Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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Best article I ever read about Lindsay :flower:

She obviously lacks common sense (let's not mention intelligence), so what she needs is people to advise her. From the leaked tapes we know that her assistants are busy keeping her alive and probably couldn't care less what offers she accepts.

Is that true about her wanting to go to Iraq? Lindsay and her family...the blurring of truth, lies and fantasy make it all so surreal to read about.

Also I'm pissed that my taxes are paying for her trip to India!
That is a great article- especially since almost everything said has been said here over and over, in between the 'Leave Lindsay alone' messages...:blink:

My favorite lines: "Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting," she declares... :huh: (You wouldn't have any 'career' at all with it, Sweetie...)

And: "...a small-screen outing that could yet make Channel 4's Peaches Geldof's Beginner's Guide to Islam look like a worthy successor to Kenneth Clark's Civilisation." :rofl::clap:
I think the only hope for this is to have a real reporter write the script and a real actor do a complete voice over- you know, just show lots of video of Lindsay in really short shorts with her blouse half open... :unsure:
I feel a bit sorry for her, she probably never got the same high school education the rest of us got when she was doing the Disney starlet thing. Did she finish high school?
Why does this remind me of Fearne Cotton doing the pro-anorexia thing? They just chuck a celebrity into a bizarre situation and hope it makes them a)breakdown or b)say something really uneducated. I think Linds will prob do both, she does seem rather emotional.
Behind the Scenes of Lindsay Lohan’s Muse Shoot

In other words, watch Lindsay stick things in her mouth!
Muse editor Fabio Crovi said he's not sure he'll ever put a celebrity on the cover again after the insane amount of publicity Lindsay Lohan's Johnny Depp and Kate Moss–inspired threesome shoot received. “We received something like 10 million hits," he told “I don’t know if we could do it again. I love celebrities, but I don’t get any sleep!” Being European, he's accustomed to the good life, and he may as well stick to it, because fans of Muse probably don't want to see celebs in there anyway.
The behind-the-scenes video that photographer Yu Tsai promised of the shoot is now available for your viewing discomfort. Entitled "Lindsay's Private Party," it looks like a pretty depressing way to spend a sunny afternoon, but if you put it on mute and watch it to your favorite pop tune of the moment instead of Tsai's angsty track, this effect is lessened. They should have called it "How Many Things Can Lindsay Put in Her Mouth?" Because that's all the video seems to be about. First it's a curtain, then her finger, then some dude's back, then the dude's mouth, then a cigarette ...

The Cut from New York Magazine
From E! Online...

Iconic photo recreator, Lindsay Lohan, is taking a break from looking like a broken-down version of her idols and saving lives!
After months of planning, Linds finally made it to India to film a BBC3 documentary about human trafficking and, of course, she's twittering about it.
Her first day, she tweeted: "Over 40 children saved so far...... Within one day's work...... This is what life is about..... Doing THIS is a life worth living!!!" She ended up deleting this tweet but left this epiphany:
"Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time.... hope everyone can see that."
But even Lindsay has trouble seeing this as she finds time in between saving 40 children a day to respond to rumors back home...
In response to the threesome shot: "Doing a photo shoot & short film is THE SAME AS playing a role in a movie... It's acting! Fake, pretend geez"
The New York Daily News also ran a story about Lindsay hooking up with some model. Official Lindsaycomment: "hahahahahahahahahaha such lies. Google poverty...I'm not cheating!"
It's great that Lindsay is doing something other than slinking around sleazy Hollywood clubs, but once again Twitter is her downfall. LiLo: Learn from Miley (she has so much to teach) and just get rid of the thing.
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"Google poverty..."
Some sort of code or cryptic message, I just know it!! :o
I can't decide if she might just be uneducated and unsophisticated, showing the effects of years of 'indulgence', or just a moron...:unsure:
Oh my god....

I don't know what to say...

I'll just post these two pictures to explain :(



^^ WTH??????????
now next thing is ali6lindsay lohan starring in the ungaro campaign??? o god...:(
Dina writes on lohanhouse that Ali has been ''accepted Into Ford Models Endursement Division'', and Lindsay is not planning to adopt a child in India.
^ So I guess Ali and Tiger Woods will be vying for all the new primo endorsement contracts? What would she endorse- Clearasil?? Al Anon? :huh:

Lindsay Lohan attacked over claims she helped rescue 40 Indian children

An Indian charity has accused Lindsay Lohan, the Hollywood actress, of claiming to have helped to rescue 40 child labourers in New Delhi when she was not actually in the country.

