What to wear when you're a student

When I was a freshman, I remember getting up at 5:15 am every morning to iron a fresh pima cotton shirt (complete with ruffles--it was the preppy era :innocent:) before commuting to my 8:00 class ... I was an honors student, and was in Phi Beta Kappa (that's the oldest honors society in the US for those who might think it's a sorority ;)). I wasn't still doing that by the time I was a senior :rolleyes:, but just because someone puts time into their appearance doesn't mean they aren't also serious about their studies.

Thanks fashionista-ta. That's what I was getting at. But 5:15 everyday is what I call dedication! I'm unfortunately averse to such early hours, and if I'm up at that time, it's usually because I haven't gone to bed yet, probably from all nighters to catch up :yuk: I was lucky I got to iron my shirt this morning before putting on a suit! :lol:

As far as outfits go, I plan them in bed before I go to sleep, and it usually works to my expectations (good or bad) the next day.
If one wakes up two hours earlier than should in the morning just to put on make-up, do hair and choose clothing, I think there is quite substantial proof to the statement that these people have something completely different in their mind than academic pursuits...

I don't think this is true of all cases. I'm up now,at 8.30 to get ready etc and I don't have a class until 11am. I'm taking 3 subjects at degree level at University,academia is at the forefront of my mind believe me!

But having said that,maybe I find it easy to get myself together. Some people just don't have 'it',if that makes sense. Without being majorly big headed,I don't have to try to hard to look reasonably good ^_^

I think sometimes I must look like I go to Uni dressed like I'm ready for a party,but you'd have to see what I'd wear to a party to see it isn't true. I like to look polished,but that's just me all over.I'm not the kind of person who could wear a hoody,sweats etc,it never has been,it never will be. I feel so uncomfortable in clothes like that,Im the girl who comes off of the airplane dressed to the nines :D Kudos to people who can wear clothes like that though,I just can't. I'm far too much of a full-time formal dresser
I hate to admit it, but my university look is pretty much jeans and a top. Sometimes I'll wear something a little nicer, but honestly, dragging around my huge backpack and walking quite a few miles every day is exhausting. I just dont have the energy (or time) to dress well during the week, I have to focus on my studies more at this point.
I don't think this is true of all cases. I'm up now,at 8.30 to get ready etc and I don't have a class until 11am. I'm taking 3 subjects at degree level at University,academia is at the forefront of my mind believe me!

But having said that,maybe I find it easy to get myself together. Some people just don't have 'it',if that makes sense. Without being majorly big headed,I don't have to try to hard to look reasonably good ^_^

I think sometimes I must look like I go to Uni dressed like I'm ready for a party,but you'd have to see what I'd wear to a party to see it isn't true. I like to look polished,but that's just me all over.I'm not the kind of person who could wear a hoody,sweats etc,it never has been,it never will be. I feel so uncomfortable in clothes like that,Im the girl who comes off of the airplane dressed to the nines :D Kudos to people who can wear clothes like that though,I just can't. I'm far too much of a full-time formal dresser

Oh, I wish I could be like you!! :flower:
I don't think this is true of all cases. I'm up now,at 8.30 to get ready etc and I don't have a class until 11am. I'm taking 3 subjects at degree level at University,academia is at the forefront of my mind believe me!

But having said that,maybe I find it easy to get myself together. Some people just don't have 'it',if that makes sense. Without being majorly big headed,I don't have to try to hard to look reasonably good ^_^

It's called being young :lol:
I'd wear something decently chic. We have strict dress codes in my school, so the last thing I would do is to wear clothes that spell trouble.
I should probably post more photos of what I wear so that you can see ^_^

I even colour co-ordinate my welly boots to my outfit on rainy days :lol: Smart in all weather conditions!

I do wish I could dress less formally. At the gym I struggle in sweat pants and tops. I hate being seen in trainers in public. Again,I have different colours to match to my gym clothes :innocent:
I wear whatever I want to school I have a no sweat pants/ pj pants rule I hate when other people do that so I usually wear some sort of easy dress a coat some wedges or boots and my great Betsy Johnson laptop bag. Or on art studio days I wear a top and jeans most likely with cowboy boots. ^ dumbfairy I never wear sneakers either I had to wear some because we were working in the wood shop and I hated it.
^Yay I'm not the only one who can't wear sneakers! As soon as I'm done in gym they come off!

:blush: I actually bought some ugg boots yesterday,not sure if I'll wear them to Uni...in fact,I already know I won't! They're just for travelling in ^_^
^ I can't wear trainers in public either :lol: when i walk back home from the gym i am embarassed. (but that is because i have big trainers).
I pretty much wear what i feel like to uni as long as its going to be relatively comfy, though most people where i go wear uggs and the same hoodie everyday.
Well... Trainers and sneakers aren't the same, at least not in my book. Trainers are for working out, and sneakers are shoes that you just...wear. Sneakers are not made for working out or running.
Ida, have you seen the Lanvin leather & satin ones? ^_^ I don't usually wear them myself, but those are tempting :heart:
^ I haven't seen them online, saw them in a magazine I guess ... I wonder if maybe they haven't been released yet? :huh:
^Maybe that's why? I'm sure they will come up soon enough though...darn Lanvin, always makes me want to spend my savings.
My university's uniform:

Uggs. Lululemon yoga pants. Leggings as pants. TNA.

Honestly, people. Get more creative!!

When did Lululemon get so big? One just recently opened up near me and its always empty and the clothing is so expensive too. i don't get it, for that price I could actually buy nice clothes that arent sweats or workout stuff.:huh:
Hmm... I have noticed that the word "formal" is being used with quite often here. What do you qualify as formal? Here it seems like something people work for, but I myself dress formally and it takes me up five minutes in the morning... thus, I guess we have different definitions. I would like to hear what is your definition of formal - because it seems to me that we use the same word for different things :flower:

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