Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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^ I don't think the 'shocking' revelations are shocking at all- we've seen the cuts and scars for a long time now...:( And the problem with whatever her mental and personality problems may be is- you can't really tell until she has a good long stretch without all that crap in her bloodstream...Usually the nutrition, or lack thereof, can cause all sorts of weird behavior, too- so if she got some serious, long term medical attention, she might be in much better shape mentally than she seems...time will tell- if she makes it to that point...
And I am so sick of this endless discussion of her problems- why not get her immediate help instead of discussing it for so long- everyone knows what is wrong and what the treatment should be; what is there really to talk about??
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True, I listened to that tape and wasn't moved beyond "whatever". She's a product of her insane parents and only getting attention from strangers with cameras. Why is it so surprising that she cut herself in a highly visible area and plowed through multiple substances? She needs serious mental health care, not rehab.
I agree...Rehab would be just a first step...Many people who have been at her level of 'consumption' for a long time need serious mental health treatment after their head gets cleared up a bit...
And I am so sick of this endless discussion of her problems- why not get her immediate help instead of discussing it for so long- everyone knows what is wrong and what the treatment should be; what is there really to talk about??

Hear hear! :flower:
I can't imagine Lindsay and Heath together mainly because Heath was notoriously private and Lindsay is notoriously not (what with her twitter, calling paparazzi, and general public attention-getting). I remember her saying in an interview a couple of years ago that Jared Leto didn't want to date her because she garnered so much media attention.
i can't picture heath dating lindsay either, i mean he has been said to have dated mk and gemma at the time of his death too..

since listening to the tapes i can't help thinking that some of them may have been staged or edited... especially since micheal's responses have been taken out of the recording..

the words used by dina especially seem to be like an act, i don't know maybe im being too harsh on them all.. maybe it's just me, but these tapes have given everyone INCLUDING lindsay alot of publicity and we all know how much she loves that
Well, both Michael and Dina's credibility is very bad nowadays...hard to believe much of anything about them...
This is a matter for professionals to deal with-sleazy parents airing out the personal details in public is worse that counterproductive...Get on a plane and go meet with the judge to stage an intervention and get her into a real treatment facility-don't call Entertainment Tonight (and make money off of the situation)...How sick is this!! :cry:
I'm gonna guess that Lindsay hung out with heath once at a club, embellished the story to her mom/made way more of perhaps one or two intoxicated exchanges, and in turn her mom embellished the story to her dad to try and illustrate a dramatic point.

both those women have unhealthy illusions of grandeur, of course they would take perhaps a brief meeting/fling with Heath as a "relationship".
^ What I found the most disturbing is they said some of the tapes are from years ago!! They're talking about how their daughter is going to die- and now years later they still haven't done anything!!? :shock:
I actually like Dina judging by those phone calls. She really seems to love her children a lot. She's just unable to do anything about Lindsay, however that issue has to be addressed SOON!
^ What I found the most disturbing is they said some of the tapes are from years ago!! They're talking about how their daughter is going to die- and now years later they still haven't done anything!!? :shock:

Dina says it was before she went to rehab the last time.
^ What I found the most disturbing is they said some of the tapes are from years ago!! They're talking about how their daughter is going to die- and now years later they still haven't done anything!!? :shock:

It's sad, but at a certain point, a person needs to want and be able to help themselves.
Ah- now we know where all of the smiling and radiant good health is coming from: Total Happiness!! :woot:

Despite her father's shenanigans, a failing acting career and a disastrous foray into high fashion, Lindsay Lohan insists she's one very happy chick.
"I've never been happier in my life," she insisted to us last night at the Nu Pop Movement watch launch at Kitson Men. "As long as my mom, my sister and my brother are happy, then I'm good."
As for Papa Lohan, Linds couldn't help but take a few digs at the man who claims everything he reveals to the tabloids does is all in the name of helping his daughter...
Ah- now we know where all of the smiling and radiant good health is coming from: Total Happiness!! :woot:

Despite her father's shenanigans, a failing acting career and a disastrous foray into high fashion, Lindsay Lohan insists she's one very happy chick.
"I've never been happier in my life," she insisted to us last night at the Nu Pop Movement watch launch at Kitson Men. "As long as my mom, my sister and my brother are happy, then I'm good."
As for Papa Lohan, Linds couldn't help but take a few digs at the man who claims everything he reveals to the tabloids does is all in the name of helping his daughter...

Doesn't she have two brothers? :unsure:
^^^ About that 'total happiness' :innocent:


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