Chloé S/S 09 Paris

chloeandhandbags, I don't think anyone has or could ever question your fanatism for phoebe's chloé. :lol:

moving on...
Very true, Zazie.

Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. :)

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it! :D

Of course not.

The only reason I used the term 'legions', was because I happen to know that there were many, many, customers of Philo's Chloe and the number reduced, significantly, after she left.

I certainly didn't use the term to try to intentionally crush your opinion, or your right to state your opinion - I really hope you don't think I did? :(

TBH, the only reason I (and presumably, also disco) responded to your post (#91) at all, was because you had made, what appeared to be, some pretty definitive statements, that I happened to disagree with.

Had you used a few 'IMO's or 'I think/thought's I probably wouldn't have replied at all, as I would have viewed them as your opinions and not as statements of fact. :)

Still, I hope you haven't taken what I've said personally, any more than I've taken what you've said personally (i.e. not at all! :D ) and here's to healthy debate! :flower:

Oh, simply glad that all is well. ^_^

You wouldn't be able to tell from this thread that MulletProof and I have disagreed just as vehemently over other collections.:lol: There is a lot of mutual respect despite the disagreement because we really do argue and state our reasons and points and not get into a personal tizzy, eg.
"how can you like/dislike this??!!!" territory. It's like this with a bunch of us here, I'm grateful to these fellow TFSers because they really *work* their minds and do their research when they post, not just "oooh, I like!" "yuuk, I hate!" stuff. This is what makes it fun as well.

It's also quite clear that each poster is stating his/her own opinion, own likes or dislikes, I never claimed anything I posted is *the* opinion or some absolute truth, so I don't feel I need to, or expect others to say, IMO or to preface every statement with "I think". You also don't seem to challenge those who post supportive statements of Philo, eg. disco, to ask them to clarify if this is their "own opinion", or if they're stating as if it's the truth, etc....hope you get my drift.

On the other hand, to say "legions of women think like I do" seems to be making more of an absolute, intimidating statement, don't you think?

To be honest, a good designer should be happy to hear positive applause but be even more attentive to criticism, especially if they are valid and make really good sense. This is how you improve and become more competitive. I'm a designer myself, in another field, and I always *listen* to the criticisms, some of them I find baseless, but others truly valuable. If a designer simply smacks down every opinion that doesn't please, nothing will be learned or improved on.

Anyway, hope all of us get the air cleared here, and can all get on with the business of filling these threads with all kinds of opinions! ^_^
Oh, simply glad that all is well. ^_^


You wouldn't be able to tell from this thread that MulletProof and I have disagreed just as vehemently over other collections.:lol: There is a lot of mutual respect despite the disagreement because we really do argue and state our reasons and points and not get into a personal tizzy, eg.
"how can you like/dislike this??!!!" territory. It's like this with a bunch of us here, I'm grateful to these fellow TFSers because they really *work* their minds and do their research when they post, not just "oooh, I like!" "yuuk, I hate!" stuff. This is what makes it fun as well.

It's also quite clear that each poster is stating his/her own opinion, own likes or dislikes, I never claimed anything I posted is *the* opinion or some absolute truth, so I don't feel I need to, or expect others to say, IMO or to preface every statement with "I think". You also don't seem to challenge those who post supportive statements of Philo, eg. disco, to ask them to clarify if this is their "own opinion", or if they're stating as if it's the truth, etc....hope you get my drift.

Well, no, because I (obviously!) tend to agree with disco when it comes to Philo, but I wouldn't blame others if they did choose to question her (or me, for that matter!), especially if she sounded very definite on a point that is open to debate. :)

On the other hand, to say "legions of women think like I do" seems to be making more of an absolute, intimidating statement, don't you think?

Intimidating? No. :huh:

'Legions' is just a flowery way of saying 'lots', or 'a large number', or 'many', over here - please can I assure you that the fact that it also happens to mean a large group of (originally Roman, I think) soldiers, when used literally (which it wasn't being here), was not intended to be intimidating at all.

No wonder we're having difficulties communicating, here, if you think I'm trying to intimidate you with some sort of Chloe army! :lol: :blush:

...and now, just to add to the war analogies, I've also gone and joked about a scalloped bunker...

Oh dear! :blush: :lol:

To be honest, a good designer should be happy to hear positive applause but be even more attentive to criticism, especially if they are valid and make really good sense. This is how you improve and become more competitive. I'm a designer myself, in another field, and I always *listen* to the criticisms, some of them I find baseless, but others truly valuable. If a designer simply smacks down every opinion that doesn't please, nothing will be learned or improved on.

As far as we know, Philo hasn't replied on this thread (or anywhere else on this forum), has she?

So, I'm not sure what you're getting at?

Unless you think I'm her, now, or something?

If so, I can assure you I'm not (if I were, I don't think I would have commented, TBH!).

Anyway, hope all of us get the air cleared here, and can all get on with the business of filling these threads with all kinds of opinions! ^_^

Yes, absolutely. ^_^
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The only thing I loved about it was the hair, but it's definitely not enough to save it :rolleyes:
Not a great collection for Chloe this season... can't say I'm a fan.
I doubt Phoebe would have come back anyway.

Some of the ideas are cute, and I'm not completely turned off, but it's the execution that is wrong. Some of the oversized shorts are just TOO oversized. Can you imagine spending 3 months designing this and then see Kane's collection and realize it's going to look like you just took his ideas?! But judging by what the designer is wearing it seems clear that she has no sense....
Oh no, I didn't expect something like that :doh: I'm very, very disappointed.
I don't say this about many collctions
but god that is really awful!
the COLORS, the shapes...just totally out of touch.
Naive, playful, young with delicate colors... It reminded me a little bit of this season Christopher Kane because of those semi-circular details. Overall it's a solid collection. I can feel that Chloé girls' fun energy in it. Dare i say naughty virgins?
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i liked the white pieces.. it could be better but i don't think is that bad ..
This is lame. And no, i didn't mean lamé. They fired Paulo to give us this?!

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