Prada Mens S/S 11 Milan

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[pic from @themoment]

the spring 2011 prada shoe platforms..

They look great but at the same time a little bit uncomfortable, don't they!?
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I just found this thread and maybe you guys don't want to discuss it anymore but this collection has already hit the editorals :)

To be honest though I liked the collection as a whole. AT first I was uneasy about the waist bags but I think that at my old school guys used to wear something like that to carry their Nalgene's in. Also rock climbers wear little pouches like that to carry stuff in as well so it's not like it's never been done... it's just purely been for function before, not aesthetics.

Also with the shades... I thought they were necklaces at first and liked them alot more then...

Hero #4
Ph Alessandro Dal Buoni
St Andrew Davis
Mo Luca Badnjar

At least 5*-6 ed that i saw has something for Prada (especially the last sweaters) and one with all de denim looks. I really like it it wa so bold and thats what Miucca wants for men, to be bold.
At least 5*-6 ed that i saw has something for Prada (especially the last sweaters) and one with all de denim looks. I really like it it wa so bold and thats what Miucca wants for men, to be bold.

uhmmmm I'm not saying this to be mean just truthful. I don't understand what you're saying... and I'd really like to
Candice Does Copenhagen
Ph Mario Testino
P VMan

The rest of the editorial is on Fashion Gone Rogue. Alot of nudity though so definately NSFW.

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OK markese, i was suporting you, this Prada collection until now, was in 5-6 editorials.
I think it was a WONDERFUL colection, excelent season for Miucca.
Ten Outings
P 10 Men
Ph Andrea Spotorno
St Mattias Karlsson
Mo Matvey Lykov, Maxime Bergougnous

In those two editorials the super hot model Clement Chabernaud is wearing Prada:
‘The Angels Have Gone’
Willy Vanderperre
Arena Homme

Fantastic Men
Willy Vanderperre

In all the photos in this ed he was wearing Prada S/S 2011
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not too sure if anyone else has mentioned this or recognized it but...
This is from Miu Miu menswear... shirt look familiar to anyone?
Look at the shirts of Pierre-Harald Leducq, Peter Beyer, and Christian Ochsenfahrt. It's the same shirt, different color.

Oh and if Miu Miu menswear comes back I think it should be strictly accessories and outerwear and I think Miuccia needs a male stylist to edit the collection... There's no use in sending down 43 exits if only 17 look good.
Yep^ The original (inspiration) is men's pajama shirts
No...but i miss Miu Miu menswear, Miucca has to bring it back!
Probably the old fans of Miu Miu mens have all off run to Marni now :rolleyes:
i swear it happens every fashion season, but the editorials take the prada stuff and make it absolutely must-have. i love the sexual aspect that these editorials give to these clothes in a way we didn't see on the runway. i especially love "the angels have gone" look.
The Miu Miu fans go to Marni?
They're crazy!
"The angels have gone" it's soooo hot, Clement has a body...and a package!
The two lines seemed similar, don't you think? They have that same geeky-boy-ness
PRADA!! *does a little jig*

Ph Richard Machado
Pu Kurve Magazine
Mo Alan Carey

red models' blog

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