A Model Life - TLC Reality TV Show

I think Spring 08 (which is coming up VERY soon) will tell us if these girls have made it on their own now, without the cameras around. I'm curious to see if any of them will show up on the runways @ NYC fashion week or even if nicole miller hires michelle again?
^ It was posted before, and it's from 2004, but thanks for the refresher! :)

Okay, so, after watching tonight's episode, I'm thinking it's Abi/Michelle who goes to London, Lucia/Beatrice in Miami (for the latter, maybe they'd want to train her and build her book in a smaller, more commercial/swimsuit market before moving on to NYC), Valerija who gets dropped ("Your pictures are pretty, but..." as said in the preview), and the rest who go to the Bahamas.

My quess:
Ok so 3 go to Bahamas, 1 goes to uk, i goes to miami, and one gets dropped.

Then we see Lucia and Abby crying. Michelle looks satisfied. Valeria looks just like, HUH? I don't remember but was she crying too??

Well Next doesn't have a Bahama divison, so I'm going to predict 3 get cut, when he says we're dropping you, he means the 3 of the bahama girls.

My predictions:
Michelle gets the NY contract,
Lucia, Angelika, and Valeria get cut (bahamas) (I bet they all said scew it too, because lucia is with a lot of other agencies now.)
Beatrice goes to Miami,
and Abby goes back to UK.
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I have tivo, so I just kept pausing and analyzing (I know, I bored, out of school this week and no work tonight, so yeah:ninja:)

Ok so when he says miami, he looks straight on, Bea is in the center, back of the table, he looks at her (now I could be completely wrong, these are my predictions). Then when he says london (the line up on his right of the table, is abby, angelika, lucia.)

Michelle is on an angle next to abby and then Bea is in the center.
Valeria is on his left, next to bea on an angle, but she is the only one (it looks like) that is on the left of the table.

So anyway back to the full 2nd paragraph, london, he looks in the direction of Abby.

He then says Bahamas, you three (well only angelika, lucia, valerija, and michelle are left.) ("your pictures are great, but your not right for the agency." This can be phrased as more than one person.

And then there had to be a clif hanger, so I'm guessing Michelle stays in NY.

The whole crying thing I noticed is to through the viewer off, because they are crying in the apartment because they have to leave eachother.

But wierd thing, Bea is crying while abby and valeria are smiling, when she is about to hug them. Lucia is seen crying on a chair (not sure if it's the apartment of office, but looks like the apartment, and abby is crying probably, no def. because she missed them.)

The closest in the house or most likely to have a heart and miss one another, were abby and lucia (they were close). Also valeria was close with the girls. Michelle seems happy throughout, so I'd say she is staying in NYC possibly.

(Remeber Michelle did Chris Habana add, which is in NY =) )
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I just seen their myspaces.
I was correct with Bea going to Miami, she also seems really hurt by negative comments about her on the internet, she said it many times in comments. She also ended up in Hong Kong (Asia). (I don't understand what negative things were said about her, except the fact that some blogs were mocking her "ditzyness". ?

In a comment, Michelle says that she has been in her house in FL doing nothing. She also said she needs to dig a whole from being on the show, I guess the comments people left about her, hurt. She said that she was going to london though, so maybe she went and then ended up coming back the the US and doesn't model now?.

Angelika is in Cali and Bea told her not to worry about the comments about her and that they are lies. (A show can edit things, but they can't make up what came out of her mouth.) And just go look at the pictures of her myspace. I can see now where the attitude comes from, EYEROLL>

Lucia is in Tokyo.

Valeria and Abby have private accounts.

I don't think any of them stayed with next.
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^ can you pm me the links to the non-private accounts?

sure :flower:.

heres a quote from valerias comment to lucia

yeah i got the questions last night i still havent answered them though! i dont really know what to say either.
the show is on sooo soon ! i dont want to see it... i looked it up on google and its all like " models struggeling to get a contract..!" they never told us they were going to make us look desperate.!!
my exams are in august,,wish me luck
love val

They all seem pretty pissed about the show.
I just seen their myspaces.
I was correct with Bea going to Miami, she also seems really hurt by negative comments about her on the internet, she said it many times in comments. She also ended up in Hong Kong (Asia). (I don't understand what negative things were said about her, except the fact that some blogs were mocking her "ditzyness". ?

In a comment, Michelle says that she has been in her house in FL doing nothing. She also said she needs to dig a whole from being on the show, I guess the comments people left about her, hurt. She said that she was going to london though, so maybe she went and then ended up coming back the the US and doesn't model now?.

Angelika is in Cali and Bea told her not to worry about the comments about her and that they are lies. (A show can edit things, but they can't make up what came out of her mouth.) And just go look at the pictures of her myspace. I can see now where the attitude comes from, EYEROLL>

Lucia is in Tokyo.

Valeria and Abby have private accounts.

I don't think any of them stayed with next.

I love how I just posted that on the previous page. :innocent:

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LOL, that spoiler "discussion" was amusing, but mostly false. Yay for Lucia! And that's my entire opinion on the finale :p
Is there a website that has a gallery of pictures for the show / the girls? I'd like show stills, show caps, etc etc.
Also, I really liked Lucia's legs. Maybe I'm just a leg person but even though I know she hates them in the last episode her legs looked so amazing in the bathing clothing. They were really big and it just gives her body a perfect shape. I really hope she doesn't lose more weight. :(
i dont know where you guys get this info. in the last episode angelika gets dismissed, beatrice sent to miami, michelle tolondon, and valerija, lucia and abi get kept by next ny. the end.
Well, the thing is... (SPOILERS AHEAD)

Disclaimer: i haven't seen the show, so sorry if this is irrelevant..

But Valerija has been with Chic wayyy before the show started! and Chic and Next are pretty much like sister agents...most of the Chic girls get signed to Next.
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sure :flower:.

heres a quote from valerias comment to lucia

yeah i got the questions last night i still havent answered them though! i dont really know what to say either.
the show is on sooo soon ! i dont want to see it... i looked it up on google and its all like " models struggeling to get a contract..!" they never told us they were going to make us look desperate.!!
my exams are in august,,wish me luck
love val

They all seem pretty pissed about the show.

when she says its on soon - does she mean on Australian TV? I hope so.
Also, I really liked Lucia's legs. Maybe I'm just a leg person but even though I know she hates them in the last episode her legs looked so amazing in the bathing clothing. They were really big and it just gives her body a perfect shape. I really hope she doesn't lose more weight. :(

Yeah I know she has the perfect curves in all the right places i think her weight right now is perfect she isnt too skinny or too overweight. Hopefully we get to see more of her in the near future.

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