Keeping Up With Lindsay #2 (please put all Lohan news here)

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Question: Betty Ford cost like tens of thousands, and she is now ordered by the court to go back there- so the good old US taxpayer is on the hook or what? :unsure:
Question: Betty Ford cost like tens of thousands, and she is now ordered by the court to go back there- so the good old US taxpayer is on the hook or what? :unsure:

Nope. It's not totally uncommon for courts to let the person pay herself. I guess the court would pay for something moderate, something that was considered reasonable, but definitley not BF. So yeah, she's paying herself (?).
* Of course, her insurance from the Screen Actors Union would help pay, if she were a screen actor...* :innocent:
i don't even wonder anymore about her financial sources....she has always the money for the latest she'll find money also for the BF. i guess. :huh:
^ I'm more mystified by the parents...they live rather well, and neither one of them seem to ever work at all.... :huh:
^well i think both (but mostly Dina) have found a lot of ways to "sell" their child and live on her shoulder..:innocent:
What's she going to do about Cristi Aguilera snaking Gollum away while Lilo's hanging with Betty???

I smell a jailbreak.
In that radio interview posted a few pages back with Michael he said she went from having 30 million and is down to 2 million :shock:
^ Which should just about cover the legal fees and the vacation at Betty....:huh: was in the courtroom as a visibly stressed and scared Lindsay arrived with her mother and a representative from the Betty Ford Clinic in tow. Judge Fox held counsel prior to the sentencing beginning and when Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, came out, she immediately whispered to her client, “You ain’t goin’ to jail.”
Instantaneously, all the tension from Lindsay’s face dropped away and she grinned. At one point, the bailiff asked, “How are you doing?”
Lindsay replied with a smile, “Better.”
What's she going to do about Cristi Aguilera snaking Gollum away while Lilo's hanging with Betty???

I smell a jailbreak.

i think you're mixing things up...lilo is the Gollum doppelgänger


does she have to stay at BF til january or can she leave early as well? (like after 9 instead of 90 days jailtime)
I believe she has to stay in BF. And if she violates probation (which will last beyond Jan 2011) she will go down for 180.
TMZ has the probation officer's report - includes statements from the counselors, doctors, and Lindsay herself.

She's still in denial (surprise!)
Says she can't afford to stay in BF in-patient treatment, and believes it is "damaging for her career" and “her clothing line is falling apart because she is not available to monitor the project,”. Access Hollywood reports that it would cost $63,000 for 120 days.
Last edited by a moderator: instead of thank everybody for not going to jail again, now she's complaining for not having the money for BF and for her "career".........:huh: what is she thinking?!that in order to save her "career" (=another bunch of racy shoots and that p*rno-movie),and because she has been so "good" in checking herself volountary in BF last month,now she has/want/need to skip the jail AND the rehab...?
the girl has lost her mind or what?!
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Lindsay Lohan still not properly punished

Written by Sarah

When I was sixteen and freshly driver-licensed, I hit a parked car in a parking lot. Worse, I went home and lied about it to my parents. Of course my dad called it in to his insurance, and of course it came out that I hit parked car and left the scene (dude I was scared!). So off to the police station we go, to file a report for the insurance, but while we were there a police officer pulled me into an interrogation room and told me all about jail and what happens to people who don’t tell the truth and own their responsibility when they do something wrong. I was scared to death, convinced I was going to jail for hitting a parked car. I don’t have a perfect driving record but I have never since I left the scene of an accident. I learned that lesson.

Lindsay Lohan, on the other hand, has not learned her lesson. At this point, I’m not sure she ever will. Back in court today for failing a drug test while on probation, the judge ordered her to return to rehab (she voluntarily entered the Betty Ford Clinic) until January third. There will be no more jail time.

I think Lindsay Lohan needs to go to jail.

At this point, it isn’t about reviving her career or preserving her celebrity status. It’s about saving her life. Lindsay has been in and out of rehab what—four or five times? And for all that rehabbing, she has never once owned her responsibility, she has never said, “It’s not the world or the media or my parents. It’s me. I have this problem and I will deal with it for the rest of my life.” No, when her Scram anklet goes off it’s because someone poured vodka all over her feet. She only admitted to failing this most recent drug test when the results were made public and she scientifically couldn’t argue with them.

There’s no responsibility here. There is no reason for Lindsay to change her behavior. Because if stints in rehab is the worst that she gets, well hell. Why bother? I believe in the value of rehab. I believe it does save people’s lives. But it isn’t saving Lindsay’s. She isn’t letting it. It’s time for the next step up. Which is jail.

Lindsay has already been to jail, but they didn’t make her stay as long as they said they would. The justice system caved like overindulgent parents. And I know, people get out of jail early for myriad reasons all the time. The justice system isn’t perfect. But in Lindsay’s case it seemed like they just didn’t want to deal with the attention anymore. This time she needs to go and spend the full amount of time. There’s a standard punishment for breaking probation—apply it to Lindsay. Take into account how often she’s voluntarily gone to rehab and how little it helped. It’s time for the exceptions to stop.

Maybe they have. The judge today stipulated that Lindsay has to stay in rehab until January 3rd because he doesn't trust her to remain there if left to her own devices. At least they're learning.

Whether she’s emerging from rehab on January third or exiting a penitentiary for the second time at some point in the future, can we please stop caring about Lindsay Lohan? Can we stop looking at her and listening to her and following her around? Maybe that’s the ultimate punishment. To declare her Over.
One question: IF she were cut loose from all punishment and/or treatment, does anyone really think she wouldn't be out in the same clubs, with the same people doing the same things within a few days? I would bet she would, that's how little she seems to have learned or understood...And her family are just as bad; they say to never use the word hopeless in these situations, but this is pretty close.... :cry:
I finally read the Vanity Fair article - this quote is really indicative of her problems.

A successful young producer said that he was having dinner recently at the Chateau Marmont, along with a famous writer and an Oscar-winning director, when Lindsay appeared out of nowhere and plopped down in an empty chair at their table.
"She was networking" he said. "It seemed like an act of desperation. None of us knew her."

Another sad part was when they said Dina gets 15% of everything Lindsay earns. Which means Dina got paid over $1,000,000 when Lindsay filmed Just My Luck.
^ Damn!! You can buy a lot of Fudgie the Whale Ice Cream Cakes with that kind of money! I wonder if she also got 15% of the 'please go away and shut up' money from E Trade? :blink:
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