Keeping Up with Lindsay (please put all Lohan news here)

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No offense but how could a mature healthy (emotionally and otherwise) person want to be with someone who acts like a spoiled child.

People just assume that it must be others that are to blame and not Lindsay herself. She has all the opportunities to get herself better. She could surround herself with better people. Those people are out there. I'm just sick of this mentality that she needs a Prince Charming to rescue her. She needs to own up. I have empathy for the girl cause she comes from a pretty f#@k up family and Hollywood is not the best place for self esteem but seriously you have be proactive in your own life. I feel for her, I do, but I am so sick of this poor baby crap. She isn't a baby she is 23 almost 24. This whole cry for help is beginning to look like BS. She was in rehab (possible one the best in the whole damn country) for help. She knows what she needs to do. This IMO isn't a cry for help it's a cry for attention.

Well said...i truely understand.
Well said...i truely understand.

I was re-reading my post and just so you know that wasn't directed at you in particular it's just my train of thought on the matter. Sorry if it came across that way. :flower:

I feel for Lindsay and wish her the best and sometimes I wish I could shake her and tell her what she really needs to hear but I know that people like that would just plug their ears with their fingers and not listen.
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^ I agree with everything you've said, too...And I'm sick of the Leave Lindsay Alone attitude! She is a grown woman who not only had an amazing career underway but had been given gifts far beyond most young people, her family not withstanding, and after she had problems she had the best of treatment several times...SHE is the one who is causing problems now, not all of these other factors...That is why I hope some responsible Judge will send her to a mandatory treatment facility in the mountains somewhere for a long time, because she has shown absolutely no indication of being able to address her problems on her own...:(
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more from his twitter
#Remember the excitement of buying all the presents and Riley jumping around. but cuts like a knife to think of the lies and betrayal. 7:34 PM Dec 23rd from web
# Here we go.It doesn't end. Well, at least we are off to Chicago. Time to get out of Dodge before the lies start again. about 13 hours ago from web
Her whole family is drama, and they all love it. What white trash they all are. Their money cant come close to buying them class.
^ Their money!!? :lol:Any money there ever was came from Lindsay who hasn't had a decent paying job in years, as if that stopped any of the spending...and the rest of them are useless...I'd respect Dina more if she worked weekends at a TGI Friday's as a hostess- at least it would be trying to earn a respectable living..Selling off your children's clothes on the Internet? :o I mean, that's really kind of pathetic...:(
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Dina is sending Lindsay on another humanitarian trip, to save the children of Guatemala.

Troubled star Lindsay Lohan has returned from her humanitarian trip to India "a changed woman", her mother Dina Lohan has claimed.
The "Mean Girls' star's mother also says that she was "humbled and moved" by the plight of the children she saw while filming a BBC documentary about human trafficking in India, New York Post reported.
The 23-year-old actress has had a tumultuous past ridden with drug addiction and stints at the rehab. She is well known on the celebrity the party scene and has been booked for driving under influence more than once.
But her mother is convinced that her trip to India has changed Lindsay as a person, who is willing to do more such philanthropic work.
"Lindsay definitely wants to give more back. We are now planning a trip to help the children of Guatemala, which will be filmed by Oprah's network," said Dina.
Cody and Ali are on twitter now :ermm:

BORREEEDD. my life is the best. talking to my sister!! i need to talk to ali hohoho!! im so bored. the soccer is the best!!! reallyy!!! @lindsaylohan heyy sister whats up i love u hoho. omg soccerr!! my sis is in India!! xO @TomCruise heey toom!! u movies your movies are the best!! @Sparkle_Boots hello!! :D. im soooo happyy!!!!! :) @LLROCKSFAN iss veeryy cuteeeeeeee!! ali birtdaayy!!! om sooo haaappyy!!! :D

This is the REAL Ali Lohan #RT, this!
about 6 hours ago from web
^ Wow...Now I can sleep...can't wait till tomorrow- maybe there'll be some more Ali soccer news.. :blink:
^ not OK How can WE ALL help this girl?

She's not a girl anymore. She's an adult woman who should want to help herself before anyone else can.

It's not really fair to compare Brittany Murphy to Lindsay. Brittany was serious about her acting and was not out clubbing and carrying on for the papparrazi the way Lindsay does.
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Goodness, La Lohan's a gossip worthy piece. She's becoming the next Tara Reid. My sisters used to like her movies. Now, they say she's a train wreck. Sad...

LINDSAY LOHAN's festive celebrations were marred as her parents ended up in court over a child support battle.
The Mean Girls star's mother Dina took her ex-husband Michael to court on 23 December (09), accusing him of failing to pay $40,000 (£25,000) in child support.
The former husband and wife are parents to the 23-year-old actress, as well as her younger siblings Michael Jr., Aliana and Dakota.
Dina claims her ex made a considerable sum of money after releasing taped private phone calls with Lindsay to the media earlier this year (09) - and wants him to hand over the payments he allegedly owes.
She tells the New York Post gossip column Page Six, "It is sad that the day before Christmas Eve, I was back in court with Michael over child support. He claims he's broke and can't pay - yet he drives around in a Mercedes and has a house in the Hamptons.
"He got paid for selling tape recordings of private conversations relating to Lindsay, but he won't pay for his children."
But the Lohan matriarch is determined to remain optimistic as she rings in the New Year (10) with her kids.
She adds, "A lot has happened, but we'll end the year on a positive note. We always have a big celebration, we always invite all manner of strays and friends to join in."
27 December 2009
What the hell is wrong with Lindsay Lohan?


Troubled Lindsay Lohan poses in her swimsuit - revealing a body etched with scars, bruises and cuts.

The Mean Girls star, 23, had marks on her thigh, armpit and tattooed arms as she strolled along a beach last week for a photo-shoot.
One fan said: "Lindsay could barely raise a smile and looked deep in thought as she played with her tousled hair. As for those body marks, I guess they'll need some real air brushing."

It's a far cry from the fresh-faced 12-year-old starlet who burst onto the screen in Disney's The Parent Trap. Since then, Lindsay has battled drugs, faced drink-driving raps and split with DJ lover Samantha Ronson, 31.

Lindsay blamed the marks on pole dancing lessons she has taken to prepare for her role as a stripper in thriller I Know Who Killed Me.
She said: "I have bruises all over. That's why I haven't worn shorts."

She is due to appear in a series of flicks in 2010 including Robert De Niro movie Machete.​
Pole dancing lessons, what- 18 months ago!? Jeeze- good explanation, Lindsay...I would rather hear that she got caught in a knife fight between The Jets and The Sharks- that would be more believable... :blink:
~stunning~ ~radiant~ ~not attention seeking~ ~not unemployed~

Jersey Shore season 2 auditions

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