Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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^ Ah, food poisoning! Right up there with vertigo and 'exhaustion'!! ;)
She may not be on the Oscar nominees list, or in any way associated with any of the films, but she has made one list :magic:

Hot Messes Of The 2000s

Hot messes aren't just disaster areas. They're not just scandal makers. They're a very specific breed of person who is persistently crazy in both style and substance. Someone who deteriorates or intensifies or explodes over time. Someone you can't believe actually exists. Yes, they're pitiful, they're bonkers, and some are under the influence, but they're also mesmerizing. Here's our list of the hottest messes of the decade. Enjoy!
Just think, it was only last decade when little Lindsay played a pair of precocious tots in the "Parent Trap." This decade she played a decidedly different pair of twins--one of whom was an amputated stripper. In real life she's been in and out of rehab, in and out of bed with a series of celebs and always in the tabloids.
A few more details on the Ungaro Train Wreck...

Lindsay Lohan is still employed at the house, but won't be left to run it all by her lonesome (she's got to get those Purple shoots done, too!). Marie Founrier, an eighteen-year veteran of Ungaro, will oversee all operations — and presumably chaperone Lindsay — as general manager. But with Moufarrige gone, one wonders how long Lindsay will last. The fall 2010 season is approaching at a terrifying rate (the men's shows start next month!), and Moufarrige was the only person who seemed to have confidence in her and her heart-shaped nipple pastie ways. We even heard rumors that after hiring her, he put in frantic calls to editors for advice, seemingly doubting his decision. Is he jumping ship before things get worse? And what could possibly be in store for fall? Plastic pants and rainbow face stickers? Let's hope not.

From E! Online...

Lindsay Lohan can't do anything quietly, and that includes hosting a holiday party for the staff of her 6126 leggings line.
It was paparazzi madness when she showed up at Beverly Hills eatery E. Baldi around 2 p.m. yesterday.
"That gray really brings out of the color of your eyes!" one pap yelled, although L.L. was wearing sunglasses.
And for once, it wasn't really her fault. LiLo didn't answer any questions about her recent trip to India. She's also been uncharacteristically quiet on her Twitter for the past few days...what gives?
Me too. I think she twittered without thinking (!) and didn't see how it could be read differently. People should remember that Lindsay hasn't been very well educated so things like this don't occur to her.

I think she's at least TRYING to do something good and she should be given a break for that.

Seriously, she's not so bright but (most of the time at least) her heart seems to be in the right place.
^ I know! I've seen her interviewed in her (few and far between) sober days, and she really does seem like a sweet girl, although perhaps not the brightest...Maybe if at some point she can get various things out of her system for long periods of time, she will be a different person...;)
^ I know! I've seen her interviewed in her (few and far between) sober days, and she really does seem like a sweet girl, although perhaps not the brightest...Maybe if at some point she can get various things out of her system for long periods of time, she will be a different person...;)

Ugh, I hope she starts sobering up and changing her ways for good.
It seems unlikely, though... Fame has a way of driving people insane. I feel that, mentally, Lindsay just isn't there anymore. Paris has probably done a better job at handling the fame :neutral:
Paris did get lock up for a few weeks in the pokey and had to deal with the voices in her head so that probably helped. I feel like Paris wasn't the same after that, she seemed to tone it down or it could be that the media felt she peaked or just got sick of her.

I think Linsday needs some serious alone time to sort things out. But I stand by the fact that she brings this all on herself. She has all these opportunity and does nothing. She worships Marilyn Monroe and thinks that being like her automatically gives her sympathy but the thing that gives Marilyn sympathy imo is that she's dead and it didn't have to be that way. The woman rolled around in self pity and depression and looked for others to bail her out of her own problems and they often did. But Lindsay doesn't seem to get that she isn't living in the 1950's where smoking was considered "good" for you and doctors didn't get that liquor and pills is dangerous. She needs to learn from her "idol" and get her sh*t together, but instead she thinks it's glamorous to follow in her footsteps. Being dead at a young age isn't glamorous, it's a waste of a perfectly hopeful life. She is 23 years old she is an adult. She needs to stop being a child. People need to stop treating her like a child. She cried on the phone recording her Dad has that she doesn't have that one person to be there for her through everything. Well when you push people away from you who don't BS you and tell you what you don't want to hear, what are you left with? Yes people who don't care what happen to you. She wants to help stop trafficking of women and children-excellent! but it's what she does in her everyday life after she leaves India that's going to tell whether she learned anything. JMO.
^ A+ post I agree with everything you've said, especially the Marilyn stuff. I feel like 99% of the weird sh*t Lindsay gets up to is just her trying to be this "glamorous tragic trainwreck die young, stay pretty" icon and it's just embarassing.
^ Very true! Other than it being a different time back with Marilyn, you did not have such wall to wall celeb coverage on TV, cell phone video and the Internet- you could get away with misbehaving! Now... (Can you imaging sleeping with the President of the United States and his brother and no one being aware of it today??) :rolleyes: Marilyn and Lindsay were both beautiful and talented, but Marilyn was much older during the main part of her career and looked much better, and she got the job done- she made several classic movies during her personal turmoils and stayed a 'star'- she was not carried out of clubs every night looking like she should be taken to the hospital...This India embarrassment is so typical of someone with Lindsay's problems- they will boldly announce that they will save the world, but if you asked them to stop using and start jogging for two weeks they could not do it! Lindsay worries about the media, Sam, her father, whatever sort of boyfriend is around for a few days, her next 'big deal' (drawn up on a cocktail napkin in some club) but never seems to look in the mirror and think "OK, here's where I'll start fixing things..."- anything but...She needs professional help, not flying all over the world making a fool of herself...
The next Ungaro show is in like four weeks- can't wait to see what happens next with that embarrassment...:(
Lindsay/Ungaro news of the day!! :rolleyes:

