Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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"Much the same as when any person proves to lie or threaten the truth. I did however answer the complaint Erin made saying I merely called her when the order was in place, to which - was processed and released."

Must run in the family-these Lohans, they really know how to turn a phrase!!
F. Scott Fitzgerald would be in tears!! :blink:
Errrr....don't you have to be arrested to be processed and released?
Oh the selective truth you get from the Lohan's is like no other.
Saw that threesome video of her, it sucked. Basically, they stormed off to the bathroom at intervals to smoke and she showed her boobs a bit and looked angry because of her rapidly deteriorating skin elasticity and it wasn't hot or even a bit x-rated.

Indian bindi excites Lindsay Lohan

Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lohan got a taste of Indian culture during her recent visit to the city as she ate 'kachuri' and went away wearing the traditional Indian bindi. Her only complaint, however, was those of mosquito-bites.
"Lohan got excited on seeing a small girl wearing a bindi and asked if she could also wear it. Then one of the children placed it on her forehead," a source present on the spot told PTI.
Dressed in a black sleeveless top, black tights and knee -length black boots, Lohan kept wearing the red-colured 'bindi' till she slipped into her car.
The 'Mean Girls' actress had visited the inmates of 'Sanlaap', an NGO at Narendrapur, on the outskirts of the city Friday, to shoot for a BBC documentary on child trafficking.
Lohan, once famous for her hook-ups, alcohol and drug addictions, was so engrossed in listening to the heart-wrenching tales of trafficking victims that she even forgot to have her lunch.
"Minutes before going away, she realised that she hasn't eaten her food. Then she quickly ate some locally-made cookies, sandwiches and khasta-kachuris," he said.
Although she described her visit to the NGO as the best moment of her lifetime, the 23-year-old actress had one complaint – mosquito-bites.
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^Apparently Lindsay wants to save the world one girl at a time.

(chelsea handler)
How does anyone think it is normal to record every conversation they have? Seriously, I imagine all the mirrors in his house to have FBI-style recording equipment behind them.
Michael Lohan photoshoot
Dec 14 2009


^ Ah- a (supposed) copy of his Not Arrested Photo! Obviously, another cheap attempt by the vast, Anti Lohan Conspiracy to discredit him... :blink:
How does anyone think it is normal to record every conversation they have? Seriously, I imagine all the mirrors in his house to have FBI-style recording equipment behind them.

I know, its creepy how everytime someone takes action against him he brings up the fact that he has recordings of all of their conversations; with Lindsay, Dina, his ex-girlfriend. Disturbing.
Let's see, I have a medical dictionary here...humm- ah, here it is: Paranoid... :unsure: Ah, "can be brought on by excessive drink or use of...other things"...I see...
The answer to the final question would be...yes.

India is unimpressed with Lindsay
'Mother Theresa' Lohan

You gotta feel sort of bad for Lindsay Lohan. Even when she's trying to drum up publicity for a good cause, theres an instinct within the media to snickers and deride her. Sure, it's unclear how exactly she saved forty Indian children but have you ever read about the things other saints have done? Stranger things have happened.
India doesn't think so, though. As Lohan returns from her miraculous BBC taping, an actual Indian charity is calling foul on her claims. An activist from Bachpan Bachao Andolan is lashing out at Lohan's blase Twittering, claiming it demeans the actual process of difficult social activism.
It seems the forty kids Lohan's referring to were indeed rescued, after two months of raids and negotiation, early Tuesday prior to her landing in India.
The BBC responded with this statement: "Lindsay Lohan has just completed filming in India for a BBC Three project on child trafficking. We would like to stress that she did not say she was present at the raid, this is a misinterpretation. She was merely referring to a raid that happened connected to child trafficking - the subject of the programme."
This is the thing: if it was Angelina Jolie making these claims instead of Lohan, would there be a fuss? Is her reputation so smeared that nothing she does can be appreciated?
To be fair, she didn't write "I JUST SAVED 40 KIDS", she said "40 children saved today".

I know I pick on her as much as some people but I'm kind of confused over why people are criticising her for this one.
Really an entire country with over a billion people isn't impressed with Lindsay? How does 1 man speak for the entire country, the majority who do not even know or care who she is.. its all media.. I'm not a LiLo fan by any means.. but I don't get how she is being criticized for this either.
It's something about the way she worded her comments that really puts me off, like a sense of arrogance? There's just nothing genuine there. There's no acknowledgement of the people or the charity who actually did help the kids, no encouraging people to help in any way they can eg donating money, nothing like that. Obviously any work helping disadvantaged kids is great but given Lindsay's recent (for the past five years) behaviour, you have to wonder if she would do any charity work without the presence of cameras.
^ She never gets credit for her charity work! What about her continuing support of bartenders and cocktail waitresses in both Los Angeles and New York!!? And how about the struggling small businessman- 'Doctor Nick', Louie 'Leave a message and I'll call you back' in Hollywood and Big Tony from Jersey City (His motto: I deliver!!") Which reminds me of Lindsay's favorite opening line when she sees someone attractive in a club: "You're not a Cop, are you?" :unsure:
To be fair, she didn't write "I JUST SAVED 40 KIDS", she said "40 children saved today".

I know I pick on her as much as some people but I'm kind of confused over why people are criticising her for this one.

Me too. I think she twittered without thinking (!) and didn't see how it could be read differently. People should remember that Lindsay hasn't been very well educated so things like this don't occur to her.

I think she's at least TRYING to do something good and she should be given a break for that.
^ Yeah, what the hell- she's as qualified for CEO as she is to design a collection... :huh:

WWD reports that Ungaro CEO and President Mounir Moufarrige has resigned. Perhaps related, Moufarrige was responsible for bringing Lindsay Lohan on as Artistic Advisor, a move that allegedly caused lead designer Esteban Cortazar to quit and resulted in a fall fashion show that Emanuel Ungaro called a disaster. Most recently, Mouffarige told Reuters that Lohan would certainly be staying on at the fashion house and that she had a job to do. But apparently Mouffarige doesn't, anymore.
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Maybe Lindsay will get to be CEO now?! :innocent:

Perhaps she'll become CEO by default when everyone else has left :innocent:

I read that her lawyer attended court on her behalf yesterday, and the judge said Lindsay was in full compliance with the orders and was attending all the classes. No tests though :unsure: Guess we'll never know what caused her to be rushed to hospital during Paris fashion week - oh no, wait. Lindsay said that was 'food poisoning' ^_^
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