What to wear when you're a student

the college i go it's.....so boring, and the most unfashionable thing you can imagine. I'm sure these people don't know the existence of other stuff besides jeans+t-shirt....its hard cuz for me even wearing a different stuff such as tights or a skirt (don't even think of high waisted skirt) it such an event, everyone looks at you, and i feel very self-concius, sometimes i don't even want to try, considering i'm not the most self confident person you'll know
Omg, i can sooo relate to Gnszr!

The college i go to, everyone makes no effort whatsoever and most of the time, i do try to but i get looks sometimes like "why are you soo groomed? It's only college" and it's sad. Most of the boys all wear t-shirts with those hideous jogging bottoms that they wear 'sagging' down their buts. It just looks ridiculous!
^ ... red beanies ... :huh:

I know... They look like this:



^ I love that movie.


hollywood grind

normally I wear a casual dresses something like this for the summer/early fall:

mod cloth
or this for the fall

Urban Outfitters
and my pointy flats or wedges and I throw on a trench, boots and tights when it gets cold but I am always a little fancier than everyone else I think that jeans and a nice top or a GOOD t-shirt is fine.
8GreenEyes8 That doesn't sound too bad...except for the red beanie-part, I just don't get it :lol:
haha that red beanie story is funny, especially to me since i own a red beanie from top shop, and when i wore it last winter everyone was like "what is thatttt?" and all my friends were always putting it on and not getting it... but i loved it anyway
of course i was the only one...
I just started back to school this week. I have been dressing very simply-- just shorts, sandals, sometimes just tshirts and sometimes something a little nicer like a polo or button down. It is so hot where I live right now so I don't have too many options.
I'm a university student, and in my opinion, you should be able to look back at your student years as your best-dressed years. As a student, I have the freedom to wear whatever I want, no company dress codes dicating my style, and I'm still young enough to get away with many things that would make me look ridiculous if I was 5-7 years older. I make the most of this freedom, I experiment, take chances, I dare to wear outfits that some people might find provocative, quirky, or even plain ugly- just because I can! Of course, being a student, I, and many others, have a more limited budget than people who works for a living, but I don't mind living on tuna for a month or two if it means I'll have enough money to buy great clothes.

Some of my friends have recently finished their degrees and started working- one in a lawyer's office, which means she's had to buy a whole new wardrobe consisting of clothes she doens't even like that much, as her edgy style won't be tolerated in a conservative environment like her workplace. That makes me appreciate my life- and style- as a student, even more. I make an effort to look my best, even if I'm just going to class, not preparing for a runway show.

I'm majoring in literature, and I have to say that the majority of both men and women could use a makeover- desperately. All the earth tones and Palestina scarves make me sick.
I was a pretty well-dressed student, but they definitely weren't the best-dressed years of my life. At that age, you typically don't have the money, and definitely don't have the sophistication, for them to be the best of your life.

I do think they should be among the most fun :flower: If your nose is stuck in a book all the time, take it out :p ;)
I never thought of that before, Ethereal but I guess it's very true - we do have a lot of freedom as students. I'm in literature also, and I have to agree - HORRIBLE DRESSERS we've got in our department. We should give them all makeovers; splash some real colour on them! haha
I never thought of that before, Ethereal but I guess it's very true - we do have a lot of freedom as students. I'm in literature also, and I have to agree - HORRIBLE DRESSERS we've got in our department. We should give them all makeovers; splash some real colour on them! haha

Oh yeah, I'm spending classes fantasizing about forcing the girls in my class to wear a cool leather piece (or faux leather if they're extremely politically correct, which they all are), some killer heels, and convince them that they need to carry their notebooks, pens, and other belongings in a nice-looking bag. Most of them could need a haircut too, cut off those 10 cm of henna-colored split ends, and just because you read books written by Nobel Prize winners, you're still allowed to wear makeup. You can look good and be an intellectual too...
By the way, A guy once told me that I "didn't look like a University student"- I didn't know wheter to take it as a compliment or be offended- I'm proud of not blending into the crowd of literature students in earth-colored uniforms, but is it given that I, as I wear short skirts, high heels and makeup, can't be smart? I'm a member of Mensa, but I also count calories, love to shop, and enjpy reading fashion magazines. Do people have to be two-dimensional?

Sorry for the rant, the academic prejudice against "superficial issues" make me so angry.

I'm a Gucci feminist, and not ashamed of it! :D
Aww...I never put much thought in in. But I never really did t-shirt and jeans especially since I only use t-shirts to sleep, lounge about, or get dirty.

But judging from the people I spotted around campus during my summer classes as my college, it appears to be a t-shirt and jeans society.

It's ironic, the only ones in my program who appeared to put any effort were myself and an international student from Mexico. Oh, and sometimes this other guy. He had on and off days he was in illustration, I believe.

I suppose the comfy culture seems to be dominant on campus.

Sad. Not the comfy part, but rather the boring part. I don't dress super exciting, but I try something at least.
Student style differs A LOT from university to university. My freshman year I attended a large, public university in Louisiana where the girls wore terri cloth sweat suits and the boys wore baggy tshirts with carpenter jeans... absolutely heinous. Since transferring to a uni in Chicago, people tend to dress up a lot more. Most of the foreign students, especially the Koreans, are always impeccably dressed!

I tend to wear dark jeans/trousers with a nice polo/oxford. I also have a lot of scarves and jackets to mix things up during the year since it's so incredibly cold here for most the year.
if you guys think tracksuits are bad, about 70% of the female population at my school wears a "uniform" of nike tempo shorts and an oversized tshirt from a frat event..
The school year started a week ago. And yet, I still find I have no style and nor do others. It's sooooooo easy to just put on whatever is on the floor. From studying to attending class to socializing with peers to working to pay off bills and student expenses, there seems to be little time to worry about how I look. :blink: If you're a fashion student, different story. But for me, it's so easy to pile on sweats and sit in class. I want to look nice so I can attract a male, but it is so much easier after nights of studying and nights of drinking :lol: to just go to class in what you wore to bed. :rofl::blush:
My school year starts tomorrow. It's actually a big holiday over here and everyone's dressed up (we actually have uniforms but it's not a-must, it's fine if you just have a dark blue jacket on) so I'm excited to see what everyone will wear considering this is the last school year for me. Hopefully I'll get some photos :flower:

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