Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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OMG !!!! This is the most shocking tape of all. Lindsay must go to rehab now!!!
In a shocking revelation, Dina Lohan drops the bombshell that her daughter Lindsay was secretly dating Heath Ledgerwhen he died and his death devastated her. In the explosive recorded audio tape of a phone conversation between Dina and Michael Lohan, Dina says that Ledger and Lindsay had been dating at the time of his tragic death in January of 2008.

"And she was dating Heath when he died," Dina reveals to Michael. "I don't know if you know that, but I know cause I would drop her off and they were friends very, very close, ok?"

Dina told Michael about the relationship because she was afraid for Lindsay's life too: "Because when she's drunk or takes an ******** with it she will do something like Heath Ledger did in a second without thinking."

She said that the actor's death was a terrible shock to Lindsay. "That f-f----d her up," Dina says.

In the 2008 call, Dina discusses how desperate the situation was for her daughter. "She cannot be alone," Dina tells Michael. "When she sleeps here she sleeps with me... she has fears from being little and what you did to us."

Dina and Michael's nasty divorce has been something Lindsay has said had a negative affect on her life. Dina defends Lindsay's assistant Jenni Muro, telling Michael that Muro was going to save Lindsay.

In the calm but passionate conversation Dina told Michael that Lindsay needed someone with her at all times to control her, and her assistant Muro provided that help as did another assistant named Laurie.

Lindsay's mother was also worried about her relationship with Samantha Ronson, telling Michael that she thought Lindsay should walk away but it wasn't that easy of a decision for her daughter. "It's very easy for a rational person to say. But for an irrational person who has a problem with her DNA and alcohol and Adderall and asthma and every other things she's got wrong with her."
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^ Sorry to say all of this is just confirming what we all have been saying for months now...:cry:
Question: If Mischa Barton, who was not on probation and all, can be taken for treatment because others were concerned for her safety, why can't Lindsay's people do the same thing? Heaven knows there is just cause here, and she is already under court supervision...
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And about Ungaro- I feel very sorry for him watching the desecration of his business, but he should have takennote of what Halston went through back in the early 80s- sold his life's work and his soul for millions and then spent the rest of his life watching the results and regretting it...:(
^ Sorry to say all of this is just confirming what we all have been saying for months now...:cry:
Question: If Mischa Barton, who was not on probation and all, can be taken for treatment because others were concerned for her safety, why can't Lindsay's people do the same thing? Heaven knows there is just cause here, and she is already under court supervision...

Because her "loved" ones are too busy making money off of her. I don't think they genuinely give a crap about her safety at all, they've got more money to make if she's a trainwreck.

Harsh but I wouldn't put anything past them, they're disgusting parents.
^ Then how about her manager, agent, doctor, lawyer, probation officer, 'friends'?? Can no one help out here? I mean seriously, the girl is going to die...
I still think her father is releasing those tapes in a desperate attempt to call attention to Lindsay's serious issues. May not be the best way to do it, but action might be taken, who knows?
I still think her father is releasing those tapes in a desperate attempt to call attention to Lindsay's serious issues. May not be the best way to do it, but action might be taken, who knows?

It has been said here before, but if Lindsay doesn't voluntarily go to rehab then there's a good chance she'll relapse again. There are many recovering addicts in my family (and I'm very proud of them :heart:) and all of them without exception admitted that they had a problem and needed help. That's why they're still sober.
^Sure, I'm not even questioning that. But he seems desperate, and he's not the most rational person in the world, it seems, to take legal action.
lindsay and heath were never photographed together were they?

i doubt that they were dating.

i think that dina lohan is just hoping that heath's fairydust will rub off on lindsay.
yeah, dina makes up a lot of stuff and done so, even in public, so that she said that on the phone and no one else seems to know about it leads me to believe its a load of crap.
I'd be interested to know if that 'I dropped her off at Heath's apartment' story was told before or after he became a tragic headline...I would bet it was afterwards; as I recall Heath was thought to be clean and sober for quite a while before he died... :(
I'd be interested to know if that 'I dropped her off at Heath's apartment' story was told before or after he became a tragic headline...I would bet it was afterwards; as I recall Heath was thought to be clean and sober for quite a while before he died... :(

:huh: No, he wasn't. As soon as it was reported he had died, EVERYONE was assuming drugs. In fact, although it was never confirmed, it was always rumored this is why Michelle left him, despite having a 2 year old daughter with him.

This was posted the day he died, prior to an autopsy:

Academy Award-nominated actor Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York City apartment on Tuesday, and local spies say that the twenty-eight year old star died of a likely drug overdose. His apartment was strewn with pills, the New York Post reports. It was unclear if it was an intentional or accidental death.

A spokesperson for the NYPD said: “Pills were found in the vicinity of the bed. This is being looked at as a possible overdose, but that is not confirmed yet.”
Does that sound like a person who is clean and sober? Not to mention, his cause of death was an OVERDOSE.

Judging by Lindsay's recent exploits/behavior, I find it easy to believe there was an association between the two, although I don't believe a full blown relationship. It's a small world in Hollywood and Heath and Lindsay had similar "interests".
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^^ Jeeze- excuse me!!! What I was saying was he had cleaned himself up for a time before his death, as I recall...I understand what he died of...A lot of people seemed to be surprised he was using again, as I recall...But perhaps it would be wiser if I don't say anything, if it is so out of line here....:shock: SO sorry...
Michael Lohan has been paid though, but the Insider won't say how much it is. I think the fact that money is involved severely weakens his argument about good intentions.

If he really is 6 months behind in child support too, that is awful. How must the other kids feel that he is 'doing everything he can' to help Lindsay but is ignoring their welfare. What a jerk.
She and Heath probably liked to party together, seeing as they had similar interests, along with MK...
She and Heath probably liked to party together, seeing as they had similar interests, along with MK...

agreed. i certainly don't believe they were together. surely if they were, she'd have gone to the funeral or something.
OK obvisouly this girl has bordeline personality, i can see all things i have back in her. I dont want to be helped but i cant stand seeing someone else doing that to theirseleves. Help her immediately, she IS killling herself.
Michael is disgusting for doing this and he shouldn't ever be let near Lindsay or his other kids.
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