Gosh, it seems no-one can stay still at Ungaro. Hot on the heels of his decision to keep Lindsay Lohan on as Artistic Advisor after her critically panned debut collection, the label’s CEO Mounir Moufarrige has resigned from the company.
Moufarrige will stay on to advise as part of the strategic committee and Marie Fournier will take over as General Manager. Fournier has worked at Ungaro for eighteen years as Vice President having previously worked for eight years at Christian Dior. An Ungaro statement said Moufarrige will be focussing on his other business projects, including his watch companies U-Boat and Welder.
Taking on the role at Ungaro back in 2006, Moufarrige was the man behind the decision to recruit Lilo in the first place, after initially considering several showbiz personalities for the role including Madonna and Paris Hilton. Eventually bringing in Lindsay along with new designer Estrella Archs (who replaced Esteban Cortazar after he left following the decision to involve Lindsay), Moufarrige said of the headline-grabbing actress;
“She knows clothes. She will be a travelling advertisement. [Lindsay will bring] something younger, more cool, with a different attitude.”

And this wasn’t his first risky appointment – he previously courted controversy in 1997 by replacing the much-revered Karl Lagerfeld with newcomer Stella McCartney during his time as President at Chloe. This paid off, turning out to be a fantastic decision, but it’s no secret the enlisting of Lindsay seems to have really backfired on Ungaro. The reputation of the actress has gone from bad to worse over the last few years, and her poorly received design efforts were slated by the fashion press, and rejected by buyers from fashion boutiques in the
So the court FINALLY starts to do it's job! (After several years...) Once a week? How about every day for about six months...? And the odds of her doing this without any further problems...?:doh:
Lohan all for alcohol-education

Thursday , Dec 17, 2009
Hollywood star Lindsay Lohan's will have to put her ambitions to "change the world” on the back-burner as a court order has told her that alcohol education classes must now take precedence over all her work.
The 'Mean Girls' actress, who is on probation after being convicted for driving under the influence of alcohol, was ordered by Judge Marsha Revel that her classes must now take precedence over everything else, reported.
"I am going to order that this has to be done. It's been long enough. This has to be a top priority whether she has a job somewhere else or doesn't or something else comes up. This has to be done once a week," said the judge at the Superior Court in Beverly Hills.
"Right now, the other things will take second place and this will take first place," she added.
The 23-year-old star was on a visit to India to shoot a documentary with BBC on the trafficking of women and children has a deadline of July 15, 2010, to complete the six months of programme time.
In October, Lohan was ordered to a Beverly Hills court amid reports that the actress was not complying with the court-ordered alcohol education lessons.
Sources running the course contacted the court about Lindsay's conduct and that she has been "outright violating the terms of the programme".
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Yes finally! It should have been this way from the start.

I wish there was some kind of managerial conservatorship that could control what work she accepts. Would be great if she stopped doing all this crappy work around the world and just vanished for 1 or 2 years, complete all her rehab classes, maybe attend acting school or join a small theatre. I feel like the more she accepts work like hotel openings, softcore p*rn shoots and cheap product launches, the more she cements her status as an ex A lister

Look at her Mean Girls co-star Rachel McAdams getting the US Vogue cover, lead role in Sherlock Holmes and sitting front row at fashion week with Anna Wintour. She's 8 years older than Lindsay but looks younger too :(
^ You're quite right, I think this game is coming to an end, one way or another...I think the judge needs to get her in the courtroom standing there and say "This is it- mandatory classes and AA Meetings (they can require that) and random testing...You've had too many breaks already; next time you go to jail for violating your probation! You can't leave town with prior approval, and I have the option of ordering you to a mandatory stay in rehab (of my choice) at my discretion." Something like that may be a very effective answer to the whole problem...You know- tough love? :huh: She must have some kind of powerful lwyers that she has gotten away with this farce for years now...
I wonder why none of her scripts are being picked up :rolleyes:

@samantharonson fly safe! for this xmas i want to be in @adamlambert s next video!! @adamlambert they already started filming the new season!!!!!!!!! @angelcarter woman, i need my shiz @johncmayer simmer @johncmayer :) @YzzaBel simmer down what up ***** it POLO I never ever ever posted the last tweet on my page, my friends did with my friend polo himself! So sorry! @chrissiemiller: My kid is on the news! @chrissiemiller ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh amazing geez
^ It is an outrage that the literary community ignores her all the time! :angry:
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Another member of the Lohan family makes her media debut. Meet 68 year old Marilyn Lohan :blink: ....oh yea, and here's the police report. (what did you expect? :rolleyes: )

Nassau Country Police Department
Crime Report

Defendant: Muller, Erin
Person(s) Involved: Lohan, Michael - Lohan, Marilyn

Arrest Narrative
written by 4863 on 12/17/09
On 11/14/2009 at about 23:30 hours the defendant and victim pulled into the driveway at the place of occurance which is the victims mother's home. Witness Marilyn Lohan saw the defendants Mercedes in the driveway and looked out the window and observed what occured. The victim Lichael Lohan was the passenger in the car and the defendant was the driver. The victim reported that he did not want the defendant to drive any more and they got into a verbal argument, because he thought she was drunk and ****. the victim got out of the car and tried to get the defendant not to drive. When the victim opened the drivers door the defendant at one point intentionally kicked him in the head. The victim did not receive any injuries but was alarmed at her actions. The witness yelled out to the victim and defendant as to what was going on and they left the driveway in the vehicle. The defendant surrendered to Det. Keteltas at the Second Squad on 12/17/2009 at 01:05 hours for arrest processing.
full report

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