By Dean Nelson in New Delhi
Published: 9:45PM GMT 11 Dec 2009


Lohan is accused of claiming to have helped to rescue 40 child labourers in New Delhi when she was not actually in the country.

The star of Mean Girls, who went to India to make a BBC documentary about child trafficking, appeared to claim she had rescued the children in just one day and was now changing the world "one child at a time".
But according to the charity which organised the raid, neither Lohan, 23, nor the BBC, were present.

In a series of posts on Twitter, Lohan, who has undergone treatment for alcohol abuse, appeared to boast of her role in the rescue and suggested that it had changed her life.

"Over *40 children saved* so far...... Within one day's work...... This is what life is about..... Doing THIS is a life worth living!!!" she said. She later added: "Focusing on celebrities and lies is so disconcerting, when we can be changing the world one child at a time.... hope everyone can see that." Her comments caused a stir in India and anger among those who led the raid.

A leading social activist and lawyer, known only as Bhuwan, of the campaign group Bachpan Bachao Andolan, accused Lohan of portraying dangerous child rescue operations as superficial events, which could be carried out in a day by passing celebrities.

The raids, which involved two months of planning by local police and magistrates, were on 15 workshops in central New Delhi where children as young as seven were making mirrored ornaments for export. Some of the children said the traffickers had paid their parents 2,000 rupees (£25), while other parents had handed over their children for promises of payments which were not made.

All worked from 8am to 1am the following morning, but only some were paid.
Those who had been working for several years received 800 rupees per month (£10) while others were paid just 200 rupees.

According to Bhuwan, they were freed on Tuesday, hours before Lohan arrived in India and a day before she and her BBC Three film crew visited the Ashram rehabilitation centre where the children were taken before being returned to their families. "She was not even in the country when this raid happened," he said.

"We'll be complaining to the BBC and talking to our lawyers ... Would Lohan know where these workshops are?"

Ruchira Gupta, an anti-trafficking campaigner, said: "If celebrities do it to get publicity then they are trivialising child-trafficking."

A BBC spokesman said: "Lindsay Lohan has just completed filming in India for a BBC Three project on child trafficking. We would like to stress that she did not say she was present at the raid, this is a misinterpretation. She was merely referring to a raid that happened connected to child trafficking - the subject of the programme.

"It is not uncommon for well known faces to be involved in current affairs programmes and often helps engage younger audiences with subjects they don't traditionally go to such as international affairs. The final documentary will have all the hallmarks of BBC content - and will be high quality, informative and engaging."
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Patna, Dec 11 (IANS)

Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan will come looking for “spiritual nirvana” in Bihar. The actress, who is in India currently, is known to be “deeply inspired by Hinduism”.

Lohan, 23, will work in three British Broadcasting Corporation documentaries in the country on child trafficking which will be shot in Bihar, sources in BBC said. In the course of her shooting, Lohan will stay at an ashram in North Bihar - bordering Nepal - and will study the Hindu faith.

“I want to do something good and different. That’s the reason why I am associated with this project, which is a charity initiative,” Lohan said.
The area where Lohan is likely to shoot for documentary is a hub of child trafficking from Nepal and Bangladesh because of extreme poverty and crime.

The Hollywood actress believes in Hinduism and “karma”.

“During her stay at the ashram in Bihar, Lohan will explore eastern mysticism, the essence of peace propounded by the traditional Hinduism and learn about patience,” Rajan Zed, president of the US-based Universal Society of Hinduism, said confirming her scheduled visit to Bihar. However, for security reasons he refused to disclose the name and the exact location of the retreat.

Hollywood celebrities are often known to visit India for “spiritual rejuvenation”. In the 1960s, the Beatles spent six months at Rishikesh seeking peace and learning transcendental meditation at the ashram of Mahesh Yogi. They composed some of their famous tracks in India.

Richard Gere and Sandra Bullock are also associated with the Dalai Lama and Buddhism. Besides, several western rock musicians have visited India and drawn from the rich reserve of the Indian music.

