I have tivo, so I just kept pausing and analyzing (I know, I bored, out of school this week and no work tonight, so yeah

Ok so when he says miami, he looks straight on, Bea is in the center, back of the table, he looks at her (now I could be completely wrong, these are my predictions). Then when he says london (the line up on his right of the table, is abby, angelika, lucia.)
Michelle is on an angle next to abby and then Bea is in the center.
Valeria is on his left, next to bea on an angle, but she is the only one (it looks like) that is on the left of the table.
So anyway back to the full 2nd paragraph, london, he looks in the direction of Abby.
He then says Bahamas, you three (well only angelika, lucia, valerija, and michelle are left.) ("your pictures are great, but your not right for the agency." This can be phrased as more than one person.
And then there had to be a clif hanger, so I'm guessing Michelle stays in NY.
The whole crying thing I noticed is to through the viewer off, because they are crying in the apartment because they have to leave eachother.
But wierd thing, Bea is crying while abby and valeria are smiling, when she is about to hug them. Lucia is seen crying on a chair (not sure if it's the apartment of office, but looks like the apartment, and abby is crying probably, no def. because she missed them.)
The closest in the house or most likely to have a heart and miss one another, were abby and lucia (they were close). Also valeria was close with the girls. Michelle seems happy throughout, so I'd say she is staying in NYC possibly.
(Remeber Michelle did Chris Habana add, which is in NY =) )