract for the arrangement.

So, what next? It doesn't really matter, at this point. Emanuel Ungaro himself relinquished any claim to the company name in 2005 and, although "furious" with the disgraceful arrangement, there's nothing he can do. It's really just sad - Bebe better watch out., The Thread blog

Ungaro to Continue Working With Lindsay Lohan
Despite Lindsay Lohan’s train wreck of a first show with Ungaro, the fashion house has decided to continue working with her. When the collaboration was first announced months ago, head designer Esteban Cortazar resigned rather than choosing to work with Lindsay.

Reports surfaced today that Ungaro’s chairman Asim Abdullah is battling with the company’s CEO Mounir Moufarrige to fire Lindsay from her reported seven-figure deal.

But spokesperson Tina Lignell claimed that Ungaro were still happy to be associated with her. She said, “Lindsay is still very much with Ungaro and working with our company. She will be helping with our main line show which will debut in Paris in March but it’s important to point out that she is not a designer but does have some artistic input. But she’s still totally working with us and we are planning for our March show just now.”

We love that they make a note of Lindsay not being a designer. She’s clearly embarrassed major players at the company, and that should be enough to fire her!
^ Notice she is "helping with the Show"- not the collection- there is quite a difference..."Lindsay, should we play, like, totally awesome Beyonce songs during the heart shaped pasties part of the show?? You're like, a totally cool musician and producer and stuff, so whada ya think...??" :shock:
And, BTW my money is on Page Six- they usually don't go out on a limb with a story unless they have good back up...;)
Nothing has surfaced about the Woody Allen project which Dina said Lindsay is working on :unsure:....but how about this? Sounds like a box office hit right?

Lindsay Lohan To Play Herself In New Dating Movie

Lindsay Lohan is in talks to play a character loosely based on herself.

Producers John Edmonds Kozma and Richard O'Sullivan are working on a new romantic comedy called One Night With You and they hope to land Lohan as the lead.
Reports suggest the character is a former child star who gets wrapped up in all sorts of scandal, goes to rehab and revamps her career by appearing on a reality dating show.
I hope it doesn't happen. That'd give her way too much credit and I'm sure she'd see herself as an icon :rolleyes:
Nothing has surfaced about the Woody Allen project which Dina said Lindsay is working on :unsure:....but how about this? Sounds like a box office hit right?

"I am sure it will be the lead in for CSI!!!...I see major network push behind this one, Baby!! It's super boss hit bound- Boffo!! Number one with a bullet!! Lindsay, how 'bout we get another bottle of Goose and head up to my suite, discuss the details of the deal!!?"

And so, another Lindsay Lohan Show Biz Legend is born on a cocktail napkin at 2:AM in some hotel bar in LA...:blink:
More classy Lohan Family stories from the NY Daily News... :shock:

Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen, Russell Crowe and other celebs may not recall exactly what they did at Scores during the strip club's thong-snapping, Champagne-drenched, mob-tainted heyday. But former owner Elliot Osher can help them remember.
For 18 years, since he started as a bouncer, Osher kept notes on anyone famous who walked into either of Scores' two Manhattan locations.

"Lindsay Lohan's father once sat down and described the kind of dancer he was looking for," says Osher. "We sent some girls over. Funny, they all seemed to look like Lindsay. We ended up having to show him to the door."
Michael Lohan admits getting into an "altercation," but maintains, "No girls danced for me. The last thing I'd want to see is a girl who looked like Lindsay. I don't even look at the magazines where she's done some risqué photos."
"Maybe he just doesn't remember," insists Osher, adding: "The next week, Lindsay wanted to meet the girls who'd danced for her dad."

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That is such BS. People just make up ridiculous rumors for the sake of it and it is unsettling the crap they get away with. Like the Ungaro rumors - "Lindsay isn't getting paid". Um, she has a multi-year contract. "Lindsay's getting fired" -- only to have Ungaro spokespeople deny it. "Lindsay tried to take off with $15,000 in merch at Kitson, only to leave with $2000" -- when candids of her leaving the event show her empty-handed. "Lindsay's music label just dropped her, she is devastated" -- when she left the label in 2005.

Half the crap posted in this thread is false.
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