Lohan rose to stardom between 2003 and 2005 with films like “Freaky Friday”, “Mean Girls” and “Herbie: Fully Loaded”. But her career took a nose dive when she was booked for driving under influence in 2007. It was followed by three visits to rehabilitation centre.

According to media reports, Lohan has come to India to get rid of her addiction to alcohol as well as party girl image.
These stories are better than any fiction

Bindi for Lindsay, didi for little girl
- Trafficking victim brings tears to eyes of Hollywood actress

Calcutta, Dec. 11: Lindsay Lohan left wearing a bindi — and almost with a child draped around her.

The Hollywood actress had found both on the premises of the Narendrapur home of the NGO Sanlaap, which houses young women and girls who were victims of trafficking and other forms of exploitation. Lindsay had arrived three hours late — “an attack of migraine” — but seemed to have found what she was seeking on her clandestine India trip: an issue serious enough.

If she had saved “over 40 children in Delhi”, as she had tweeted on Wednesday on reaching the capital, where she only put in “one hour’s work” as someone associated with her trip claimed, in Calcutta she must have saved many, many more.

For she stayed on for more than three hours and mingled with several of the almost 150 inmates of the house. But it was 11-year-old “Gilori” who made Lindsay melt, not the least with her call “didi”.​

Dressed in a black sleeveless top, black tights and knee-length black boots, with long sand-blonde hair streaked with green at the crown, the 23-year-old Lindsay looked pretty, petite and make-up free, except for the eyes, and in no way the Hollywood goddess she is.

She was accompanied by a four-member BBC crew, who were filming her for a documentary on human trafficking in which she will be the presenter. A male friend who wore many bracelets was with her.

In Calcutta, the Mean Girls star, known for her wild partying, may also have found the “life-changing” moment she had come looking for in India.

Even as her white Innova rolled into the home past its tall gates, Lindsay refused to face anyone, sitting almost crouched inside her vehicle till the area was declared camera-free. Outside, the throng of photographers and reporters was going wild. There was a photographer from a British newspaper as well.

Lindsay watched a dance performance by the young inmates and moved on to an enclosure to talk to some of them.

One of them was Gilori, whose name was Dulari once but no one could recall how it had changed in the few months she has been staying at the home. She is small for her age and her head is shaved, but her radiant smile makes up for everything.

As the BBC crew hovered over her, Gilori began to tell her story, with an activist from the NGO as the translator. Gilori and her brother were beggar children. They lived with their elder brother and his wife near Kharagpur. The elder brother and his wife made them beg on trains plying between Kharagpur and Howrah.

On one such stint, police picked them up and Gilori was brought to the Sanlaap home. The brother and his wife have come to visit Gilori but she doesn’t want to meet them.

Lindsay picked Gilori up and sat her on her lap. “I don’t want to go back home again,” Gilori said. Where and how do such children live, asked Lindsay, tears forming in her eyes.​

When Gilori said her sister-in-law beat her and she used to return home with the money earned at night by train, Lindsay broke into sobs, which smudged her eye make-up.

She put her arms around Gilori. The little girl kept smiling. She said she didn’t want to leave the Narendrapur home. “I don’t want to go back home. I want to go with you,” she said.

Lindsay spoke to three young women who had been trafficked to brothels in Calcutta and Pune. She said she was moved by their stories, the filming of which would help other vulnerable women. Lindsay promised to send gifts for all of them.

But Gilori wouldn’t let her go. She jumped back onto Lindsay’s lap and hugged her and kissed her. Picking her up again, Lindsay wanted to wear a bindi. Someone put one on her forehead.

Then it was time for her to go. Would Gilori go with her? The little girl stared at the actress. No, of course, but Lindsay “didi” promised to keep in touch with her.

“Now she will think of nothing but her for the next seven days,” said an inmate as the car left with Lindsay.​

As for Lindsay, about half an hour past the visit, she tweeted: “The most amazing time of my life.”​
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“How do you like Calcutta?” I asked. “We went to this place today where I met all these children — I love children — and they don’t have homes because of the floods. I can’t remember the name of the place… it’s away from the city,” she said.​

“It begins with S,” her light-haired friend tried to help as we pitched in with suggestions from South Parganas to the Sunderbans.​

“Yes… the Sunderbans, there was this trafficked girl there, I painted her nails and I even gave her my number if she wants to call me,” she said.​
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