Share with us... Your Best & Worst Collections of F/W 2025.26
Name Michael Lohan
Location Southampton, NY
Bio A whole new beginning, living the life I loved and God wants. Filled with people of a similar heart. Square for New Years and Grammy's to follow. The bonus is, I get to address all Erins LIES that her lawyer is now withdrawing. Cute. File a motion full of lies to defame me, then when you find out I have PROOF she did all the things , NOT ME, run for the hills I stopped p[aying her bills, the SL500 I paid for got repoed, I had to pay her lawyers for her to file bankruptcy and then she does this. Her father stood outside a door when she was raped by her boss(at 13 yrs old), she became a mess and it led to drinking ***** and sex anyone she would get**** as a kite, have sex ( with up to three guys) and then claim to me they raped her. same thing she did with her **** dealer in EHampton.The same person who convncd her to file false chrgs cuz I was reprting ***** in her apt Her family overlooked the *****,sex,lies, incest, rapes and never was there for her.When she went to the hospital they thought she had AIDS Now after the affair with her brother in law(she claims was r*pe),affair wth married office employees, her uncle and fathers friend I am the bad guy. She is morally and finacially bankrupt I PAID in so many ways, and even now, her father overlooks her playing her legal bills the way she pays her dealer.He is the biggest coward I ever met and I WILL PROVE EVERYTHING Her attorn hasey one more chance to call my attyorney to mediate all of this or EVERYTHING will be seen and heard. Bet her attorney,Bryan KONOSKI,didnt even tell her the offer because he is having 2 much fun COLLECTING his bill. He'll see the real her too Alot more to come in days to come. But I hope we can mediate this and start the new year right. Erin has been through so much before me I really hope she gets help and takes better advice that then what her LIAR/LOVER/Lawyer gives her, That's all I ever wanted for her.she nos NowErin has a friend(Marky Hutt)text me and threaten me to stop tweetting. Same kid who says hes lindsays friend.same kid I got out of jail I have over 30 texts to prove it. @markyhutt crawl into the whole you came from with Erin. She has you fooled too. But not 4 long I have too mjuch proof. Now on you too. Yes TMZ its me!! While u r at it, read the AP tomorrow and watch the rebttal to Erins motion my lawyer files.But mine will be full of proof Unlike hers, which was ALLLLLLL lies and accusations. She accuses people of doing the exact things she does. WATCH and SEE! I am not the one who has been on *************, an alcoholic,**** and sex addict.Wait till her next victim sees for him/herself(thats right)Marky u r the 1 who needs the prayers.try to remeber all the noights you called messed up and when in jail. who was there 4u?Karma does suck
"The SL500 I paid for got repoed..." Umm- one of those things is well over $90,000. 1) How was it repossessed if it was paid for by you?![]()
To answer everybody's question...My new years resolution is to stop letting the lucky few that have my heart, try2constantly tear me down is about moving forward, not backwards. Leaving the bad (people, habbits, and negative energy behind) time to make changes-right!?!?![](),the year has started off with a miracle.2 begin with Erin's lawyer wrote a a couple of letters that will put him in some HOT water. What made him do iyt, only GOD knows,either thrown off the case and definitely a trip to the ethichs and grievance board. Now it's not going to b hard to prove all the things ERin said in her motion were publicity and nothiung more than lies RAdaronline and X17online, will have the proof. One more chance to mediate for ERin and her liar/lawyer b4 it ALL starts to come out.Then we will C who the liars is and if the things she said I did to her was me,or acttually,things she did to me, said only to covr her butt So, it all starting ANEW! just like the sacred heart inbedded on my shoulder, my dedication to the Lord and even the new X5!!! I will be headed on a month long mission trip to the Island after Sundance with my brother Jonathan ( from London) and his mission team. But b4 that, my attorney has a mediator ( Stephanie Ovadia) contacting Dina to settle all our finacial and personal differences. 2 Lindsay,Michael,Ali,Cody and a the most wonderful woman on earth.I am so sorry for the lies Erin'd lawyer spewd,the things I have said & any hurt or embarrassment I may have caused.I acted out of concern and emotion regarding what I heard about Lindsay.LUV you& I have ur gifts Thanks for being there Major. You have shown me what others didn't! Hearts on FIRE ! Great tat! Copy Cat!!! Some people still live in denial and turn there heads, while the truth "lies" in their hearts. NOT MINE! Calls&texts can make you crazy!Tnxks Pastor Jimmy.Pastor Bobby,Steph&Kate for holding it down.Had a jet waiting in the middle of the"storm" Still some , will never change the destructive things they do. That means you EM! What we think is concealed will always be revealed. You!!!! the one I spent the entire night on the phone with. Just know that I luv you and thank you for reaching out and having faith in me! Peas and carrots. .. Kooter and Daisy.. franks and beans... all seem to find a way to co exist. YOU know what I mean. I luv pizza Thanks 4 helping for the breakthrough in my case...seems like b/w u and Pastor Bobby, Gary & T.Grandinette- nail in coffin @X17ONLINE & @radaronline thx 4 helping me 2 get the truth out and expose things 4 what they are @k8major Is it rock hard Mikes or Mike's hard rock what you like best? OMG!!! did I say that ? @LindsayLohan Hold on honey.You WILL overcome.Now all mommy has2do is get on the same page.Hope Stephanie helps.Cuz she will.FAITH&HOPE&LOVE Time to pray and sleep.Goodnight all.Back after gym 2morrow .Down 12 pounds(170)since I ended the madness and ready for Gosselin.10lbs 2 go