No offense but how could a mature healthy (emotionally and otherwise) person want to be with someone who acts like a spoiled child.
People just assume that it must be others that are to blame and not Lindsay herself. She has all the opportunities to get herself better. She could surround herself with better people. Those people are out there. I'm just sick of this mentality that she needs a Prince Charming to rescue her. She needs to own up. I have empathy for the girl cause she comes from a pretty f#@k up family and Hollywood is not the best place for self esteem but seriously you have be proactive in your own life. I feel for her, I do, but I am so sick of this poor baby crap. She isn't a baby she is 23 almost 24. This whole cry for help is beginning to look like BS. She was in rehab (possible one the best in the whole damn country) for help. She knows what she needs to do. This IMO isn't a cry for help it's a cry for attention.
Well said...i truely understand.